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Seeking arrangements success!


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  • 5 months later...
Well, I thought the whole thing sounded kinda lame but I had a little time on my hands so I created a profile. I can't say I found much in the first few days: twinks, fakes, flakes, the usual assortment of game players. Then I met a guy who is an aspiring fitness model based in Toronto. I took a leap of faith and flew him to New York. Well, we just spent the better part of the past 10 days at my place in CT. It was amazing. He's 23, ripped, beautiful, and for this initially visit all he wanted was his airfare and other expenses covered.


So, perhaps, it's not a bad site after all. It was worth the $70 initial fee.


Do you still see him?


Have you found others?


If you answer yes... what are you doing on here?

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  • 2 months later...
I looked at the SA profile I had set up a few months ago and had over 200 messages. :eek:

That site is like the Wild Wild West compared to RM.




I read through all the three pages of this thread. I must be blind or else I need my eyes checked because I never saw a link to the site that is being discussed nor did I see a full name of the site so that I could do a search for the site address.


Question, what is the name of the site and is there a link? Thanks in advance.


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I read through all the three pages of this thread. I must be blind or else I need my eyes checked because I never saw a link to the site that is being discussed nor did I see a full name of the site so that I could do a search for the site address.


Question, what is the name of the site and is there a link? Thanks in advance.



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I read through all the three pages of this thread. I must be blind or else I need my eyes checked because I never saw a link to the site that is being discussed nor did I see a full name of the site so that I could do a search for the site address.


Question, what is the name of the site and is there a link? Thanks in advance.



It's called Seeking Arrangements.





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Exactly! I am delighted to hear it working out so well for MrMiniver so far. Before getting into an 'arrangement', a background check is something I would require. To avoid that the expected payoff is something ... you didn't expect. But if you can survive each other being cooped up together for 10 days, chances are that there is something there. Congratulations, and good luck!


You mean a background check for both the client and his potential new friend?

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For me the benefit is finding someone I really click with and having lots of meets with the intimacy that comes with having gotten to know someone.

I suppose it's like having a "regular" but there's more of an element of something like a periodic allowance - better stability for someone with sporadic income.

As others have said, the guys here are all over the map with expectations. I was quoted a $5000 monthly allowance earlier this week by a 19 year old I'd only chatted with briefly. And I suspect that the opposite is also true - younger guys being taken advantage of.

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For me the benefit is finding someone I really click with and having lots of meets with the intimacy that comes with having gotten to know someone.

I suppose it's like having a "regular" but there's more of an element of something like a periodic allowance - better stability for someone with sporadic income.

As others have said, the guys here are all over the map with expectations. I was quoted a $5000 monthly allowance earlier this week by a 19 year old I'd only chatted with briefly. And I suspect that the opposite is also true - younger guys being taken advantage of.

I am now taking a look... the amount you quoted by a 19 year old is absurd... what you have been thinking? Get something going with them, then YOU decide on $.... You have the $... you are in the driver's seat... how could younger guys been taken advantage of, if they were over 21? rape?

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I am now taking a look... the amount you quoted by a 19 year old is absurd... what you have been thinking? Get something going with them, then YOU decide on $.... You have the $... you are in the driver's seat... how could younger guys been taken advantage of, if they were over 21? rape?

They could be taken advantage of the same way an escort could. Offering too much for too little.



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Yep- unlike RM where there are some fairly basic, easily understood conventions and ranges of rates, there is no frame of reference upon which either party can base a proposed agreement. Anything either party proposes is completely arbitrary. The out of state guy who gave me the number I cited said "I figured I'd aim high to start out with lol" . I'm not sure how to continue a conversation like that.


Inexperienced guys may see champagne and caviar and have very high, unrealistic expectations. Conversely, young guys may be in a difficult financial situation and, if their match refuses to honor his agreement to pay a monthly allowance, be in an intractable situation.


I think it has potential for some good matches but it's much harder to tap-dance around the "mutual benefits" topic and get into a comfortable arrangement.

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Edited by jjkrkwood
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I am looking for my OWN special arrangement, a guy 80's - 90's who will pay ME to change his Depends, clean his dentures, make sure his oxygen tubes are in place, and feed him liquids.... Of course, I also want to be BENEFICIARY !


I was helping to raise funds for a non-profit and we were going to visit a man to solicit a donation. The professional fund raiser declared our man was his favorite type to solicit: old, poor health and no heirs or family members. Sounds like your man, too :)

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Yep- unlike RM where there are some fairly basic, easily understood conventions and ranges of rates, there is no frame of reference upon which either party can base a proposed agreement. Anything either party proposes is completely arbitrary. The out of state guy who gave me the number I cited said "I figured I'd aim high to start out with lol" . I'm not sure how to continue a conversation like that.


Inexperienced guys may see champagne and caviar and have very high, unrealistic expectations. Conversely, young guys may be in a difficult financial situation and, if their match refuses to honor his agreement to pay a monthly allowance, be in an intractable situation.


I think it has potential for some good matches but it's much harder to tap-dance around the "mutual benefits" topic and get into a comfortable arrangement.

Extremely helpful. And eloquently explained, as always. Thank you.

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Let's call these guys what they actually are: GOLDDIGGERS, that are looking for the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous....... (what happened to the days of getting a REAL job ?)



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Let's call these guys what they actually are: GOLDDIGGERS, that are looking for the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous....... (what happened to the days of getting a REAL job ?)



Well, as a civic-minded citizen I want to do my share and offer a young gentleman that opportunity to GET a job and do an honest day's work (oh, who am I kidding... an honest half hour's work <sigh> ).


Once that wall goes up and VERY thorough immigration vetting begins the domestic labor force will be squeaky-tight. :D

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Well, as a civic-minded citizen I want to do my share and offer a young gentleman that opportunity to GET a job and do an honest day's work (oh, who am I kidding... an honest half hour's work <sigh> ).


Once that wall goes up and VERY thorough immigration vetting begins the domestic labor force will be squeaky-tight. :D



I am counting on still being able to pickup a well muscled Mexican, who speaks very little English on the side of the road, and checking out his "burrito", while waving a few pesos in his face.

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