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Epigonos has left us.


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So sorry to hear this news.  Oliver -- you are in my thoughts.  I met Epigonos and you a couple years ago at the PS gathering.  I was new to the group, and Epigonos was so cordial and friendly and welcoming.  By the time of my 2nd PS weekend, he seemed like a long-time friend.  As I approach retirement and plan to spend more time in southern California, Epigonos was someone I looked forward to being able to visit.  The world has lost a truly great gentleman.

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After reading what all of you dear forum buddies and friends have expressed, there is no doubt that Epigonos was a legend in his own time.  Although I've never met him, I feel as if I've known him through his posts and messages over the recent years that I've been here.  Among all of his attributes, the special, warm, and kind hospitality along with his culinary skills that Epigonos carried with him shine through.  The wonderful memories will remain with us.  My sincere condolences to Oliver and all of his forum friends.  👃💔👃

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Just a few weeks ago he had a wonderful trip to England, his first time flying business class internationally.  He later commented how nice he found the flight and LAX Polaris lounge.

Now, two weeks later, he is gone. 

How fragile life is.  

“Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
Before we too into the Dust descend;
Dust into Dust, and under Dust to lie
Without  Wine, without Song, without Singer, and--without End!"


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5 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

Just a few weeks ago he had a wonderful trip to England, his first time flying business class internationally.  He later commented how nice he found the flight and LAX Polaris lounge.

Now, two weeks later, he is gone. 

How fragile life is.  

“Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
Before we too into the Dust descend;
Dust into Dust, and under Dust to lie
Without  Wine, without Song, without Singer, and--without End!"


How true a statement this is.  I'm glad Epigonos took that trip not knowing it would be his last.  Sometimes we hesitate to do things with good cause and other times we have to take the plunge or else we stay stagnant and do nothing with no guarantee of how much time we have left.

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what wonderful tributes to @Epigonos!  I met him at the Palm Springs gathering in 2021; there was a tribute to Daddy at David SF's home, and he spoke about being married to a woman, realizing he was gay, and what a support system this community provided for him; I was truly touched by his words; and then at the pool party we discussed deviled eggs!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oliver, my sincere condolences. I'm just catching up on here and am shocked to read Epigonos is now with the angels. I attended PS Weekend 2021 and as a newbie, I didn't know anyone yet Epigonos gladly welcomed me to sit in his table. Such a true gentleman.

I still remember him mentioning in this forum that he plans to have the words "I Did It My Way" on his epitaph and I hope it did work out. 


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@Oliver I'm so sorry to read this. I don't know how I missed this post, but I began to wonder why I hadn't seen any posts from Epigonos recently. Just terribly sad to news to read.

Although Epigonos and I never met, it wasn't for his lack of trying. :). We had a lot of common interests (especially in men lol!) and had a few discussions through PM. He invited me to come visit a number of times but my schedule just didn't allow it. I'm saddened I'll never get to know the man others on this forum have.

So cheers to you kind sir. You'll be missed.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm stunned, and so incredibly sad.  I haven't been coming to the forum very often lately, and when I did just now, I saw this devastating news. Wayne and I were looking forward to seeing @Epigonos here in Palm Springs next month.  It grieves me to no end that we won't be seeing him again.  But I'm honored that we got to know him for as long as we did.  He was one of a kind, and will definitely be missed.

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16 hours ago, Robster said:

I'm stunned, and so incredibly sad.  I haven't been coming to the forum very often lately, and when I did just now, I saw this devastating news. Wayne and I were looking forward to seeing @Epigonos here in Palm Springs next month.  It grieves me to no end that we won't be seeing him again.  But I'm honored that we got to know him for as long as we did.  He was one of a kind, and will definitely be missed.

I am sorry that I did not mention his passing to you when we texted recently.   I look forward to seeing you both next month and I am sure we will all raise a glass and perhaps consensually fondle a muscular young but definitely over 18 year old man for him.   

Edited by purplekow
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