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"For your age"

Prime Muscle
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Just a vent session here - no "real issues" to ponder or discuss like the other posts.


I was at the gym today and this young muscle toy asked for a spot so I obliged. It wasn't hard because this dude was hot. One thing lead to another and I ended up plowing his ass back as his apartment. Hot fuck! While I was getting dressed, he asked how old I was. So I told him - I just turned 35. I know that might seem ancient here in escort-land but I'm no where close to being put out to pasture. And I outlasted his young butt. Then came the ultimate slam - "Damn, you're pretty hot, FOR YOUR AGE!" What the fuck does that mean? Does that mean if I was as young as he was I would not be hot? Was he talking about my body or how hard my dick was or how fucking hard I plowed into him? I'm in much better shape now than I was 10 years ago and probably more horny. I thought about saying something but opted not to in favor of another plan. I'm guessing he liked this old man and his cock and he will be asking me for another spot - and another fuck. He'll pay for it.

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The Eye of the Beholder


Welcome to the club, Bobby. That may have been a first for you, but I can promise it won't be the last.


In the late '60s we weren't supposed to trust anybody over 30. I thought for a while that we'd got beyond that. Nope. The fact of the matter is that people in their early 20s cannot tell the age difference of anybody above about 30. For all they know, 35 is the same as 45 is the same as 55. I suspect that what he meant would confirm your worst fears: he actually thought you were OLD. And when he said that you're hot for your age, he meant that as a compliment. That's because he also meant that he very, very rarely thinks that any man not in his immediate age-cohort is hot. So do whatever you want with him, but don't take revenge. He can't help it. And neither could I when I was 21. More's the pity.


Of course, even when men are old enough to know better, even when they are escorts and in the business of saying the "right" thing -- and I say this from personal experience -- more than once I have heard a similar sentiment from somebody who'll never see 40 again. He and I would be in the same generation!


I also think that it "costs" some men something to acknowledge that another man is hot. It's like giving up a little power: I'd like to know that *he* thinks that *I'm* hot, but I don't want him to know that *I* think that *he's* hot.


Sad though it is, I have finally accepted the fact that in sexual matters men are slaves to testosterone.

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RE: The Eye of the Beholder


i have found that "older men" are better at escorting than young men (as a rule). experience is a great teacher and practice makes perfect. personally, as written in the reviews i have done, i find intelligence to be sexy. i generally hire for long periods of time from a few hours to weekends and "beauty" fades fast without intelligence and experience sharpens it.


from your reviews (and pictures), you are one great escort and seem to be an "O.K." guy that would be fun to spend time with. i think you will be able to escort as long as you want. some of the best escorts i've had have been in their 40's so don't let the young twirp get to you.


in american culture generally and in the gay world in particular, youth is worshiped and old age ignored. as a "boomer" i find it funny at some of the attempts i see of people trying to stay young. just be yourself and you'll be fine.

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RE: The Eye of the Beholder


>Welcome to the club, Bobby. That may have been a first for

>you, but I can promise it won't be the last.


>And when he said that you're hot for

>your age, he meant that as a compliment.


Agreed on both counts.


Ten years ago, my issue was being addressed as "Sir," increasingly by men I didn't consider all that young.


Once I hit fifty, though, I decided to allow that 'Sir' is typically a sign of respect. And later, the first time a young man stepped aside to let me pass through a door first (offering a slight but deferential bow), I almost offered him a scholarship on the spot.


Now, I like being older. For starters because I really, really wouldn't want to have to live through my Thirties again. I much prefer having figured things out, more or less, and I like being, well, established.


Anyhow, look at me. Woolgathering. And feeling pleased with myself.

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RE:" For Your Age"


I just turned 47, I am in the best shape and have more muscle than I have ever had in my life. Workout 5 days a week and run 3-5 miles most nights. I've had several Escorts comment on my body that I was Hot or not at all bad for a guy my age. I consider that as a compliment. Unfortunately I can't get past the age in my face or grey in my way to thin hair.


