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"For your age"

Prime Muscle
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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


Well upon rereading you could be right, but I thought on first reading his post that he was addressing the physical/sexual attractiveness that woodlawn was referring to as that was the part he quoted and replied to. I guess misreading is the most likely reason I would agree with woodie over Will, thank you, I was getting scared there for a while.


I think woodie loves you dude! NAH, woodie only likes woodie! :7

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


Just to clarify (Normally, I edit my texts many times; on M4M, I just write it out and post it.):


>To my mind, the question is: Why would any client be

>concerned about whether an escort finds him attractive?


Responses to my post show me that I misread or misunderstood Woodie's question. As Lucky supposed, by "attractive" I thought he meant the escort's interest in the client as a human being, not as a sexual object. Thus, I understood it as an inquiry into the psychology of a client.


Whether it's "realistic" (whatever that is) for a client to think/hope/believe that an escort find him sexually attractive, the fact is that clients like most other people entertain fanciful hopes. Thus, I don't find it remarkable that a client might hope that an escort would find him sexy. Many clients, I imagine, have rather low opinions of themselves as sexual beings, because most gay men assess someone's "sexiness quotient" in the currency of naked appearance and nothing else. Thus I also imagine that many of them look for some kind of affirmation from the escort. That affirmation might take the form of the escort's expressing a reciprocal sexual interest in the client. Or it might be the escort's transcending the basic level of pure desire to a broader interest in or concern for the client as a human being.


Whatever Woodie may suppose my own fantasies and/or delusions to be, and however he may interpret what I write here, I continue to maintain a sort of base-line of expectations regarding escorts. First, I expect the escort to respond to the fact that I respect him as a moral end; despite the fact that I am hiring him as a means for my own sexual satisfaction, my interest in or concern for the escort goes beyond that. In other words, as I've said before, I don't regard escorts as being in an ethical category separate from that of any other professional whom I hire for his services. For me, escorts belong to the same group of trusted professionals as my internist, my attorney, and my accountant. In my moral universe, these persons are ends in themselves, regardless of their effectiveness in helping me achieve my own purposes.


Second, I expect the escort to go to the moral and psychological effort required to respond to my interest in him as a human being. I expect him to demonstrate his willingness to participate in the occasion with his own personhood. Although I don't know of any formula for determining whether or not that's happening, I do think that I'm skilled enough in human relations to be able to discern it. Fortunately, it has almost always happened. The two times it did not happen, I "used" the escort as the masturbation machine he wanted to be and then terminated the encounter as quickly and gracefully as I could.


The sensitivity to others that helps me determine whether or not a genuine human exchange is taking place is something that I had to learn in the doing of it. It's like training to sing on pitch: if somebody is not willing to acknowledge when he's sharp or flat, or if he cannot tell the difference even if he's willing, the greatest aural skills teacher in the world can do absolutely nothing.


There's a pun buried there for those who, like me, have dirty minds.

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


>I thought on

>first reading his post that he was addressing the

>physical/sexual attractiveness that woodlawn was referring to

>as that was the part he quoted and replied to.


Seems logical to me. I asked why a client would care whether an escort finds him attractive. Will responded by saying there is a reason why he and other clients care about that. Although I'm still not clear on what that reason is. In one sentence he talks about enjoying the fantasy that the escort finds him attractive, and in the next he talks about being turned off if the escort doesn't actually care about him. Which is it?



>I think woodie loves you dude! NAH, woodie only likes woodie!


Why would I or anyone like you or that other asshole? If there's anything likeable about either one of you I sure haven't noticed it.

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RE: Testosterone Poisoning


Will responded by saying

>there is a reason why he and other clients care about that.


If I implied that I would include myself in that group, I'm sorry. I was only trying to say that I understand the impulse, not that I share it. I hope I made that clearer in my other post.


In one

>sentence he talks about enjoying the fantasy that the escort

>finds him attractive, and in the next he talks about being

>turned off if the escort doesn't actually care about him.


>Which is it?


Both and neither. Contrary to your claim, I don't enjoy "the fantasy that the escort finds (me) attractive," because I don't entertain that fantasy. Others surely do. I don't. If an escort gave me the opportunity to entertain it, I might -- I probably -- would take it. As regards being turned off by an escort -- or anybody else -- who is evidently uninterested in me or in what we are doing, that's so. But I don't think that escorts "turn on" to me and therefore I don't "turn on" to the fantasy that they do. Others may. I don't.

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RE: For Your Age


A lot of responses to this one not sure where to begin???


I knew at the time that the kid meant it as a compliment - that was confirmed later but I won't get into that! But you have to admit, "For your age" is an odd compliment. But it goes both ways. And I must admit that I used that comment a few weeks back. There was an 18 year old that beat me in a triathlon by kicking my ass in the run portion of the race. I was talking with him afterwards and said you were awesome, especially for your age. A more appropriate comment would have been - "damn, you're fucking awesome right now - just wait until you really get into fine form!" (I thought - "damn, you're fucking awesome right now - wanna fuck" might be a bit much)

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RE: Waitress test


I've heard it said that you can tell a lot about how a man is going to eventually treat you by watching how he treats the waitresses when you're out on dates. While I would never contemplate a lifetime spent with Woodie, I would entertain such an idea about Will.


And I am not meaning to imply that I am a member of any other profession than the ones I'm already in, thank you.

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RE: Waitress test


> While I would never

>contemplate a lifetime spent with Woodie,


LOL! Don't waste your time thinking about it. You will never, ever have occasion to consider such a possibility.



>I would entertain

>such an idea about Will.


