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  1. Like
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in Escort perspectives on friends and hookup apps   
    I find that some of my closest and most valuable friendships in life are with fellow escorts.  But I’m very selective about which escorts I will pursue a friendship with.  Escorts who are business-minded, driven, and understand the value of professional networking tend to be the ones I will gravitate toward.  There’s no way to tell from seeing someone online if they possess all these qualities, so I tend to meet people for lunch just to see if we are of a similar mindset, and then stay in touch (or not) depending on whether I think that they would be a positive influence to have in my life.  It’s valuable to have friends who work in the same industry to bounce things off of and be able to share experiences with, not to mention to go to in case you ever need help.  But only if you have a similar mindset about what it means to be an escort, how you operate professionally, etc.  I try not to judge anyone who escorts super differently than me for how they work, but the best friendships for me are the ones where we can push and support each other as colleagues which tends to work best when our mindsets are similar.
  2. Like
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from + Tygerscent in How are providers feeling these days about prospective clients??   
    I’m really happy to see and kiss clients.  Seems like everyone who has inquired with me has been vaccinated, which gives me some peace of mind.
    I agree that there is a ton of nonsense out there that most of us escorts are dealing with right now.  Way more time wasters and fake bookings than usual.  My patience is short for any inquiries that sound vague or wishy-washy these days as a result.
    The thing that’s working out great for me right now is having a small circle of clients that book me regularly.  I’m very happy to meet new regular clients, whether they’re booking me once a week, once a month, or once a quarter.  I’m very excited to see them and appreciate the steady business from a lower number of individuals.
  3. Applause
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from + Charlie in Singular Pronouns for NonBinary in Modern-Day Language and Early Education   
    In old English, “you” was previously exclusively a plural pronoun and never would have been used to refer to a singular person.  A singular person was referred to in 2nd person as “thou/thee”.  Over time, people speaking English “improperly” started to use “you” as a singular 2nd person pronoun, and eventually, it took over entirely.
    language changes and evolves over time.  It’s by no means set in stone.
  4. Applause
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Alexphilly in Why does RM prevent people who escorts have blocked from leaving reviews.   
    Blocking is a hard boundary that means “you may not engage with me anymore in any way”.  You’re really asking why RM allows escorts, whose work is criminalized and highly stigmatized, to create this hard boundary?  Negative reviews are often used as a weapon by clients against escorts.  If someone had such a bad time on their overnight with you that they needed to leave early AND block you, and you’re still insistent that you should be allowed to engage with this escort digitally, then you probably have bigger issues than not being allowed to leave a review.  When an escort blocks you or declines to see you, simply move on.  Even if someone left your session early, that’s not a rip off.  Escorts have no obligation to complete a session if we aren’t being treated well.  Being treated well is subjective, but you’re obviously finding ways to be accidentally rude that you’re unaware of, considering you don’t understand how questioning an escort’s required screening procedure led to you getting blocked.  Learn from your mistakes and move on rather than questioning why escorts are allowed to create hard boundaries with clients who they don’t want to engage with in the future.  You’re not entitled to remain qualified to book and or review escorts simply because you’re a client.  Being allowed to engage with us in any form is a privilege.  If you lose that privilege with one escort then simply move on to someone else, and try not to repeat whatever behaviors led to you getting blocked if it bothers you so much.
  5. Applause
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in Why does RM prevent people who escorts have blocked from leaving reviews.   
    Blocking is a hard boundary that means “you may not engage with me anymore in any way”.  You’re really asking why RM allows escorts, whose work is criminalized and highly stigmatized, to create this hard boundary?  Negative reviews are often used as a weapon by clients against escorts.  If someone had such a bad time on their overnight with you that they needed to leave early AND block you, and you’re still insistent that you should be allowed to engage with this escort digitally, then you probably have bigger issues than not being allowed to leave a review.  When an escort blocks you or declines to see you, simply move on.  Even if someone left your session early, that’s not a rip off.  Escorts have no obligation to complete a session if we aren’t being treated well.  Being treated well is subjective, but you’re obviously finding ways to be accidentally rude that you’re unaware of, considering you don’t understand how questioning an escort’s required screening procedure led to you getting blocked.  Learn from your mistakes and move on rather than questioning why escorts are allowed to create hard boundaries with clients who they don’t want to engage with in the future.  You’re not entitled to remain qualified to book and or review escorts simply because you’re a client.  Being allowed to engage with us in any form is a privilege.  If you lose that privilege with one escort then simply move on to someone else, and try not to repeat whatever behaviors led to you getting blocked if it bothers you so much.