But, the best comments made to me so far are:


1) Wow, I don't need to use Viagra with you (Said to me by 2 different Escorts)




2) I told my roommate I had to work tonight but, It definitely is NOT "WORK" with you.

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You look great KYT. If the lines in your face or gray in your hair really bother you, but they shouldn't, then you can always do what others do and get botox, surgery, and professional hair coloring. Damn maybe those escort boys will then pay you! :)


Except for oral servicing, since you're a top, would the boys really need to use viagara? I agree, no one wants to slurp on a limp cock that doesn't get up.


As far as not being work, I think that has a lot to do with your whole personality and being, and not just your physical fitness. Just ask anyone who has to work with some of those beautiful celebrities about how much work is involved. :o

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For a little bit of a different perspective:


How did you feel about guys in their mid 30's when you were the age of this young muscle stud you just fucked (whose age isn't clear)? The reason I ask is that I think a lot of guys in their 20's, particularly under 25, think of guys over 30 as "old." Even though his statement seemed like a backhanded compliment, at best, to you, I think it was probably meant without insult. (The "kid" just doesn't know any better.) My guess is that the guy just honestly assumes that no one of your "advanced age" could look so good, and he expressed his surprise to you.


Since you took offense, I wonder if you have some feelings about growing older, even though you realize you still look good. As I read it, the other guy's comment is pretty innocuous unless one is already sensitive about the issue.

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>But, the best comments made to me so far are:


>1) Wow, I don't need to use Viagra with you (Said to me by 2

>different Escorts)


I'm 41 now, can stay up a long time, and come back for more. The best comment made to me so far was by a 22 year old college student: Don't ever use Viagra! You'll kill some poor guy with that dick.


That was a great ego boost. :-)



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For Your Age


A few random brief thoughts:


It is the addition of the words, "for your age,'" which gives that backhand to that compliment.


It is also the ageism, that comes both from the young, and as has been discussed before on this site, from men who, as Will states, should know better. Culturally, society in this country definitely favors the young. As this society ages, and the birth rate continues to fall, it will be interesting to see if this continues fifty to one hundred years from now.


I also believe, notwithstanding Woodlawn and Donnie, that I look better now than I did ten years ago and I know I am in better shape in my 30s than I was in my twenties. Bobby most likely has been taking care of himself since his twenties and he, like most people who were health and fit concious, if they maintain this outlook and make the time to remain fit, will see benefits well into their old age.

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Guest Gringo

RE: For Your Age


First I was a Yuppy, but found myself as a Guppy. When I had a lover, we were a Dinky. But now I'm part of the Woofy. :+


Twenty points to the first person to correctly define "Woofy."

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When I was in my early 20s, I took it for granted that I would stop having sex when I turned 40, since it was pathetic for someone that age to still do it. HA!


I also get that "you look good for someone your age" line, or the slightly better "you don't look that old"--oh, but honey, I FEEL that old!

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Testosterone Poisoning


Because mine was the first response to this thread, I assume that all other posters read it. Thus, they know that I said that I had come to the sad conclusion that in sexual matters most men are slaves to testosterone, the hormone that fosters aggression, self-assertion, feelings of masculine power, and sexual drive.


Almost as though to prove my point, several posters to this thread have used it as an opportunity to call attention to the fact that they could never be accurately "accused" of being "old," because they don't look their age. Or, the more modest-seeming alternative, that they may be old, but they look better now than they ever have.


While in each case that may be a fully accurate assessment, as it was of me at 45, those replies seem to imply support for somebody who got his feelings hurt at 35 because a twenty-something muscle-twink said "for your age."


