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4 hours ago, arnemgreeves said:

Wise people who are overly presumptive to random strangers loooool. Never ceases to amaze me. Keep up on those expert communication skills you boast about. 

I'm the last person who should boast about anything.  I'm confused why you would think I was boasting about communication skills, of all things.  And I never meant to be overly presumptive - as I said, it seemed you were offended, and that was based on your various responses.  If I read that incorrectly, it was my mistake.

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25 minutes ago, CuriousByNature said:

I'm the last person who should boast about anything.  I'm confused why you would think I was boasting about communication skills, of all things.  And I never meant to be overly presumptive - as I said, it seemed you were offended, and that was based on your various responses.  If I read that incorrectly, it was my mistake.

You’re a gentleman. 🤦🏻‍♂️ you can’t with him. 

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7 minutes ago, arnemgreeves said:

Well you often make these presumptive points based on your “extensive” wisdom. I dont think you’re as adept with people as you think. 

Hopefully one day I might be wise, but I don't believe I am there yet. Nor do I consider myself adept with people - I just try to be encouraging and supportive, and hopefully show some kindness when there is an opportunity to do so.  And I use puns way too often I'm sure.  Have a good day :)

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9 minutes ago, arnemgreeves said:

You say so often. It's amusing to see this grandstanding and reinforces why I'm so baaaad for blocking half of the people on this site. lol.

I don't think anyone suggested you were 'bad'.  Blocking people is your own prerogative, just like it is for anyone. I certainly haven't judged you - I don't even know you. Take care.

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1 hour ago, arnemgreeves said:

people don't need your permission to air opinions. Nor check with you to see if it's acceptable. Again, you're not as "life wise" as you claim. and that's funny.

Of course nobody needs my permission for anything at all, nor would I consider myself lifewise at this point of my life.  I'm not sure why you would think that, or why you take a lot of what I write in the opposite spirit of what was intended.  Am I really that poor at expressing myself?  But I guess I should be glad you find it amusing, at least.  ;) Have a good night!

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@CuriousByNature I’d listen to @Coolwave35  :

13 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

You’re a gentleman. 🤦🏻‍♂️ you can’t with him. 

And perhaps review #8 in our site guidelines especially:

When trolling is encountered, ignore the content. In other words, “don’t feed the troll.”


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4 minutes ago, MikeBiDude said:

@CuriousByNature I’d listen to @Coolwave35  :

And perhaps review #8 in our site guidelines especially:

When trolling is encountered, ignore the content. In other words, “don’t feed the troll.”


What?! There's a troll in our cave?  Consider my pearls clutched!

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On 2/19/2023 at 12:22 PM, JEC said:

I have met a few folks from the forum, one lives near me in Boston and we have lunch every few months. And, I have met @VictorPowers a number of times and had a lovely time, missing him and hope he is thriving in his new life 😎

A few months back I received a text from Victor on his birthday/. He asked what I was doing on my birthday when I was that age. We chatted for a bit and then didn't.  Just texted him the other day and shared a laugh or two.  He is doing well and is very happy but could not be convinced to come to Palm Springs in April.  

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