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Posts posted by Coolwave35

  1. I’ve been with him. He’s a seeking boy. Really beautiful. A ferocious bottom. It was a wham bam and I asked him twice to slow down.  We had sex in another porn stars bed that I was house sitting for. He also offered me package pricing that was reasonable and included several encounters and overnights per month. 

  2. 2 hours ago, SethFisher said:

    Shane’s partner here… Yes I can imagine not having the funds set aside for the potential expenses of your partner being murdered. People act like porn companies operated with perfect integrity and gave their models residuals and shit or something.


    ill also add that he had plenty to show for his tenure in the industry and what he did with the opportunities it provided him, i just may not have been financial security. But I guess if that’s the only metric one’s worth and contribution to the world is measured by then I too have little to show for it. 

    the memorial happened. I battle with depression but I have to own that after announcing the date for it I did nothing to bring awareness to it or organize appropriately. I could make excuses like how it fell entirely on me to do it and his brother wanted to change the date and his mom was In the middle of a divorce and wasn’t going to make whatever date I picked anyways, but the truth is that I was so broken I spent nearly two months sitting in my car, barely working enough to feed myself, just in silence parked anywhere I MIGHT not be disturbed or questioned why I was just sitting in my car. I kept the date because i didn’t want anyone who had made note and planned the effort of coming down to San Diego for it to have to change those plans despite wanting to push it back another month or two to give myself more time to pull my head out of my ass and honor him like he deserved. Two people showed up, and a third went to the wrong location 35 miles away. And it was my fault that it was such a disaster and he deserved better than that. 

    (the money raised that didn’t get used for cremation went mostly to his mom, fyi)

    And Since I’ve already lost him and have nothing left to lose, I’m gonna just go ahead and say it: it wasn’t an accidental overdose. He was murdered and I am doing everything I can to get justice.

    Two years ago he and I were witness to the murder of a kid named Nikko. It happened in the alley behind a drug dealers house we had gone to potentially procure a phone for Shane through (wish I could say we had drugs to show for this but nope nothing), in the passenger seat of Shane’s car while the kid we had met 24 hours  slept. The kid had stolen from the dealer and the murderer respectively, and thelatter came out slit his femoral artery with a level of giddy joy I’d rather sooner forget. 

    we were told “you better get rid of him quick or his problems are going to become yours.”

    Shane tried to rush him to the emergency room but was pulled over running red lights on the way there. He was handcuffed and Nikko, unresponsive and “non compliant”, was summarily tossed onto the pavement out of the vehicle where his when the police finally realized Shane repeating “my friend needs help” meant “my friend needs help”.

    We both got held for questioning and the murderer was arrested and charged but has been out on bail since nearly that long ago. 

    he and I were threatened not to speak, I lost my housing and he and I went on the road together largely to hide from retaliation.. Hotel hoping is expensive, and not having stable housing played a major roll for both of us in our abilities to heal from everything. 

    the trial is finally coming in two weeks for Nikko’s murder and I don’t know if my testimony is what the prosecution needs to hold his murderer accountable.

    Shane was killed because he was intending to speak up, where as I told the police to go fuck themselves

    And now because of all of this I know what pooling looks like, what finding your partner dead feels like, what having to tell their mom that you couldn’t save her baby boy feels like…

    I don’t care if anyone believes me or not, but Shane was killed and the people accountable will get what’s coming to them…


  3. This is what works like a charm for me. 

    Create a profile of expensive things and all the boys open to generous men will come flocking. My profile photo is me at an atm, then I have a picture of a Louis Vuitton bag, a Porsche, a neck wearing a big gold necklace and myback yard which has a pool and big deck.  The boys get it and they inquire. 

    I get 2-4 boys a month inquiring. 

  4. To clarify my post, I attempted to hire the provider (there’s no chatter about him here) three months ago. He wasn’t seeing clients but wanted to chat. It turns out he was going through a break up and needed a friend. I didn’t seek him out to be his friend I wanted a session. I asked him several times to please stop reaching out until he was taking clients again. I have zero expectation of him keeping the appointment for this Thursday. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    I just think clocking the arrival to be there in that fashion might come off pushy to another provider, unless you know the guy and are just joking around with him.

    It’s totally pushy. It reads pushy and I agree with you. He brought it up after we had an incredible session and were all finished.   He said “I wasn’t sure how this was going to go with your “not 12:07” text message”. And then we laughed about it. But he, like all of the others, got there on time.  

  6. All of my hires typically go the same way. I only ever hire same day. It limits my options, but I am not the type of person who can meal prep knowing on Sunday that Wednesday I’ll want lasagna.  

    When I set up same day appointments I am usually able to give 6-12 hours notice. I send a general inquiry asking if the provider is available “tonight.”  They choose the time that works for them, or they turn me down. If I’m asking the provider to pick the time, and not counter offering, or negotiating, then it’s my opinion that they should choose a time they can accommodate and then accommodate it.

    Exceptions are last minute requests I make when I’m unexpectedly horny. Then my initial inquiry looks something like. “Hi.  I noticed Rentmen says you’re available, or I normally wouldn’t text at this hour. If you’re able to complete a 1 hour session by 2am tonight, I’ll pay you twice your fee as a thank you for making it happen.” And I’m ok if they’re later than they initially expected since they essentially had no time to plan. 

  7. On 4/20/2024 at 6:20 PM, RyanDean said:

    My question for y'all is:
    What "grace period" do you typically afford a gent?

    Does that work for anyone?

    Like a charm. Every time. In my view, it’s setting limits which is really important when hiring. If I’m not comfortable telling a provider it’s important that he’s on time, how can I tell him I like when he does xyz to my abc with his you know what. 

    Also. Who was it? 


  8. 40 minutes ago, Cooper said:

    Healthy 68 Spa in Manhasset, Long Island

    Had a most relaxing massage  with Will. He provides a thorough session from head to toe and all parts in between. Strong hands and nice techniques. 

    Will, a young looking Asian, is the only masseur working M-F. There is a different masseur on weekends. 

    Business there is slow. Massage is $60 for 1 hour. 

    Great information thank you. I’ve been meaning to try this place and now I know what to ask for.

  9. On 12/14/2022 at 6:37 PM, kaboom35 said:

    Not sure why but your link to Xavier Zane is messed up.    This one should work:   https://rentmen.eu/XavierZane

    I just had an incredible experience with him in Orlando. He’s definitely no bait and switch as there was plenty of kissing and he performed exactly the role I wanted him to when I inquired. His energy is confident, sensual, passionate and calm. Literally all of my favorite things.  He’s super sweet, gifted, and great at what he does. When we were done, he excused himself to the shower. What he was doing caught my attention through the corner of my eye and I inquired. He told me what he was doing and asked if I wanted to watch. I was completely in at this point and mesmerized. This kid is full of surprises and you won’t be disappointed. Every part, inside and out, is silky and beautiful.  Proceed with enthusiasm. 

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