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Posts posted by ArVaGuy

  1. There is this thread on The Lounge right now created by another escort having the same problem with clients as Mocha. But note how pleasant the conversation is on this one.





    Note how the escort presented his issue. Yes, they each have similar challenges with client contact and communication. No where in his original post nor subsequent replies does he react negatively. He didn’t start off with a complaint and announce he’s going to start charging prospective clients for the privilege of contacting him.


    Furthermore, the escort has a long history of positive interactions on this message board. His dust ups with various characters around here has been rare and altogether nonexistent as I can recall.


    Thus the difference in tone and replies. That escort reached out seeking advice from a wide ranging and experienced group of clients and providers. He did not announce an asinine policy of charging a prospective client for the privilege of communicating with him.


    This level of professionalism is sorely lacking in Mocha’s initial post. Perhaps if he’d honestly asked for advice on how to deal with his frustrations he would have gotten more positive results. Instead he continues to post complaint after complaint, dismisses criticism and responds negatively more often than not.

  2. I don't think their legal troubles attract me at all-it's their physical attributes. But I'm not really fond of straight guys. Derek is handsome enough that straight as he is, he'd tempt me since he's versatile. Jeremy tempted me even more than Derek. He's so handsome I might have had to break my rule about hiring straight guys. So really I'm glad Jeremy is only a top as it prevented me from hiring him. Same thing for Chris Rockway.


    By the way-shameless diversion from the subject at hand. But since I mentioned Chris, I thought I'd provide a picture. He looks a lot younger in this picture than I'm used to seeing him.




    @azdr0710, you usually keep count of how long it takes a thread to divert from the original topic. How long did it take this one??




    @Gar1eth, I have hired BOTH Jeremy Walker and Chris Rockway multiple times in their heyday. Jeremy is one of the nicest and humble guys around. Chris Rockway, as one could guess, had a bit of an ego but was always courteous.


    I’d certainly hire Jeremy again if for nothing more than to see how he’s doing since his recent issues. As for Rockway, I’d consider hiring again but this time he’d have to bottom and that’s not going happen.

  3. The train from Vancouver to Toronto used to take 3 days; we took it a couple of months ago, and it now takes 5 days. The problem is the same as in the US: the tracks are owned by the freight lines, which means freight trains get priority, so passenger trains often have to sit on side tracks and wait while the freights keep to their schedule. It is a relaxing way to get across Canada if you are not in a hurry and want to enjoy the scenery, but it's not a practical way to just get from A to B.


    Did you stay at any of the Fairmont hotels along the route? Fairmont was originally owned by the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The company built luxury hotels along the route for passengers.


    One of my favorites is the Fairmont Empress in Victoria BC. A grand dame of hotels built early 20th century and the last one on the route.

  4. Hopefully @caliguy is smart enough to see the signs.


    That kind of behavior unfortunately is not uncommon on allegedly straight men who do gay porn, steroids, party, burning money like there's no tomorrow, etc.


    Sad but true! Unfortunately some on here fuel that kind of lifestyle.


    The bottom line here is we don’t know the circumstances around these incidents. There’s a lot of conjecture without knowing the facts. I know several people have looked up his court records and other escorts criminal records. I often wonder if the escorts turn this around and run criminal background checks on clients. Turnabout is fair play.

  5. Be ready for very long boarding lines on the popular NE corridor routes. So much so that I witnessed line-cutting and yelling on a recent train ride on that line at DC Union Station. Also, walk outside the train to the far end before getting on board (away from all the other people) for a chance at more room and luggage space.


    This is why I use the Red Cap service. The preboarding at Union Station eliminates this hassle.


    One of my work colleagues is afraid to fly and takes Amtrak as much as possible. Last year we had a meeting in Atlanta and she took the overnight train from Union Station. She carried a weapon with her for self defense. Apparently the overnight train can attract interesting characters. This shocked me but there’s no luggage screening in our rail system so one never knows what people are carrying.

  6. Gotta be so obvious? Lol! As a country we focused our efforts an a highway network and not rail. It’s evident and unfortunately there will only be minor improvements in our system.


    It is a complex situation. The decline of passenger rail began shortly before the end of WWII. The railroad companies could not compete against the airlines and consumer demand for automobiles. They flat out refused to adapt to market conditions and steadily declined in service. By the early 1970s passenger rail had pretty much collapsed in this country. Amtrak was created to pick up the pieces and assemble a basic rail system that kept passenger service on life support for the last forty plus years.