  6. Like
    HoleTrainer reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Navigating A4A   
    Considering this is “ask a provider”, I figure I could chime in. Of course I disagree with the sending money ahead of time equating to being a predator or red flag. Rather critical verbiage. 
    I actually state in my ad that new clients may need to confirm (hard to say “deposits” in many ads these days). Just like clients may come across fake providers, so is the case of escorts coming by fake clients. And A4A is among the top for having flaky clients. 
    As for verifying: I use my Jarrod Brandon name in my ad and include my JFF handle. A profile with an actual name is likely more true than something with a screenname sounding name.
  7. Like
    HoleTrainer reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    All valid reasoning. Hadn't quite thought of it that way. But idk, it's always a little uncomfortable being "sussed out". Not that I'm ashamed in any way, but I prefer to offer it when I'm ready. At the same time, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal in the scheme of things. But I've already had, as been mentioned: some people can seem open minded to what I do, but can be a dick about shit when the going gets rough. I would definitely remain discreet, because last thing I need is some gossipy person stepping out of their lane. 
    That said: today and this week as a whole, I'm not at all feeling discouraged. It may not necessarily be the volume I desire, but I figure it'll happen. I'm just going to keep putting myself out there, adjusting my ads, pics, etc. Posting new videos when I can. May not be studio material yet, but definitely something to keep things interesting. I just had a new client the other day and he texted me a great review. So I know I'm doing everything right, I just have to keep on it and not get discouraged.
    I also am putting together an extensive tour schedule, I expect to end up more busy.
  8. Like
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    Since it seems like you’re a career escort and you don’t plan to exit the industry overall anytime soon, I wouldn’t stress yourself out about the possibility of losing a job over being discovered as an escort.  It’s likely that being fired for this reason would qualify for you unemployment insurance compensation as it’s not directly your fault that you got fired (due to your employer’s ethical objection and not your own refusal to to the job etc).  Even if it didn’t, you could always still get another job.  So many personal skills learned in escorting are way more transferable than you might think.  Even the ability to read an interviewer, make the interviewer feel comfortable with you, and understand what they want to hear from you to give you the job alone is invaluable.  And these are skills that experienced escorts certainly have.  If the job’s purpose is to give you the resources to elevate your escort career rather than to exit it entirely, then you should be slightly fearless about losing your job.  Entry-level, low-commitment jobs are generally are a dime a dozen.  Not necessarily these days because of the unique unemployment ending circumstances, but things will be back to normal soon enough.  You can always find another one.
    If the job is really important to you and you want to minimize chances of losing it (maybe if you really like it for example), you can always consider removing your face from your advertising, yes, or even just keeping it out of your thumbnail or your “public images” to reduce the number of people who see it.  But if the purpose of the job is to support you while you invest in your escort career, which is your long term plan anyway, then I don’t think you should bother to remove your face as your chances of getting fired over it are minimal anyway and the fallout should be manageable.
