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Posts posted by spider

  1. I can’t choose one.


    Lance Navarro for his crazy smile that means there’s about to be fucking and for just being a nice guy.


    Jon Ransey in Boston. He’s a total pro, but always shows up bang on time and ready. He once called to say he was running 2 minutes late. We seem to be a good match.


    Unless London opens. Then it’s James West if he’s around, he comes and goes but is another keeper.

  2. Pornhub states that two organizations are going after them: National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE - formerly known as "Morality in Media), and Exodus Cry ( a strange anti-porn Evangelical operation with ties to Trump and the Christian right per The Daily Beast - see (https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-exodus-cry-the-shady-evangelical-group-with-trump-ties-waging-war-on-pornhub).


    But don't think these two groups will be satisfied with shutting down Pornhub. NCOSE says they will be going after the "Dirty Dozen":

    • Amazon, for distributing pornography and “sadomasochistic paraphernalia,” exposing children to sexually explicit images and content “with incest, rape, and child themes” with the Kindle e-reader, and for Amazon Web Services hosting pornography and prostitution websites
    • American Library Association, for encouraging public-access computers to stay unfiltered, “thereby allowing patrons, including children, to view illegal, obscene material”
    • Amnesty International, for supporting the decriminalization of prostitution, which “normalizes sexual violence and exploitation”
    • Backpage.com, for facilitating prostitution advertisements
    • Cosmopolitan Magazine, for hyper-sexualizing fashion and glamorizing “public, anal, and violent sex”
    • The Department of Justice, for “refusing to enforce existing federal obscenity laws against pornography”
    • HBO, for “providing increasingly graphic depictions of pornography and sexual violence as entertainment,” most notably in Game of Thrones
    • “Sexpresso” Coffee Shops, for having “pornified working conditions” that “result in frequent sexual harassment of staff, have been associated with indecent exposure and prostitution, and are an affront to public decency and health”
    • Snapchat, for being “frequently used for sexting and the sharing of child sexual abuse images”
    • Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, for initially selling hardcore pornography via on-demand TV offerings, but then—here’s a twist—the hotel chain was removed from the list after eliminating porn from all of its hotels
    • Verizon, for profiting from “sexual exploitation each year through pay-per-view movies and dedicated pornography channels on its Fios TV services, as an Internet service provider, and wireless carrier”
    • YouTube, for being “a place where pornography and other explicit content is easily accessed and often promoted”

    I encourage everyone who is concerned about this new Evangelical censorship to read The Daily Beast article referenced above.



    I suspect the *Wood decision was also business related. Much easier to just fire up your laptop and avoid a questionable charge showing up on your bill. Usage was likely way down.

  3. These two both apply to in calls.


    When you neaten up between clients be sure to check the waste basket. Staring at the refuse from previous sessions is a real turn off.


    Give full arrival instructions. Many times I’ve been left standing outside an apartment building door with no entry instructions. Buzz 34 works. Or, if the units are listed by name be sure the name on the list is the same as your professional name. If there’s a doorman be sure to give your clients the name for them to call to announce your guest.

  4. Spices. Dump them all unless something was very recently purchased.


    Books? Libraries really have little use for ordinary books that are mass market stuff. Selling them is a ton of work and not worth it. There are some things that libraries will take. Unusual cookbooks are often collected by libraries, for example. Expensive art books they’ll take. Your collection of paperback Agatha Christie? Toss or burn. Medical books, while expensive are also hard. Unless a special library that collects History of Medicine, you don’t want someone operating on you after consulting a 50 year old textbook - EEK! If you have space like a garage, I’d consider just putting all the books out and putting a posting on Facebook, Craigs list, etc. offering free books on Saturday. People will come. You can just leave them in boxes. People will look through.


    goodwill will take a lot of stuff but upholstered furniture and mattresses are hard to get rid of since they don’t know what’s in them, particularly if you have pets.


    Phil Keoghan is the host of The Amazing Race on CBS and is well known for displaying his bulge in tight jeans. The show has been nicknamed The Amazing Bulge.

  6. Postings such as this one help me reassess my petty disappointments and grievances.


    This! I know situations are always different, but Stephen Hawking has the same effect on me. My gripes are so meaningless. There’s someone on my dog walking route who is very crippled yet makes her circuit every day whatever the weather and with a small dog in tow, with a smile on her face and a kind word for all.

  7. I’ve been disappointed that the current season of The Amazing Race seemed to be doing all they could do avoid showing Phil’s Amazing Basket. Over the shoulder shots, all shots way above the waist, etc.


    But in last night’s double episode, BAM, there it was. In our faces. Eye candy! I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I’d do Phil!!

