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Never have I ever...sort of


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In the game Never Have I  Ever one person postulates something they have not done and asks that the other participants drink alcohol if they have done that thing.  It may start out sedate but it quickly devolves into debauchery tales.   In this version, I am offering up ten things I have done and ask you to score home many you have done as well.  At the end of my list,  add something my list of ten.  You do not need to supply the particular things you have done on my list, only report the number and any details you would like to share and then add your own.

1.  Received oral sex while driving more than 60 miles an hour.

2.  Had sexual congress with two different people on two different continents on the same calendar date. 

3.  Used an edible cream (in my case cannoli cream) as lube and then had your partner eat it.

4.  Undress your partner without his assistance , have sex and then dress him again without their assistance.

5.  Had sex at work while other people were still working.

6.  Had sex with a gay virgin.

7.  Had sex at a professional sports event while it is going on.

8.  Had sex with someone without speaking with them before, during or afterwards.

9.  Have frottage with your cock in the fly of your partner's underwear or through his lowered zipper and then come in his pants. (Extra credit if he wore it out to dinner.)

10. Restrained your partner and left them the restrained when you left.  

I am curious as to what will be added to the list.  I do not think of myself as particularly imaginative, so I am curious as to what you men have done.  



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Fucked a dancer from a visiting ballet company in the a buddy booth at a porn book store (did he have an ass or did he have an ass!).

Picked up a hottie in the subway and brought him home to fuck him.  (Probably half the gay guys in the cities with subway systems would drink at this one.)

Gotten a blow job in the stairwell of a health club/gym with the door to the weight room wide open and in full view of the stairwell's window.   (It was about 7:30 on a weekend morning.)

Been part of a threesome in a gym steam room.

Fucked a guy in the steam room/sauna/shower of the gym.




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I have so many reactions when reading this thread:

1) Are you responders here really on the level or are these just possible porno scenarios that you've pitched to the folks at Raging Stallion?

2) As a side note, I think I saw the museum security footage of the sarcophagus fuck. Charlie, you stud you!

3) You guys are now my fantasy-fodder - especially that high school football team quarterback exercise.

4) (Sigh) I guess I really have wasted my life.

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Fantasized about being in a threesome with Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton (extra shot if you're not a Yankees fan).

When you're watching a baseball game, keep track of when the guys with the best bodies are coming up to bat.

Rate football running backs by the quality of their biceps and/or butts.

While watching a soccer game, wish they would pull of their pants rather than their shirts after a goal.  (Most soccer players have much better legs than upper bodies IMHO.)

Realized that most of/all the TV series you follow have one thing in common:  the cast includes at least one guy whom, if gay, you'd date.

Whether on line or in  person, picked up or been picked up by some guy immensely hotter than you are and are still wondering (a) how/why it happened, and (b) why it can't happen daily instead of once a decade.

In the middle of a northern winter with snow on the ground, fucked a guy outside with both of you wearing your winter coats; (extra shot) same scenario, but on a NYC fire escape.

Contracted an STD and needed to tell at least one other guy.

Had to learn how to cure your hairy self of body lice (a/k/a crabs).

Edited by dutchal
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19 minutes ago, Phil_musc said:

I have so many reactions when reading this thread:

1) Are you responders here really on the level or are these just possible porno scenarios that you've pitched to the folks at Raging Stallion?

2) As a side note, I think I saw the museum security footage of the sarcophagus fuck. Charlie, you stud you!

3) You guys are now my fantasy-fodder - especially that high school football team quarterback exercise.

4) (Sigh) I guess I really have wasted my life.

- Mine are real.

- Link to the footage please!

-  If you want help with the high school quarterback exercise, there's a really hot vintage football locker room scene starring Ryan Idol, or for the younger crowd, start with the video from Lil Nax X's "That's What I Want".

- If you want to feel really bad about what you've missed, look up all the reddit threads about gay sex experiences.

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37 minutes ago, Phil_musc said:

3) You guys are now my fantasy-fodder - especially that high school football team quarterback exercise.

LOL - It was the '80's, he was also my chemistry lab partner, and he was terrible at stoichiometry if that helps bring the situation back down to a more realistic level. Oh, and I sang with both him and his older brother in show choir. Ah, the glamour days....

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16 hours ago, Summerson said:

I've only done two of the original ten. I was going to add "Had sex backstage during a Broadway show", but that's sort of double-counting #5 for me, so I guess I'll go with: 

13. Had sex with the quarterback of my high school football team. 

Did you play center or did he?

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2 hours ago, Phil_musc said:

I have so many reactions when reading this thread:

1) Are you responders here really on the level or are these just possible porno scenarios that you've pitched to the folks at Raging Stallion?

2) As a side note, I think I saw the museum security footage of the sarcophagus fuck. Charlie, you stud you!

3) You guys are now my fantasy-fodder - especially that high school football team quarterback exercise.

4) (Sigh) I guess I really have wasted my life.

I don't believe that security cameras were common then: it was more than a half century ago. And, BTW, it may have been a sarcophagus that you have seen, because it was a Philadelphia museum.

Edited by Charlie
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I was always drawn to the "naughty" situation when I was young....so I seem to have all those covered from dutchal. With the exception of the surprise Glory Hole. ( That must have been some sloppy loose butt-hole to not notice ) !

I will add have you ever fucked a Catholic Priest on the altar of his Church ?



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1 hour ago, Luv2play said:

I was fucked by a Catholic priest from the Vatican (he was studying there) but back at my hotel room. He only told me after our third date he was a priest. The was my Roman holiday of over 40 years ago. 

Mine was more of a bad-boy. Met him in a dive-bar between the University of Pittsburgh campus and Carnegie Mellon campus. Told me he was a priest ( although not wearing his collar ) . I told him I was an architecture student and he asked if I wanted to see his church. Drove me there on his motorcycle.

I have nothing to "confess" about fucking him on the altar because all of that was him making the first move. I did enjoy the naughtiness of the moment cumming in his ass while the Madonna looked down on us from above.

Of course I'm not a Catholic so defiling a church didn't have the same level of "wrong" it might have for him. Although I am guessing this wasn't his first or last transgression on the altar !

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