Actually, the reverse is true. These posts reinforce the delusional, even dangerous, fiction that somehow or other hard work, or dedication to a diet, or determination to exercise ourselves at no matter what cost, that one or all of these will keep Father Time at bay. They will not, neither singly nor collectively. As for wrinkles in the face and salt-and-pepper hair, Paul Newman and Robert Redford are pretty good-looking men, for all their wrinkles. And I'd do salt-and-pepper George Clooney in a New-York minute.


Yes, I wish I could hear an escort say, "With you I won't need Viagra," or something like that. But I won't; and I suspect that many, maybe most, clients won't hear those words. We may be separating ourselves into a two-tier client group: those who turn escorts on and those who don't. Maybe clients in the former group should insist on an industry-wide discount, or at least a $6 adjustment in the fee because of lower drug costs.


To my mind, the questions are these: What turns somebody on? Only good looks? Only being in shape? Only a big dick? Are there other aspects of me, including my personality and character, that could be seductive under the right circumstances?


Vanity is one thing (and I frankly confess that I could be vain in the face/body/dick department), but physical attractiveness is a weak foundation for genuine pride. And the older one gets, the truer that is.


The history of gay men's attitudes towards their own bodies is a tragi-comedy. Like all aspects of evolutionary history, however, there's no end in sight!

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RE: Age blindness


Some anecdotal evidence in favor of Will's assertion that youngsters have trouble telling a person's age by looking, groping, etc.: Well, OK, it doesn't say anthing about the groping part.:


When I was in acting classes, the dean of our Theater Department would often teach the beginning course. On a nice day during the first week of class, he would do a "diagnostic test" or some such of the young students, asking all of them, one at a time to get up and walk across stage as a person in his late 60s, early 70s (exact age would vary with the year). After they had all gotten up and done sterotypical old age things, he would ask them how old they thought that he was. Which would turn out to be the age he had asked for, embarassing them all by their opportunity to realize that they may have just infulted the head of the department by poking about like nonagenarians who'd had a bad year, physically. It also acted like a rite of passage to make all the department's students a little closer, part of being a bit like a large fraternity that didn't live together.

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


That's a pretty good assessment, Will. One must not forget that one thing at which that many escorts are adept is flattery. In KY's case, no doubt the escort was being honest. But I don't know how many times the escort has asked me something to the effect of "Why are you hiring escorts? You shouldn't be having to pay for it!" all the while not refusing their fee!

I have learned to accept escort flattery in the context that it is given. I still work to keep myself in shape, but I do it for myself, not so I will look good to an escort. As I approach 56, I have certainly learned that age happens!

When the escort says "You shouldn't be paying, I'll fuck you for free because you're hot!" I might change my mind.

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


Very "Will" said.


I honesty feel any compliment I get from an Escort is just all part of the Fantasy of the hire. It's their job to make me feel good. I thought the Viagra comments were just funny as hell though.


I do feel much better physically and about myself by exercising and trying to take care of my self. Example: I have asthma, since losing weight and exercising I no longer carry a rescue inhaler all the time. Age has been discussed here often, the fact is, it is a part of our lifes. And yes for some reason many in this country feel reaching 30 is the end of life. I've learned that my 40's have definitely been the prime of my life. }(

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


>Actually, the reverse is true. These posts reinforce the

>delusional, even dangerous, fiction that somehow or other hard

>work, or dedication to a diet, or determination to exercise

>ourselves at no matter what cost, that one or all of these

>will keep Father Time at bay. They will not,


That isn't true. Medically, it is certainly possible through diet and exercise to slow or even to some extent reverse the natural deterioration in muscle mass and muscle tone that accompanies ageing. Diet and exercise won't make you look as you did twenty years ago, but they can allow you to enjoy approximately the same strength and stamina that you did at a much younger age.



>As for wrinkles in the face and

>salt-and-pepper hair, Paul Newman and Robert Redford are

>pretty good-looking men, for all their wrinkles.


That's a matter of individual taste. I think "Havana" convinced just about everyone in the film business that Redford is now too old for the romantic leading man roles and I don't expect to see him in another such role.