  8. Via Hooboy around 2004. I went on a hiatus for several years and frequented the other site; however, it’s experienced manifold technical issues and I can’t even log on anymore.

    I was just thinking about the “other site” which emerged following the great daddy/hooboy debacle, which I’ve moved on from. Does that other site, the name of which I can’t remember, even exist any longer?

  9. My first time was in NY several years ago when I was in my mid-30s. I booked a traditional massage, and that's all I expected. The guy was eastern European, and I remember going to his place that was a unit is some sort of public housing building. His place was light and bright and clean, with a table in a sort of alcove off the living room. This was before the various websites and I honestly don't remember how I found him. I don't recall his name so I'll call him Stephan. Stephan was fairly short and not skinny, but 100% muscle. After talking briefly he asked that I strip down and get on the table on my stomach. I remember there being two little dogs in a sort of play pen in the corner. I strip and don't see any sort of drape so just get on the table starkers - a first for me. I can see Stephan in the other room getting oil ready and close my eyes to get relaxed. Hearing him come into the room I sneak a look and see that he's also now naked. Nice bod, pointy nips, lightly hairy chest and a large soft uncut dick, big enough to swing as he walked. He gets started working on my back and soon tells me to put my arms by my side palms up. The massage is great, he hits all the right spots and as he begins to work on my back standing beside the table I feel his dick, now semihard, in my hand. Being new at this and not knowing the code I just left it there, but when he changed sides I began to fondle his dick and felt him quickly swell up to his full length and girth. Impressive. As I fondled him he began to knead my glutes, touching my asshole a few times as well, making circles with the tip of one finger. He also touched the tip of my dick that was down between my legs.


    When he turned me over he first sat on the edge of the table to massage my hands, placing them, one by one, right in his lap against his hard dick giving me time for a little more play. Easing me onto my back, Stephan worked his way down my chest, frequently touching my sides with his dick. He spent a fair amount of time on my nips, and since their wired I popped a true boner, so hard it hurt. This was all new to me, so I both wanted him to play with me dick, while also being nervous. Then, boom, his oiled hands are on the dick, first the base, then working up to my dickhead that was pouring out precum. When I leaned up to watch Stephan softly pushed my head back down and said "just enjoy." As soon as I complied I felt his mouth on my cock, slurping up the precum and then taking my entire length into his mouth, in and out, in and out. Holy crap, a full blow job, another massage first for me. Stopping briefly, Stephan climbed onto the table dropping his massive dick right onto my face while resuming his work on my cock. He didn't need to touch my mouth with his dick once before I got the hint and drew him into my mouth with some effort, man he was girthy. As I played with his foreskin with my tongue, it didn't take long before I started to spasm and blew my load into his mouth To my surprise this was the trigger for him to also cum, giving me a large sweet load that I slurped up. My last surprise was when he brought his lips to mine and we frenched tasting each other's loads. And that's the story, he cleaned me up and I left thinking "wow, how did THAT happen." 100% true story. My first, and still my best.


    My next trip back I could no longer find Stephan, but he had talked about moving back home, so I guess that's what happened.

  10. I’m an empathetic person so I feel badly for Jeffrey. I try to put myself in his position and think how crushing it must be from one day being a well respected or at least well known personality on TV and now having exposed himself unwittingly to the public gaze on what is a very personal and private part of himself. I just hope he has personal support from those around him in this time. The worst thing is if the people around him turn their backs on him. In the distant past I think of a man named John Profumo, who was a Cabinet minister in Britain in the early 1960’s and was caught up in the sex scandal involving Russian spies and national security (he was a junior Minister of Defence during the height of the Cold War). He lied to Parliament about his relations with a prostitute who also slept with the Russian Military Attaché in London. He fell from grace and was ostracized by British society. What he did was to commit himself to a life of public service without pay. He never held public office again but many years later the Queen officially recognized him for his service to humanity.


    unwittingly? Isn’t rule number one “keep your trousers zipped up and your private parts private”? How hard is this? He was in a business zoom. This stuff really isn’t hard, except apparently in his case.

  11. It's tough because I'd keep picturing their The Crown actor counterparts, who were cast to look ready-for-film and a lot less directly inbred than a lot of the existing royals.

    that, plus in the 1st series they were cast young and horny. Then quite quickly the queen donned those sturdy shoes, began to fill out in the middle and wore ugly dresses.

  12. This indeed takes me back. I saw him in a really rather creepy apartment sort of flop house that was actually a really hot encounter. Then later at a normal apartment that was all business and he said something about going through a “hard spot” when we’d met before. Then I lost track of him.

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