I don't know if he would be interested, but my observation is that the two of you do have at least a few things in common, including an affinity for mawkish sentimentality.


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RE: For Your Age


And is it the case that in your entire life of sexual activity you have never, not even once, said something to another man that was similar to what the muscle-twink said to you? Not even when you were 19 or 20?

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RE: For Your Age


>There was an 18 year old that beat me in a

>triathlon by kicking my ass in the run portion of the race. I

>was talking with him afterwards and said you were awesome,

>especially for your age. A more appropriate comment would

>have been - "damn, you're fucking awesome right now - just

>wait until you really get into fine form!" (I thought -

>"damn, you're fucking awesome right now - wanna fuck" might be

>a bit much)


Hey, Bobby, its great to hear that you compete in Triathlons, too! It is a wonderful sport that is very difficult to find the time to do well. So, its natural that a younger guy with a lot of free time on his hands should be beating you. Of course, with my highly competitive nature, I hate it when anyone beats me..... unless he happens to be beating me off!!! }(


Aaron Scott DC



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Your escorts flatter you?


KY & Lucky,

Gee, you guys get flattered by escorts? Is that supposed to come with the deal? How come the guys I hired never flattered me? Wait, nevermind, I don't want to know the answer to that. First Lucky gets an invite from Bruno, and now this. And I was just starting to feel good.




:+ ;(

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RE: Waitress test


>Lucky - How can you be sure? I'm willing to start a rumor


I'm sure both of you are willing to start any rumor, since you lack the brains to engage in an adult conversation on this or any subject. If you want to know why the straight world has such contempt for gay men, look in the mirror.:)

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RE: Waitress test


>The straight world loves me, honey.


Then why don't you go spend some time there? You sure aren't contributing anything to this discussion except the usual hateful crap.


>They been showing you

>contempt? No surprise there.


What's the matter, Lucky? Don't you like the taste of your own medicine? One would think you'd be used to it by now.

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RE: Waitress test


" You sure aren't contributing anything to this discussion except the usual hateful crap. "


woodie, here's a task for you. Using your computerized archive of things you have saved to throw back at posters when you need a riposte, please quote the hateful things I have said in the message center. Sure, things occasionally turn nasty as we discuss a lot of different stuff, but I would love to see you find things I said that were hateful. Go ahead. You don't seem to have anything else to do.

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RE: Waitress test



>Then why don't you go spend some time there? You sure aren't

>contributing anything to this discussion except the usual

>hateful crap.




Wait a minute, Isn't that the kettle calling the pot black? Talk about hateful crap. You're the master. Get off your high horse you are the hate icon. Your bile stinks this place up for days afterward. Get a grip pal. You think no one notices these feeble attempts to throw the focus off your style? OH BROTHER!

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RE: Waitress test


>woodie, here's a task for you. Using your computerized archive

>of things you have saved to throw back at posters when you

>need a riposte, please quote the hateful things I have said in

>the message center.


No archive needed. For the most recent example, see post #39 in this thread.


>Sure, things occasionally turn nasty as we

>discuss a lot of different stuff,


That's right. It's because people like you lack the ability to avoid crossing the line between "I disagree with you," and "I disagree with you and that means there must be something wrong with you."


>Go ahead. You don't seem

>to have anything else to do.


See what I mean?

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>Just a vent session here - no "real issues" to ponder or

>discuss like the other posts.


Hmmm... I suspect there is an issue... self-esteem comes to mind. Here's my two cents; at 'your age' simply accept the (albeit awkward) compliment. Now, if your pec is really out of wack; get out of the kiddie sandbox and save the 'lesson.'

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RE: Waitress test


>Wait a minute, Isn't that the kettle calling the pot black?

>Talk about hateful crap. You're the master. Get off your

>high horse you are the hate icon. Your bile stinks this place

>up for days afterward. Get a grip pal. You think no one

>notices these feeble attempts to throw the focus off your

>style? OH BROTHER!



Now let's see. What are the odds that jackhammer would just happen to post in this worn-out thread at the precise moment that Lucky is flagging and needs someone to come to his rescue? Why that means . . . the two must be the one and the same! Eureka!



Jack, I can't tell you how sorry I am if you feel my posts interfere with your desire to talk endlessly about what is going on in your life to an audience that seldom if ever asks for such information. And I mean that literally -- I really can't tell you.:)

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RE: Plenty of nothing


Let's face it jack, without the message center woodie would be a lost soul. Whenever I think about not posting something, I think about the effect that would have on woodie. He needs me. (sigh)

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RE: Plenty of nothing


>Dear Woodlawn,

>I wish it were true that you couldn't tell me...but evidence

>is contrary and you managed to find something to say.


When you learn to read English you may discover that I didn't tell you how sorry I am. Because I can't.



> if only

>you were a man of your word, and didn't say anything...or are

>you a man?


LOL! Who the fuck are you to use the phrase "man of your word" after declaring in the most melodramatic terms that you were leaving the Message Center, only to come slinking back a few days later! Do you think everyone here has amnesia? Your word is obviously worth nothing at all.


>have a nice day


Like every other soul who posts here, I await with bated breath the next installment in your seemingly endless account of a middle-aged gay man who is trying to get dates with much younger, more attractive men. It's such an unusual story!


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RE: Plenty of nothing


ooooo, was that supposed to hurt? Sorry elmgrass, you been shooting blanks for weeks. Maybe you should retire to the drawing room and reload. OF course if you need to, it's always fun watching you flail away. Go ahead, take a sentence or event out of context and distort it to fit your convoluted view of things. How sad.

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