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Au revoir, Tucker Carlson!


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we have only ourselves to blame for the current state of US media, left, middle, right......we want simple-minded sound bites and charismatic entertainers posing as "journalists" and that's what we get.......need a ratings bump?...periodically say something controversial (whether you believe it or not) and enjoy the needed attention and revenue.....Carlson (et al across the political field)  never says anything new or newsworthy......

we have all been tricked......it's all very depressing

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8 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

we have only ourselves to blame for the current state of US media, left, middle, right

correct - the political industrial complex doesn’t give a shit about ideology, right/wrong, conservative /liberal.  It’s all about money and how they can monetize the people that remain engaged in the discourse.

The more outraged & angry, the more likely to engage with their monetized media offerings.  It’s like crack for those addicted….just keep them using at all costs and with no solutions. And when they get people to the point of self-righteous indignation, well..,then you are totally captured.  how does that feel ?

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2 hours ago, tassojunior said:

that horse left the barn in post #1

I think you can discuss the subject by simply NOT going all partisan.

The man was anti-corporatist and that attitude straddled both political parties, as his viewpoints, there were more about the social implications of the increased power of Global Corporate influence, than it was about political power.


Edited by pubic_assistance
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5 hours ago, tassojunior said:

...Welcome to 1933 Germany folks.   

You're celebrating someone who has no shame in intentionally lying to his listeners.

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2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

...What I do respect about Tucker Carlson...

He is a proven liar. How can one respect or condone such behavior?

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1 minute ago, pubic_assistance said:

I think there are few examples of the American news industry NOT "lying to it's listeners". Ratings are garnered through ENTERTAINING the audience, not reporting facts.

So you think news reporting is about entertainment, not providing the public with facts?

Thinking Face With Question Mark Emoji

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Just now, Unicorn said:

So you think news reporting is about entertainment, not providing the public with facts?

I DO think American news has become more about keeping their audience entertained than informed.

It's all quite left or right viewpoints, so that alone tells you that the story is modified to satisfy one or the other "side of the aisle".  Objective journalism is a thing of the past.  It doesn't bring ratings.

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When Fox dumped Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, their replacements went right back into the usual Fox schtick with little or no effect on the popularity of the network..  Their biggest ratings challenge came when they (briefly) tried to inform their audience of the fact that Biden won the 2020 election.  The audience was having none of it and started moving en masse to Newsmax and OAN.  Fox quickly made an about-face and reverted to telling the audience what it wanted to hear.

The core Fox audience, the source of the Murdochs' wealth, DEMANDS to be lied to.

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I do not think you can compare Carlson to O'Reilly or Beck. I agree 100% with the Right Winger friends here when they praise his success and talent. He could become a relevant politician, something Glenn or Bill could not even fantasize about. 

I also partially agree when they say he is representative of many Americans (or Murikans?). Indeed he is. I agree there. But I do not share @pubic_assistance 's romantic vision of his minions. He is the voice of that part of White privileged America that hates losing their privileges. I think it is called White grievance.

He is intelligent and amoral. The Dominion trial and other leaks proved not only how he lies but also how he advocates uninhibitedly for lying. He is dangerous.

So I empathize with the friends who celebrate his falling from Fox. But I would not rush to celebrate. 

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2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

I DO think American news has become more about keeping their audience entertained than informed...

So it's OK to pass off factually incorrect information because it's more "entertaining." Wow. 🤯

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1 hour ago, pitman said:

When Fox dumped Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, their replacements went right back into the usual Fox schtick with little or no effect on the popularity of the network..  Their biggest ratings challenge came when they (briefly) tried to inform their audience of the fact that Biden won the 2020 election.  The audience was having none of it and started moving en masse to Newsmax and OAN.  Fox quickly made an about-face and reverted to telling the audience what it wanted to hear.

The core Fox audience, the source of the Murdochs' wealth, DEMANDS to be lied to.

I remember being very depressed in 2016 when Hillary lost. I did not question the outcome. But any TV show or any movement providing false hope that she could somehow be the president helped ease the pain. The right wing reaction to Trump's loss was similar. But Trump and his cronies (including Tucker for the ratings) stoked it further and caused the Jan 6 attacks and made many people lose faith in our democratic election process. They went too far, but Hillary didn't. Therein lies the difference. 

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27 minutes ago, pitman said:


The core Fox audience, the source of the Murdochs' wealth, DEMANDS to be lied to.

The American public demands to be lied to. About our foreign invasions and secret wars, about our spending 60% now of our budget on death and wars and invasions. Counter opinions and dissent makes America weaker as opposed to societies like China where there is but one official opinion and no information available easily which would cause disagreement. The US Ministry of Truth was laughed at as a name but the intent was followed very fast. The CIA has always been embedded with American "journalism" and now there's also a notable cadre of "former CIA" employees writing for the media. And they all have the same opinion and the same censored set of facts. And what's in the Post at 7am and NBC at 8 am gets repeated in every media throughout the day without even changing the syntax to cover it's from one writer. Here in DC the realization is the peasants are ignorant and must be continually trained with pro-government facts and must be protected from facts that would confuse them. 

Americans want to know for certain that the Jews are going to work camps for their own benefit and the half million babies we killed with our embargo in Iraq were absolutely necessary for "American interests" as Albright assured us. Dissent on those points could plummet support for our war budget which drives the US economy.

Carlson was an anti-war menace to the regime , but fortunately, as a Washington insider, he can be silenced and yet placated. The important thing is Fox and WSJ must be brought into the US world dominance fold. They can be assigned 7:30 and 8pm slots to repeat the regimes narrative of the day. 

Like Noam Chomsky I get what's going on. Not that I have his intellect but my close circle and neighbors are all in the beast and privately don't lie about what's going on. And I personally saw the dozens of black FBI suv's raiding the Washington Post building one night to re-enforce the folly of even mentioning  Ashley Biden had a diary. (The NYT at least resisted that threat for a couple days until they went dark on it existing).

For gays and other minorities to celebrate the death of free speech and cheer a homogenized pro-war society is very short-sighted. As Chomsky says, without free speech none of the government evils will ever be changed. Dissenters will be silenced by ever harsher methods and plenty are in jail now. These people in the ruling regime pretend to be our friends. They are not. 

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