  9. Thanks
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from TorontoTwink in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    1) optimize my business model. If most clients are requesting Incall and I don’t have one, I do WHATEVER it takes to make one available.  I didn’t have my own apartment when I moved to SF and it stunted my business SIGNIFICANTLY.  I got a full-time hourly wage job just so I could try to eventually get my own apartment.  When I moved into my current studio, I actually had no idea if I was going to be able to afford the upkeep or not.  I had my day job but it was going sour with the pandemic and I could tell it would end soon.  I used the job to get approved for the apartment.  Once the job was over, I had to figure out how to make it work.  This meant being more flexible about my rates at first, and accepting short notice bookings even if it meant interrupting something else that I was doing.  This was annoying but my period of needing to do this to make it work lasted less than six months.  Within 3 months I developed regulars who came to my Incall once a week (at a lower rate than I wanted, but no big deal- my rent was getting paid).  And within another 3 months after that, negotiating on my rate was no longer necessary.  In fact I was able to raise my rate significantly.  Being able to offer Incall consistently has developed me good regulars and steady income.  Vast majority of this business is Incall, so whenever I’m advising ANY escort complaining about not enough business, this is the first topic I explore with them as well.  If most of the demand is for Incall, it’s our job as a full time escort to figure out how to be able to provide the logistics to meet that demand if we want that steady money.  We aren’t entitled to clients who want to see us in exactly the manner we would prefer- we have to adjust our business models to accommodate enough of the market demand until we find a place in the market where we are satisfied with our income- and yes this means having enough to contribute regularly to grow a 1-6 month emergency fund too, so that the natural slow periods are less frustrating.  Did I enjoy working for a company full time after 10 years of working for myself independently?  Fuck no!  But I did what I had to do to get it done and now I have my Incall and business is great.  Great doesn’t mean I see 2 clients a day at home, but that I have enough business to cover the expenses, my personal needs, and invest in my business and my retirement, after hustling harder than I wanted for a period of time to make that happen.
    2) invest in myself- this can happen in the form of gym, therapy, massage, a new haircut, new sex toys, an updated photoshoot, new clothes, etc etc.  Having an emergency fund is critical to allow these investments during slow periods.  Slow times are the times when I actually have time and energy to focus on myself, and the self-improvements tend to translate into increased business when things heat up again, not to mention overall happiness.
    3) get creative - find new ways to make my business more fun and make my marketing stand out more.  If I’m dealing with content restrictions on my ads, I keep experimenting with new ways to express my ideas.  Rentmen recently blocked me from using any photos of my hands as my profile pic, claiming all of them were X-rated (nevermind that a hard dick as a profile pic seems to be acceptable???).  Well as a fisting top, not being able to show my “tool” in my thumbnail image actually sucks.  It’s common practice on RM for tops to have their dick as their thumbnail for a reason.  Bottoms like to see what they’ll be sitting on.  Didn’t this feel unfair and discouraging to me?  Yes.  But I kept experimenting and eventually realized that as long as my FACE is also in the pic, they don’t consider my hands to be “X-rated”. So I found a way to express my idea anyway even with the censorship.  Beyond this, there are ALWAYS ways to get more creative with marketing.  Add bright colors, wear a super attention grabbing outfit, shoot in a scandalous public location.  You can use creativity to add new faces to your place public marketing and intrigue new types of people.  Using the same pics or same types of pics all the time leads to stagnation- your ad becomes old news to locals very quickly when you don’t change things up frequently and creatively.  Besides the marketing aspect, I’m always adding new services or even eliminating services that I don’t enjoy anymore.  I used to advertise as full service and versatile.  Now I advertise as exclusively a fisting top, although I have also added electricity, chastity, and some bondage to my repertoire.  Working my way into a niche and adding more niche interests to my tool belt has only increased my business every single time.  So when things slow down or I feel I’m in a rut, this is often where I turn my attention.
  10. Like
    HoleTrainer reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    Superb 👌🏾  input. I will say: you’re in San Francisco so you have a bit of an edge being in one of my favorite markets. The money, the (wealthy/open-minded/older) gays and the big businesses are all out there. One could argue that’s the case in Kansas City, albeit on a much smaller scale. However there’s been trips I’ve done to SF where all my clients were outcalls…despite me hosting (though I often hosted in Alameda or SFO to save on costs and have easier access to parking). 
    I may have another way to get an incall place that doesn’t directly involve starting a job (also idk how that would really pull off unless it’s a night shift job because many incall clients want to meet right during the daytime between 12 and 5, I would be at work if they wanted to meet). 