    The irony now is the president of Amtrak is a former airline executive. His plan is to concentrate on the costal route in the Northeast Corridor and California where the railroad actually makes money. If he gets his way much of the reminder of the national passenger lines will be significantly reduced.


    Also we need to keep in mind the European rail systems are heavily subsidized and the distances between major cities are a fraction of those distances in our country. Hence the costs associated with a passenger railroad here is greater with a disproportionately smaller customer base despite our population.

  7. The USA is years behind Europe and The Asian countries for train travel...I have traveled Spain..France..Enland on train. Very fast..efficient...affordable and clean. The AVE between Barcelona and Madrid travels 600 miles in under 3 hours.

    I'll be taking the train from Paris to Amsterdam to Madrid to London this fall. I have 100% faith in their trains.

    I took AMTRAK for years back and forth to work. Late often..track problems..breakdowns..smelly cars...

    I do love Grand Central Station...too bad the US won't invest in infrastructure and fix train travel


    Yeah, agreed. Compared to Europe and Japan our passenger rail system is an embarrassment. Acela is designed to run 150 MPH but barely exceeds half that speed due to track and infrastructure issues. Amtrak shares track with CSX and freight gets priority over passenger rail.

  8. I agree with @Charlie that Amtrak is the most practical transportation for trips in the Northeast Corridor. This is Amtrak’s most profitable route and gets the lions share of resources. Delays caused by equipment and weather are pretty much the same as with the airlines. Keep in mind this is government run so customer service can be less than efficient and makes the airlines look like paragons of kindness and accommodation.


    My preference is Acela versus the Northeast Regional trains. Right now, you can get tickets WAS - Union Station to Penn Station NYC as low as $53 on a regional train or $276 on Acela departing around 9:00 AM. That’s one way. Peak times are just like the airlines and there’s a morning and evening rush hour congestion on number of travelers. I have work colleagues who live in NYC and commute to DC via Amtrak almost daily. Book off peak and the savings is considerable.


    Here’s a travel hack for making Amtrak a smooth experience. Use the Red Cap Service for luggage. Even if you have just one carry on duffel bag. These porters will pre-board you on the train and just tip them $5.00. It’s well worth it, in DC I’ve boarded 15-20 minutes before general boarding and gotten settled in my Quiet Car seat long before everyone else stars jockeying for overhead space. At Penn Station there’s a Red Cap lounge area you check in with and wait for boarding. The porters get track information about ten minutes before it’s announced.

  9. Children, calm down. You getting all riled up without understanding the actual facts. And drop all the words of extortion and blackmail. The cancel fee wasn’t even more than 100. So chill the F out. It’s not like I was asking for a million dollars.


    1st off: he wasn’t a “client”. He was someone from adam4adam who’s been contacting me every time I go to his city for atleast the past couple of years. He’s never booked. I never paid him no mind, until he pissed me off on 4th of July, when I was only offering sessions on a limited time.


    On the last time, he seemed to have finally balls up, and wanted to go forward with the session, his words. He was trying to get my address, texting incessantly giving me point by point info of where he was. He then backed out by saying I was too expensive, and when I asked how much he would be open to consider, he said ZERO. But then said $40. So then why the FUCK would he be contacting me then? And sending me naked pics of himself? Then, he stopped responding and just completely blew me off.


    So he basically blatantly wasted my time, and then from there is when I presented my cancellation policy. Then he got nasty, and I had to get nasty right back.


    So please, get the facts before you go accusing somebody. Be a sex worker for a day, and then you can talk some shit.


    That’s why I said in another thread, my bad client list isn’t actually for clients, but for people like him. I think I finally trained his ass to stop fucking people around...because his tune changed. They think it’s cute and funny to do that stuff, but I’m not the one ☝?I didn’t contact him, he contacted me. Therefore he needs to yield to my way of doing things. It’s not a game of you contact me and boss me around, and tell me what you are and aren’t going to pay.


    Rationalize this all you wish, You stated that you threatened to expose someone to his family with pictures he sent you.

  10. Oh HELL no. I wouldn’t take that shit. I don’t care if they found someone cheaper or free, that’s disrespectful. The human body is not a store or shelf item or piece of meat to be swapped out for a cheaper cut. To cancel because someone found someone cheaper shows a lack of moral and responsibility on the clients end...and most of those clients aren’t worth meeting because they see us as slaves, not as persons in business. That’s what they did in the slavery days: Auction off and try to get the biggest negro for the least amount of money. That’s why I DESPISE that type of mentality. You don’t have to pay me $1,000, but don’t tell me how another guy is cheaper.


