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Seeking arrangements success!


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I’ve given 3 different friends I met on SA $200 allowance when we’ve spent the night together. (Plus meals, Uber, and whatever else)


I don’t view it as bragging. Bragging implies bargaining or somehow getting a “deal”.

If I were to view it in transactional terms, it’s not a deal given how much time i spent filtering out flakes and losers.

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I’ve also found there are levels of expectations on Seeking, from both sides of the arrangement.


As @Keith30309 mentions above, not every arrangement is a multi-thousands of dollars a month plan. There are many, many young men on there where far less means a great deal to them, and a modest amount can benefit their day-to-day living. Because of my busy life and schedule I *never* commit to weekly/monthly arrangements, and in fact tell my seeking prospects in the second or third message that that’s not what I’m looking for, and I prefer a by-the-visit arrangement.


A minority say “no thanks” when I mention this. A majority continue the conversation.


Helpful hint, avoid the ones who ask “how much” immediately, and when actual allowance discussions begin move off seeking to another more private messaging platform.

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Is not dating if money is involved. You’re hiring/paying

This is a tricky topic. I had an 8 month arrangement with a guy and I’d slip $400/wk into his desk drawer at his apartment, regardless of how many times we met or what we did. Many visits were simply going out to a leisurely lunch.


We became pretty close, to the point of meeting his sibling a few times for lunch, and neither of us were comfortable with the idea that I was “hiring” him. Perhaps it was a case of mutual delusion and dual rationalization but we came to regard this money as something I could easily do to help a friend.


I’m happy with that. He was happy with that. That’s all that counts.

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This is a tricky topic. I had an 8 month arrangement with a guy and I’d slip $400/wk into his desk drawer at his apartment, regardless of how many times we met or what we did. Many visits were simply going out to a leisurely lunch.


We became pretty close, to the point of meeting his sibling a few times for lunch, and neither of us were comfortable with the idea that I was “hiring” him. Perhaps it was a case of mutual delusion and dual rationalization but we came to regard this money as something I could easily do to help a friend.


I’m happy with that. He was happy with that. That’s all that counts.


Good point! If he had such a good time he might place and ad on RM and be open to meeting other men like you.


$400 a week might be enough to cover renting a room or an apartment in some parts of the country.

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Oh yeah... regarding the overnight visits. Money isn’t really a factor in my SA overnight experience.


There are lots of young guys who seek out the company of older men. I’ve seen desire for mentorship, a need to be with someone stable, a desire for a sense of emotional security, a sexual interest in a daddy type, a desire for a luxury mini-vacation, and simple friendship. I’ve declined more offers to have someone spend the night than I accepted. Money wasn’t a factor in any of them.


On this Forum we all all pretty attuned to “hourly rates”, discounted multi-hours, and all the transactional elements of hiring an escort that it takes a little shift of mindset to understand the SA experience.

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Is not dating if money is involved


Maybe I’m misinterpreting what you wrote but I disagree @marylander1940. I think it’s assumed that any older single man, heterosexual or gay, will pay for dinner etc. on a first date. Maybe people will split the check on later occasions, but it’s still a date.


When I was single, I had many first dates with guys in their 20s (actors/models), 30s (professional jobs) and 40s (business owners/professional jobs). I always paid the check but I noticed the occasions were rare when a guy offered to pay half. Not all of my first dates ended in the bedroom.


FWIW I had 2 strange experiences while dating.

1. The first was a tall model, very easy on the eye, whom I took to dinner 3x. Our third date was convivial and he told me of a recent date he’d had (with a second-tier movie star who was “lousy in bed”). So after dinner I suggested he come home with me to finish the evening well - he declined, made an excuse and I never contacted him again.

2. The second was a very attractive trainee-doctor with whom I had a great first date. As I reached for the check, he grabbed it and offered to pay. I insisted that I pay as I’d invited him, but said he could pay next time. He called the next day to fix the second date; we had another good time together and he paid for dinner. And now it’s more than 5 years that we’ve been together.

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I live in Charlotte which is a smaller city, I guess. KeepitReal. Triple those numbers as a starter. 150 for meals...that's once. Help with rent? One bedrooms here run 1,200-1,500; two bedrooms low 2's. So to get him out of a roommate situation, you have around a thousand. Unfortunately there is no Walmart version of a SB relationship.

It really depends on how you define the arrangement. In my example, one of the assumptions was that when I "assist" with rent, that doesn't mean I am paying his rent, I am just chipping in when he is a little short. If you straight up pay his rent, then sure, that is a different assumption and will change the math dramatically. Once you definite your assumptions (aka what you will be willing to pay for) you will be able to gross it up to an annual salary to match. I start with "I am not willing to spend more than $1,000 a month to support a fella". :)



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If a daddy is having someone exclusively to him, and his support is the guy's sole income, 5K budget a month is probably the minimum, and 300k/500K income depending on the location is the threshold to me. If a daddy is seeing someone casually and supplementing the guy's income, then 1 to 2K budget works well, and thusmuch lower income. What's the percentage of daddy making 300K/500K and above?

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If I’m supporting someone as their sole income, they better be putting out 40 hours a week. Minimum. God, I wish I were rich.


Much more realistic. And statistically, if you're pulling 300K/year, you're in the "1%."


Translation - a lot of these boys on SA are going to be disappointed. How many of the 1% are gay men?


If my salary keeps going up, I'd love to get a houseboy/servant, but I've never been interested in "dating" like that. Probably a hangover from my own youth.

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It’s a great way to meet younger guys period


and the vibe is much different - and for me much better than an escort site


I think the main reason some clients are attracted to sites like this is the fact that is usually cheaper and they have plenty of time to go online and search.


If they're with a guy in exchange for money does it really matter how you meet them? I know escorts who have ads on SA just to search for a sugar daddy who might take them out of the business. I wonder if a certain Belgian met his Prince this way?


On the other side SA is bringing more young men to the business, and is a useful way to "test the waters", they can also screen potential clients and avoid those who they dislike the most.

Edited by marylander1940
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