    I had a former client/fuck Buddy with benefits who was letting me move into his place for incalls while he was away out of state for work. But then he started becoming a bitch when I was changing some things to make it more neat and decorative (he was among the younger ones, only a couple years older than me). He thought I should be content with the way he had it decorated (which was more like a old bachelor pad versus the temporary makeshift vintage boudoir look I was going for ). I was so disgusted and annoyed because I had finally started getting more biz, and he didn’t even come down to see the place before doing something very nasty and trivial that ruined the whole flow. Exactly why many gay men can’t be trusted until proven innocent.
    And true story, I actually did pick up a dead end part time office job years ago in Dallas/Fort Worth. I had needed some money and biz was slow. I eventually quit within a month before they fired me, because I had met 2 clients who paid me more than what they were paying me for 2 weeks of working. 
    Obviously if I look for a job, it will definitely be something more interactive and higher end. I used to not like the idea of retail/clothing, but since many of the gay guys work/shop in those stores…it could be an additional way to get laid/visibility (off clock of course)
    Speaking of visibility: what would I do if a co-worker or boss sees my ad with face and nudity? Would someone have to revert to faceless pics due to the chance of termination if found out? 
  11. Like
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Mo Mason in Providers what are some essentials you carry for outcalls?   
    I recently got a nice leather duffel bag to start carrying for Outcalls.  I’m typically in sportswear or leather depending on the level of discretion needed, so this is the perfect intersection for me and I find it makes me look as tho I may simply be arriving back from the gym.  Mine is covered in FF logos which is maybe not so discreet, but I simply couldn’t resist! 🥰 I doubt the average vanilla will have any idea which “FF” the bag is alluding to tho.
    My typical outcall kit:
    polymer lube like j or k lube, pre-mixed in a sports bottle, sealed in a ziplock bag
    creamy lube like elbow grease, often in 4-6oz containers for single use
    small silicone lube for conditioning and slipping into latex gloves
    2-3 lengths of latex gloves, usually wrist and elbow length, sometimes bicep length if extreme depth is specified in inquiry
    (just added!) latex socks 😉
    disposable black nitrile gloves - 5 per baggie
    stainless steel prostate wand
    at least one small dildo (smaller than the circumference of my hand)
    silicone pig hole(s) in sizes ranging from smaller than my hand to larger than both my hands
    electrical box, electrical pads, electric butt plug
    vaporizers with a few different cartridge options
    travel size mouthwash
    emory board
    bluetooth speaker
    (just added!) phone chargers for both iPhone and common android phones
    (if hotel) travel size blue dawn dish soap
    (just added) puppy pads
    (if hotel) Clorox wipes for easy cleanup and disinfection
    (if hotel) Perrier or Pellegrino to offer client
    (if multiple outcalls) rubbing alcohol spray to sanitize toys after washing, otherwise I do this step at home
    (sometimes) leather gear to change into on arrival
    (sometimes) wedge pillow to create lift under the hips when no sling is available
    empty plastic shopping bags for neat re-storage of used toys that still need to be washed/sanitized at home
    I’m always expanding my kit and looking for more things to add.  I’ve added a bunch of new things in the last few weeks so this was a fun thread for me to have an excuse to write out a whole list. 🥰
  12. Sad
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Lazarus in 411 on Dominus DC/SF/NYC   
    I’ve never worked with him, but we ended up face to face out in the real world once and he was every bit as hot as his pics.
