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Posts posted by spider

  1. Magazines change over time for various reasons - different editor, desire to attract a younger readership (do young folk read magazines??), etc. Conde Nast Traveler was a staple for me for a long time, good writing, travel hints, a variety of price levels, etc. Then suddenly it became a glossy rag (IMHO) pushing super expensive holidays that I suspected were pushing advertisers. I let my sub run out and that was it. I guess they figure that their readership base will just renew without thinking and that they'll find some new readers.

  2. I love a good niche museum. Those small highly focused on an off the wall topic ones. My favorite one is the Mütter Museum in Philly. It's a museum of medical oddities. Kind of morbid but fascinating


    Ditto. The Sir John Soane museum in London is great. The Cloisters. Get a Paris Museum pass and map it out. A number of them are only worth 10-30 minutes but are interesting and included in the cost. There’s a nice house museum in Amsterdam, name forgotten to me. Haven’t yet made it to the penis museum in Reykjavik, but people says it’s worth a trip. There’s also a small whale museum that has a bunch of fiberglass whales that sounded corny but I had 30 minutes to kill and had fun. This one isn’t exactly small, but the Hermitage outpost in Amsterdam is very nice. Many University campuses have very nice and not well known museums as well. Sometimes a corporate headquarters will have a small but interesting museum, always free.

  3. I consider myself fairly “worldly” and I had no idea there were sheets that cost as much as Frette or Sferra Giza. Now I wish I hadn’t found out...new goal!


    Frette pops up fairly regularly on sites like Gilt. Still costly but it does bring them within reach.

  4. When I finally bought a new mattress 18 months ago, I decided it was easier to change the sides I slept on rather than flipping the king-size mattress solo. I then realized I could go two weeks between laundering them.


    before there were fitted sheets my widowed mother could go a month.


    week 1 replace sheets and sleep on one side

    Week 2 change sides

    Week 3 switch top and bottom

    week 4 change sides.

  5. After you've slept on Frette, everything else feels like wool. This is terrible, but I imagine the Taliban, saying to each other the first morning around the buffet table before the start of the negotiations with the US et al, in one of those Quatar 6-star hotels, "I don't know what Frette is, but I'm never sleeping without it again."


    If I were rich I'd sleep on Frette every night, but I'm not.


    Sheets I will NOT sleep on include Flannel, Microfiber (feel horrible and make me sweat) and anything with a low thread count. I also don't like satin as i slip around.


    I find Costo sheets perfectly acceptable, decent thread count and fairly inexpensive. They are also extra deep for those who have thick mattesses.

  6. I max out at maybe $350 an hour, but will gladly pay $500 for 2 hours. The actually sex time is probably the same, so unless a guy books every single hour he’s at least $150 ahead for the 2 hour gig where he can spent a lot of the time just chilling in bed shooting the breeze.

  7. Thanks. Yeah, I do have a designer. And I did hire a packing and unpacking service on both ends. I still have big decisions on what stays and what goes. Do I keep my gardening tools although I have a landscaper? What kitchen items to keep.... And the books....


    unless you have really high end kitchen stuff I’d just toss it all and start over.

  8. I guess Dom Perignon is the ne plus ultra, to mix metaphors I suppose. When I was young it went for just over $100 but now that I am older, it is still out of reach.


    Of course, I could buy a bottle and settle in for the night to drink it, but for the money, I would rather hire an escort to blow off my socks.


    Better. Do both and let the Dom blow off the escort’s socks.

  9. Champagne?






    This thread is pure elitist porn.


    I wanna fuck all of you!


    Champagne? As long as it’s actual Chanpagne, there are many many great labels, so ignore the mass market stuff- hint, unless it’s the Grande Dame, Veuve isn’t very good. Krug will hit the spot. Best memory, buying Champagne from a wine merchant in Paris for New Year’s Eve after discussing options in French.

  10. A bit ago I mistakenly grabbed Kerrygold butter from the dairy case at Fred Meyer/Kroger- afraid that i just cannot go back to house brand ever again!


    Kerry gold is certainly a step up from Amurrican crap, but is only a gateway drug to real French buerre. Bought in any grocery in Paris. If you freeze it before you pack it will survive a trip home in checked baggage and is legal. The same brand in the US is crap.

  11. It's nice to see some Americans aging gracefully without adding extra pounds like most do!


    he certainly has his life together too!


    yes, he does. Still built and seems to have his head screwed on right. Last I knew he spent about one week a month in NY, but maybe not now. His travel dates are on his web page. JonRamsey.com. And, yes, his ass still looks like that.

  12. You can always ask. I once hired someone for a 2-3 hour session (don't recall which). I was in a "spider needs some hugging" mood, and in the middle we spooned for about half and hour - it was great! He was behind me and I first felt him holding me closer and then I felt a certain hard object in my crack - i wiggled around to let the stars align and we were off to the races. Best session ever.

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