    And as far as someone finding someone for free: I had a guy try to bullshit me like that over 4th of July. He’s like, “I don’t want to pay your rate, I only got $40 I won at the casino”. Then he went out to say: “If it were up to me, I would pay you ZERO because I don’t pay for sex. AND THEN, he didn’t show up after I GAVE THE ADDRESS TO MY FRIEND’S HOUSE.


    I was LIVID. I told him he’d better get my cancellation agreement to me ASAP, otherwise those naked pictures he sexually harassed me with (according to Texas law anyway) will be going to his kids who he said were in college. Let’s just say I got more than $40 haha ?


    I’m too old to be dealing with disrespect. I put up with a lot of shit in my younger escorting days, nowadays I have 0 tolerance. At the same time, I been having to coach myself and tell myself not to go TOO hard on them. I almost went off on a guy who cancelled yesterday, and then later we rescheduled and he said he had a friend over.


    We ended up meeting and had a hot 2 BBC on 1 White guy session. The session was epic, and I think the other guy who was there was his “free” friend. So...I’m trying to exercise patience, compassion and humility in some circumstances. Just don’t accept blatant disrespect.


    I am leaning more to asking and asking again before just immediately kicking them to the curb. I’ll admit I’ve pushed away what could of been a few good regular clients this year in the process.


    Wait. Time Out!


    Do I understand the above to mean you threatened to BLACKMAIL a client if he canceled the session?? You then EXTORTED a “cancellation fee” from him significantly higher than would have been due?

  11. Out of curiosity, how does one service cars made by companies which no longer exist, such as DMC, AMC? Do spare parts have to be custom-made?


    Valid question, there are numerous online companies that specialize in vintage automotive parts. Here’s one example:





    In some instances, a classic car purchase may include a “parts car” Which are stripped down for parts as needed. A friend was recently looking at a 1950s Ford (I forget the model) and the seller was including a beaten up parts car as part of the purchase. He didn’t buy the car but gave it serious consideration due to the parts car bonus.

  12. I read up on the event in Wikipedia. According to them, "Historian David Carter presents information[67] indicating that the Mafia owners of the Stonewall and the manager were blackmailing wealthier customers, particularly those who worked in the Financial District.[10] They appeared to be making more money from extortion than they were from liquor sales in the bar. Carter deduces that when the police were unable to receive kickbacks from blackmail and the theft of negotiable bonds (facilitated by pressuring gay Wall Street customers), they decided to close the Stonewall Inn permanently."

    I guess that makes me wonder why anyone would patronize a bar that blackmails him (or would blackmail anyone). Was this a problem with all or most bars of the time? I know that some of our more venerated members may have been around at the time, so I'm hoping perhaps even for a 1st-hand account. Was it just not well-known at the time that the bar was mafia-owned, and the blackmailees got taken by surprise? For how much were people being blackmailed?


    I have read similar articles about this and PBS American Experience covered the subject in an episode a few years ago.


    Nearly all the gay bars in New York, as well as other major cities, were owned or controlled by mob organizations. If the mob didn’t own an establishment they collected protection money to keep the police from raiding the businesses.


    Much of what occurred on that fateful day is somewhat murky. What actually precipitated the police raid is debatable. Were the police shaking down the Genovese crime family for more graft and all hell broke loose? No one can really be certain.

  13. I did. In Las Vegas. It was after he finished some porn awards show, so he still had body paint and glitter over his back and chest. He was pretty exhausted. We had an overnight that started at 1AM.

    But I did it because I really wanted to meet him in person. I loved his old videos.

    He was adorable. As cute as he seems online. Very handsome, great body. Very sweet and charming.


    As u know, he has had a crazy life and not surprisingly, he was quite a head case. Very chatty. As expected, bit narcissistic. I enjoyed the intimacy. Kissed and much more.


    Happy the have had the experience.

    Brent’s always been a nice guy. A bit of a lost soul, but hopefully he’s on a good path especially now that he’s rid of that awful JJ Knight.



    He certainly has had a crazy life. It’s not every gay porn actor who starts out as underage; has two people commit murder over them; assists the FBI in a sting to catch the killers; testifying at the trial; tries their hand at legitimate acting; then return to porn all before the age of thirty.

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