  13. Applause
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    1) optimize my business model. If most clients are requesting Incall and I don’t have one, I do WHATEVER it takes to make one available.  I didn’t have my own apartment when I moved to SF and it stunted my business SIGNIFICANTLY.  I got a full-time hourly wage job just so I could try to eventually get my own apartment.  When I moved into my current studio, I actually had no idea if I was going to be able to afford the upkeep or not.  I had my day job but it was going sour with the pandemic and I could tell it would end soon.  I used the job to get approved for the apartment.  Once the job was over, I had to figure out how to make it work.  This meant being more flexible about my rates at first, and accepting short notice bookings even if it meant interrupting something else that I was doing.  This was annoying but my period of needing to do this to make it work lasted less than six months.  Within 3 months I developed regulars who came to my Incall once a week (at a lower rate than I wanted, but no big deal- my rent was getting paid).  And within another 3 months after that, negotiating on my rate was no longer necessary.  In fact I was able to raise my rate significantly.  Being able to offer Incall consistently has developed me good regulars and steady income.  Vast majority of this business is Incall, so whenever I’m advising ANY escort complaining about not enough business, this is the first topic I explore with them as well.  If most of the demand is for Incall, it’s our job as a full time escort to figure out how to be able to provide the logistics to meet that demand if we want that steady money.  We aren’t entitled to clients who want to see us in exactly the manner we would prefer- we have to adjust our business models to accommodate enough of the market demand until we find a place in the market where we are satisfied with our income- and yes this means having enough to contribute regularly to grow a 1-6 month emergency fund too, so that the natural slow periods are less frustrating.  Did I enjoy working for a company full time after 10 years of working for myself independently?  Fuck no!  But I did what I had to do to get it done and now I have my Incall and business is great.  Great doesn’t mean I see 2 clients a day at home, but that I have enough business to cover the expenses, my personal needs, and invest in my business and my retirement, after hustling harder than I wanted for a period of time to make that happen.
    2) invest in myself- this can happen in the form of gym, therapy, massage, a new haircut, new sex toys, an updated photoshoot, new clothes, etc etc.  Having an emergency fund is critical to allow these investments during slow periods.  Slow times are the times when I actually have time and energy to focus on myself, and the self-improvements tend to translate into increased business when things heat up again, not to mention overall happiness.
    3) get creative - find new ways to make my business more fun and make my marketing stand out more.  If I’m dealing with content restrictions on my ads, I keep experimenting with new ways to express my ideas.  Rentmen recently blocked me from using any photos of my hands as my profile pic, claiming all of them were X-rated (nevermind that a hard dick as a profile pic seems to be acceptable???).  Well as a fisting top, not being able to show my “tool” in my thumbnail image actually sucks.  It’s common practice on RM for tops to have their dick as their thumbnail for a reason.  Bottoms like to see what they’ll be sitting on.  Didn’t this feel unfair and discouraging to me?  Yes.  But I kept experimenting and eventually realized that as long as my FACE is also in the pic, they don’t consider my hands to be “X-rated”. So I found a way to express my idea anyway even with the censorship.  Beyond this, there are ALWAYS ways to get more creative with marketing.  Add bright colors, wear a super attention grabbing outfit, shoot in a scandalous public location.  You can use creativity to add new faces to your place public marketing and intrigue new types of people.  Using the same pics or same types of pics all the time leads to stagnation- your ad becomes old news to locals very quickly when you don’t change things up frequently and creatively.  Besides the marketing aspect, I’m always adding new services or even eliminating services that I don’t enjoy anymore.  I used to advertise as full service and versatile.  Now I advertise as exclusively a fisting top, although I have also added electricity, chastity, and some bondage to my repertoire.  Working my way into a niche and adding more niche interests to my tool belt has only increased my business every single time.  So when things slow down or I feel I’m in a rut, this is often where I turn my attention.