>To my mind, the questions are these: What turns somebody on?

>Only good looks? Only being in shape? Only a big dick? Are

>there other aspects of me, including my personality and

>character, that could be seductive under the right




I don't think there can be any argument about the fact that most young gay men aren't going to be attracted to someone who's old and fat under any circumstances. If that were not so this website would perish from lack of interest.


To my mind, the question is: Why would any client be concerned about whether an escort finds him attractive?

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Guest DevonSFescort



If that kid is really into serious muscle he's going to find more guys who have it at your age than who have it at his age, if only because you've had a lot more time to hit the gym than he has. A lot of the pairs you see at circuit-type clubs are young muscle boys with bigger, older muscle guys.


If he's surprised, it may be because, as decades go, the thirties (and maybe the forties) are probably the most wide-ranging in terms of whether they're cruel or kind to the people passing through them. Some people's looks really decline (by conventional standards) and some people come into their own. As this kid gets more experience, he'll probably hook up with more and more guys who are "hot for their age," until he starts associating the age WITH the hotness.

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


>To my mind, the question is: Why would any client be concerned

>about whether an escort finds him attractive?


That's easy. As KY put it, the compliment is part of the fantasy, and believing it is even more fantastic. As for the implication that a client shouldn't care what an escort thinks of him, I can only observe that such things, like sexual attraction, are a matter of personal taste. Speaking for myself, I've never found it pleasant to be around someone who doesn't give a rat's ass what I think about him. On reflection, I think it's because I sense that he doesn't give a rat's ass about me. If that's not a turn-off on every conceivable level -- except for masochists -- I don't know what is.

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>Should I be hiring you when you're here in a couple weeks? }(


Very funny, I said I workout. I didn't say I was Prime Muscle's twin or a Gaiety Dancer. But from reading your comments in the Deli on the new crop of Minneapolis Boys, me thinks you'd prefer a Taboo Dancer. :*

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


>>To my mind, the question is: Why would any client be


>>about whether an escort finds him attractive?


>That's easy. As KY put it, the compliment is part of the

>fantasy, and believing it is even more fantastic.


I don't understand the above at all. If the feelings the escort expresses about the client's attractiveness are merely part of the fantasy the escort provides, then they're not real. So what does that have to do with whether the escort actually finds the client attractive?



>As for the

>implication that a client shouldn't care what an escort thinks

>of him, I can only observe that such things, like sexual

>attraction, are a matter of personal taste. Speaking for

>myself, I've never found it pleasant to be around someone who

>doesn't give a rat's ass what I think about him.


And you have some method of divining whether the people you are around truly care what you think of them? Do tell. Or are you merely talking once again about the pleasure you get from fantasizing about the feelings they have for you?



>If that's not a turn-off on every

>conceivable level I don't know

>what is.


Uhhhh ... how about fat old men?


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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


>>To my mind, the question is: Why would any client be


>>about whether an escort finds him attractive?


>That's easy. As KY put it, the compliment is part of the

>fantasy, and believing it is even more fantastic.


Well, I can't believe that I'm agreeing with woodlawn on this rather than you Will. IMO, a client should not have to worry about an escort finding him sexually attractive as he is being paid to perform a service and the really good escorts can find other qualities other than physical looks appealing enough to perform that service.


Come on, man, compliments are part of the service and though many are genuine, all have to be taken with the proverbial grain of salt, as I doubt any escort would be there dishing them out if the client wasn't paying. Isn't believing a fantasy an oxymoron? :)

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


Is Will talking about the escort being sexually attracted to him? I didn't get that. I thought he was saying that there was a general desire that the escort exhibit some genuine regard for him as a person. If that is the case, then of course I agree with him. As for having to "divine" that feeling, I think most of us have enough personal experience that we can actually "divine" whether that regard is there or not.

That being said, I am willing to venture that woodie actually likes me!

(Ok, I am just kidding on that one.):)

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