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Is LOTS of reviews a red flag?

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I've found someone in rentmen who's got me very interested. He's got 151 reviews, total score 5 stars. Initially I thought this was a really good sign but now I'm thinking, like, that can't be right. Is this even possible? Or a red flag for bullshit?

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Posted (edited)

check the reviews for patterns.

frequently, there are many reviews by same person. also, look at when the reviewer became a member - lots of reviews by people who signed up same month.  Or, if several reviews happen in a short period of time.

there are definitely some guys gaming the system.  not possible w hundreds of reviews tho

Edited by SouthOfTheBorder
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I know of one provider who’s been around for a couple decades with several hundred 5-star reviews on RentMen. The length of time makes sense why he would have gathered so many, but when I inquired here on CoM about him, I learned in private messages that he is known to badger his clients into leaving positive reviews, and he harasses or even threatens them until they leave one (or remove a bad one). Presumably he gets RM to remove the bad ones anyway, perhaps anything less than 5-stars.

Nothing surprising here, but you would never be able to tell on the surface if he’s just really well regarded in the industry or if he is taking extreme measures to manufacture and maintain his reputation. It will catch up to him eventually. It always does.

Ask here for references and verifications both publicly and privately. What may not show up in public reviews will likely surface here. Reviews are just the tip of the iceberg. For every one good review, I have dozens of client appointments that went really well and in person the clients sing my praises, but you will never see their feedback in a review. 

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37 minutes ago, Simon Suraci said:

I know of one provider who’s been around for a couple decades with several hundred 5-star reviews on RentMen. The length of time makes sense why he would have gathered so many, but when I inquired here on CoM about him, I learned in private messages that he is known to badger his clients into leaving positive reviews, and he harasses or even threatens them until they leave one (or remove a bad one). Presumably he gets RM to remove the bad ones anyway, perhaps anything less than 5-stars.

Nothing surprising here, but you would never be able to tell on the surface if he’s just really well regarded in the industry or if he is taking extreme measures to manufacture and maintain his reputation. It will catch up to him eventually. It always does.

Ask here for references and verifications both publicly and privately. What may not show up in public reviews will likely surface here. Reviews are just the tip of the iceberg. For every one good review, I have dozens of client appointments that went really well and in person the clients sing my praises, but you will never see their feedback in a review. 

I had never left less than a 5 star on Rent Men, so no issue.   I recently had a bad encounter and wanted to leave an appropriate review.  It was then I realized what a pain in the ass it is to leave a less than stellar review.  They may want screen shots and all this other stuff.

It's not worth the hassle and is a disservice to people who use those reviews as reference.  

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

I know of one provider who’s been around for a couple decades with several hundred 5-star reviews on RentMen. The length of time makes sense why he would have gathered so many, but when I inquired here on CoM about him, I learned in private messages that he is known to badger his clients into leaving positive reviews, and he harasses or even threatens them until they leave one (or remove a bad one). Presumably he gets RM to remove the bad ones anyway, perhaps anything less than 5-stars.

Nothing surprising here, but you would never be able to tell on the surface if he’s just really well regarded in the industry or if he is taking extreme measures to manufacture and maintain his reputation. It will catch up to him eventually. It always does.

Ask here for references and verifications both publicly and privately. What may not show up in public reviews will likely surface here. Reviews are just the tip of the iceberg. For every one good review, I have dozens of client appointments that went really well and in person the clients sing my praises, but you will never see their feedback in a review. 

You can't give us a setup like this without knocking down the pins.

Spill it.

Vote Early Addams Family GIF by INTO ACTION

Edited by BenjaminNicholas
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31 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

You can't give us a setup like this without knocking down the pins.

lol you picked the perfect Angelica Huston meme to tempt me, but…

I won’t name names. I don’t want to be another target for his crazy. If he comes up in a thread, I may share privately to warn a client considering hiring him.

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1 hour ago, Simon Suraci said:

lol you picked the perfect Angelica Huston meme to tempt me, but…

I won’t name names. I don’t want to be another target for his crazy. If he comes up in a thread, I may share privately to warn a client considering hiring him.

From personal experience, I think I know who you are referring to.  Has a cock the size of a baby’s arm? 🧐

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4 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

As most everyone has said check to see how many are multiple reviews by the same user. Also the reviews I take most seriously are the ones where the reviewer has been a member for at least six months before the review was posted.

I would add that I look at the reviewers to see if they have left reviews for other providers. They seem to me to be the most trustworthy. 

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Posted (edited)

OP sounds like a re flag asking this question!  hahaha I jest (sort of)



I have seen a provider who when I went to tip him he said to me - keep the tip, pay for membership and leave me a review on RM. It would be more valuable to me. 


I wouldn't leave a bad review for someone, unless they were dangerous.  If someone has that many positive reviews it cant be faked- it means they are doing a good job and at the least, the photos are a true reflection of how they look. If you have over 100 people confirming it, I don't know what else you need!

Go for it! Enjoy. 

Edited by NYXboy
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22 hours ago, badger said:

I've found someone in rentmen who's got me very interested. He's got 151 reviews, total score 5 stars. Initially I thought this was a really good sign but now I'm thinking, like, that can't be right. Is this even possible? Or a red flag for bullshit?

Hard to tell. This is only me, but I use reviews for seeing patterns and fakeness. When the reviews are real, you start seeing themes that can give you a notion of what you could expect. That many 5-star reviews could happen, but I'd be concerned of those being real.

I get more from the initial conversation, trying to be specific (although sometimes it does feel strange being very specific, my issue). Also, aside from reviews there's this forum where we can discuss providers and people can share some of their knowledge of a particular provider. If he has that many reviews, high chances are that at least one pf the participants in this forum can provide some insights.

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On 5/22/2024 at 8:59 AM, badger said:

I've found someone in rentmen who's got me very interested. He's got 151 reviews, total score 5 stars. Initially I thought this was a really good sign but now I'm thinking, like, that can't be right. Is this even possible? Or a red flag for bullshit?

It's important to recognize that relying solely on RM reviews isn't advisable. Providers can inflate their review numbers. If you search this site, you'll find several threads discussing this topic.

I do read reviews and often reach out to reviewers directly. I'm cautious when I see multiple reviews from the same person for a single provider. I also look out for accounts that have only one review and were created on or just before the review date. Personally, I tend to avoid leaving negative reviews unless there's a significant issue, like a scam or a major problem. I'm sure many others share this approach. Therefore, the absence of negative reviews for a provider doesn't necessarily reflect their quality.

I've hired providers with many 5-star reviews and had less than memorable experiences, and I've also hired providers with few or no reviews and had great experiences.

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16 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

As most everyone has said check to see how many are multiple reviews by the same user. Also the reviews I take most seriously are the ones where the reviewer has been a member for at least six months before the review was posted.

Thanks, yeah I did go look through and they were all from differnet profiles with names that weren't obviously bots. Should have thought to do that before I asked here lol

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there are some legit prolific clients on RM who leave good & bad reviews - I’ve found several providers just by scanning their review history …..guys I would have overlooked otherwise.  there are several ways to use the reviews. 

some providers on RM seem to be able to make poor reviews disappear- not sure how it happens.  


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