  14. Thanks
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    1) optimize my business model. If most clients are requesting Incall and I don’t have one, I do WHATEVER it takes to make one available.  I didn’t have my own apartment when I moved to SF and it stunted my business SIGNIFICANTLY.  I got a full-time hourly wage job just so I could try to eventually get my own apartment.  When I moved into my current studio, I actually had no idea if I was going to be able to afford the upkeep or not.  I had my day job but it was going sour with the pandemic and I could tell it would end soon.  I used the job to get approved for the apartment.  Once the job was over, I had to figure out how to make it work.  This meant being more flexible about my rates at first, and accepting short notice bookings even if it meant interrupting something else that I was doing.  This was annoying but my period of needing to do this to make it work lasted less than six months.  Within 3 months I developed regulars who came to my Incall once a week (at a lower rate than I wanted, but no big deal- my rent was getting paid).  And within another 3 months after that, negotiating on my rate was no longer necessary.  In fact I was able to raise my rate significantly.  Being able to offer Incall consistently has developed me good regulars and steady income.  Vast majority of this business is Incall, so whenever I’m advising ANY escort complaining about not enough business, this is the first topic I explore with them as well.  If most of the demand is for Incall, it’s our job as a full time escort to figure out how to be able to provide the logistics to meet that demand if we want that steady money.  We aren’t entitled to clients who want to see us in exactly the manner we would prefer- we have to adjust our business models to accommodate enough of the market demand until we find a place in the market where we are satisfied with our income- and yes this means having enough to contribute regularly to grow a 1-6 month emergency fund too, so that the natural slow periods are less frustrating.  Did I enjoy working for a company full time after 10 years of working for myself independently?  Fuck no!  But I did what I had to do to get it done and now I have my Incall and business is great.  Great doesn’t mean I see 2 clients a day at home, but that I have enough business to cover the expenses, my personal needs, and invest in my business and my retirement, after hustling harder than I wanted for a period of time to make that happen.
    2) invest in myself- this can happen in the form of gym, therapy, massage, a new haircut, new sex toys, an updated photoshoot, new clothes, etc etc.  Having an emergency fund is critical to allow these investments during slow periods.  Slow times are the times when I actually have time and energy to focus on myself, and the self-improvements tend to translate into increased business when things heat up again, not to mention overall happiness.
    3) get creative - find new ways to make my business more fun and make my marketing stand out more.  If I’m dealing with content restrictions on my ads, I keep experimenting with new ways to express my ideas.  Rentmen recently blocked me from using any photos of my hands as my profile pic, claiming all of them were X-rated (nevermind that a hard dick as a profile pic seems to be acceptable???).  Well as a fisting top, not being able to show my “tool” in my thumbnail image actually sucks.  It’s common practice on RM for tops to have their dick as their thumbnail for a reason.  Bottoms like to see what they’ll be sitting on.  Didn’t this feel unfair and discouraging to me?  Yes.  But I kept experimenting and eventually realized that as long as my FACE is also in the pic, they don’t consider my hands to be “X-rated”. So I found a way to express my idea anyway even with the censorship.  Beyond this, there are ALWAYS ways to get more creative with marketing.  Add bright colors, wear a super attention grabbing outfit, shoot in a scandalous public location.  You can use creativity to add new faces to your place public marketing and intrigue new types of people.  Using the same pics or same types of pics all the time leads to stagnation- your ad becomes old news to locals very quickly when you don’t change things up frequently and creatively.  Besides the marketing aspect, I’m always adding new services or even eliminating services that I don’t enjoy anymore.  I used to advertise as full service and versatile.  Now I advertise as exclusively a fisting top, although I have also added electricity, chastity, and some bondage to my repertoire.  Working my way into a niche and adding more niche interests to my tool belt has only increased my business every single time.  So when things slow down or I feel I’m in a rut, this is often where I turn my attention.
  15. Like
    HoleTrainer reacted to CuriousByNature in What do you do when you start to feel discouraged?   
    I've never operated a business, so my advice may be misplaced.  But I don't think it ever hurts to reevaluate your business model and determine where improvements might be made.  I think many of the most successful business owners in any sector have reached their levels of success by recognizing their own particular gifts and developing a niche where they can confidently exceed clients' expectations in relation to all other potential competition.  That said, even though things are reopening, it remains a strange time for many people in this pandemic climate - even compared to last summer when things were looking quite good in many places before the third wave hit.  So it might be wise to see how things naturally change with the increasing rates of vaccinations before making any significant adjustments to your business model.  I know it is easy for me to say, but try not to be too discouraged.  And if you find it helpful to do some other part-time work to augment your business earnings, there is absolutely no shame in that.  You'll get through this - just remain open to possibilities and opportunities as they come.
  16. Like
    HoleTrainer reacted to Jamie21 in Appropriate time for details   
    Yes, me too. I like clients to call if they have things to discuss. It’s not time wasting to call and talk about requirements, it makes the meeting better because I know exactly what he likes. As long as I get a heads up and we agree a time to call I’m fine to talk. It’s more personal than a text and starts off the connection nicely. 

    There’s a few time wasters but if I sense the call is going that way then it’s easy to end it. 
  17. Applause
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Whippoorwill in Overweight clients   
    Don’t forget that plenty of guys out there are into bigger guys too, including some escorts.
    One of my best friends is also an escort.  We go drinking together on our off time.  He loves bears and will usually be checking out one of the guys with the biggest belly in the room and telling me how hot he is.  (Sometimes I agree, sometimes not, as I’m more face-oriented.) He’d probably be more likely to hook up with a bigger guy for free than anyone else.  Just because that’s his preference.
    So my point is, guys who are bigger, don’t assume that all escorts are just being nice and putting up with you non-judgementally.  Plenty of us actually think you’re hot and that your body is a great body.  Being in this line of work tends to really open up our minds and teach us that all kinds of people can be very sexy.  Not everyone but a lot of us.
  18. Like
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Rod Hagen in Appropriate time for details   
    For me, the appropriate time to discuss details is once we have established that date/time/location/rate are a match.  I don’t need to hear the details of your fetishes or past sexual experiences before we even check if the logistics are going to work.  I may give guys who message me with lots of details about their sexual interests before discussing a date and time the benefit of the doubt, technically, but it is a major yellow warning flag and starts our interaction off on the wrong foot.
    I’ll usually ask for details myself once we’ve confirmed a date and time.  I’ll usually frame it by asking about their experience level with my niche and asking if there’s anything specific that they’re excited to explore together.  I do very much want to know these details going into our meeting so that I can mentally prep and tailor the experience as much as possible.
    I like phone calls a lot.  I feel like I can get a much better idea of what our chemistry is going to be like in 30 seconds on the phone vs an hour texting.  Can’t beat the efficiency.
  19. Applause
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in 1 strike rule for prospects who don’t pan out?   
    Honestly in my opinion it is OK to block someone with only one strike if they truly annoy you.  For any reason whatsoever.  Including no reason.  In fact it’s a lot less damaging to your overall business to block a single person than it is to get resentful about the process of trying to communicate about a booking.
    Personally, when someone messages me outside of my preferred hours with a last minute booking request I know I can’t accommodate, I wait until later to respond, as any conversation I engage them with while they’re horny now is not likely to be relevant tomorrow.  So if someone messages me at 11:30pm asking if I can come over (I’m usually in bed by 9 or 10), even if I see the message, I’ll wait until I’m having tea at 6:30am to send my response- that sorry- I was already asleep- but I am available today from X to Y time if they’re still interested in getting together.  This tends to work out well for me as they usually do not even respond if they’re not interested.  And sometime they are and they book.
    In fact, delayed responses are a major strategy of mine to cut down on time wasting and frustration overall in the booking process.  One issue we as providers deal with that locksmiths are NOT dealing with is that many people get off on talking to us.  Whether they’re real clients or not, time spent in conversation with us is part of the experience they enjoy and are paying us for.  Or not paying us for, in the case of a true time-waster.  If someone is annoying me via text or trying to engage in too much detailed conversation when we’ve never met and I’m not sure if we will, I heavily delay my responses and it helps a lot.  I’ll wait until I don’t feel annoyed (even if it takes 9 hours) to type a response that gently redirects the conversation back to where I need it to go.
  20. Applause
    HoleTrainer reacted to Jamie21 in 1 strike rule for prospects who don’t pan out?   
    Yes delayed response works well with those 11 pm messages asking if I’m available now. I just ignore it until I’m ready to reply and I say I was asleep or otherwise engaged. Those aren’t the clients I want.
    The 99% certain to not happen requests are almost always those where the client asks for some extravagant fantasy to be fulfilled involving group sex and and having every orifice penetrated all night. It all sounds great when they discuss it and book it but come the day of the appointment and they always have some issue that means they have to cancel. The more explicit and detailed the request the greater the likelihood it will be cancelled or he won’t show. If the conversation goes down the road of “describe what you’ll do to me” then I cut it off and say “book and you’ll find out” and I tell them I require a deposit for those type of requests…(which usually ends the conversation).
    Clients who want to book when they’re horny should have a wank and then if they still want to book they’ll know it’s for better reasons than just needing to get off right now…
  21. Like
    HoleTrainer reacted to CalTec in Providers what are some essentials you carry for outcalls?   
    For traveling regulars at hotels, I pack light as there is always anything available at any time and never had an issue calling up some towels, extra mouthwash, etc. For any new clients?  Pretty much already listed here. @HoleTrainerhas his list like a precise military kit list.  I love it.  One underrated piece of kit is the bt speaker.  Really nice if a client likes music and you're giving a massage, likes a certain genre when the session is "in full effect", etc 
    I also use it for age regression. I have a deal with an online "mommy" who essentially licenses out her audio clips while I am serving clients in baby space who want that soothing mommy voice while in the session.
    I have also pre-ordered sex toys for clients who cannot or do not want to order themselves. I once ordered a client a fleshjack and his message of thanks was, "Don't worry! I'm not breaking up with you!"  Dead!
  22. Confused
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from + Pensant in Will you pay a deposit to a stranger?   
    So you refused to show these guys the respect of complying with their requested deposit policy because you assumed before you even met them that they were trying to scam you and then you’re surprised that you didn’t have a good experience with them??  Gee, I wonder why... talk about starting things off on a sour note!  They went thru with the appointments with you because they NEEDED the money badly enough to see someone who refused to honor their booking policy.  There is absolutely no way anyone is walking into that situation giving their best performance.  If you want an escort’s best performance, you need to comply with their booking policies and show respect during 100% of the appointment booking proceeds.  Assuming that a professional is trying to scam you is disrespectful as hell.  You may get away with it but obviously you’re not going to get the best experience out of it.
  23. Sad
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from josh282282 in Will you pay a deposit to a stranger?   
    Yes.  It’s the client’s responsibility to research thoroughly before hiring.  If he decides to send a deposit to an unknown entity, or someone who is clearly playing games with him, that is his own mistake, not the mistake of every other escort who dares to require a deposit.
    Client who got scammed could accept responsibility and learn to research an escort better before agreeing to send a deposit in the future.  Or could blame ALL escorts in existence and get offended whenever any escort requires a deposit, while continuing to pay deposits to other types of professionals in other industries.  One shows maturity and personal responsibility, the other displaces blame for their negative experience to all sex workers which in my opinion is disrespectful.
  24. Sad
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from josh282282 in Will you pay a deposit to a stranger?   
    If a client has had a bad experience with getting scammed out of a deposit in the past, he should have the maturity to understand that he did not do his research on that particular service provider well enough.  Deciding to never pay a deposit to any sex worker ever again because you got scammed by someone you did not research properly IS inherently disrespectful to me.  End of story.
  25. Sad
    HoleTrainer got a reaction from josh282282 in Will you pay a deposit to a stranger?   
    So you refused to show these guys the respect of complying with their requested deposit policy because you assumed before you even met them that they were trying to scam you and then you’re surprised that you didn’t have a good experience with them??  Gee, I wonder why... talk about starting things off on a sour note!  They went thru with the appointments with you because they NEEDED the money badly enough to see someone who refused to honor their booking policy.  There is absolutely no way anyone is walking into that situation giving their best performance.  If you want an escort’s best performance, you need to comply with their booking policies and show respect during 100% of the appointment booking proceeds.  Assuming that a professional is trying to scam you is disrespectful as hell.  You may get away with it but obviously you’re not going to get the best experience out of it.
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