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Posts posted by spider

  1. I heard about this activity from an escort visiting Chicago years ago. When chatting after the deed was done he said he’d been all over the city going to addresses that didn’t exist. He chalked it up to the locals chasing out the visiting competition.

  2. Thanks all for the replies. I'm very aware of dudesnude, and surf past there regularly, but it isn't the site I'm looking for.


    The one I've lost is just one person embedding links to mostly amateur videos he likes - the sites change, I think it's currently xvidoes, along with some shots from new commercial videos (that I think are paid ads). There's a way to comment on the videos linked, but only a few ever appear. It seems to be one person's pet project. No social or hook up aspect, just vids.

  3. Yup - dudesnude.com


    I save the URLs as a "favorite" in my wen browser.


    I’m aware of dudesnude but this isn’t what I’m looking for That’s sort of a meet up site, the one I lost posts a few videos a day and has special features like Tumbler Tuesday. Really a curated list of vids that the owner found hit.

  4. Following a system crash I lost a bunch of links to pages that were in my auto complete. One I can't recreate is to a page where a handful of hot short amateur vids are posted each day. Often solo, sometimes a couple guys. The URL included something like dudes or nude and possibly male, but I can't find it back. Ring any bells with anyone?

  5. Some here will complain about the free "tube" sites and pornhub et al as vehicles for free porn that should be paid for by the consumer. Like the old Napster controversy. That ship has sailed, I presume, and I certainly can't say I'm not guilty myself.


    i find that pornhub has very few full videos and it seems to be mainly teasers for subscribing to the site where the full content is. I think that’s fine but ending just before the money shot does get old after awhile.

  6. I went once many years ago and found the patrons to be the most condescending bunch I’ve ever seen. Like everyone in DC, actually. I was just walking around and one dude actually said “ick, get out of my face”. I was in reasonable shape and wasn’t even looking at him. At that point I just left. Their closure is only a good thing as far as I’m concerned.

  7. I’m so confused. I’d never show a coupon to a server before ordering as that seems extraordinarily cheap, especially when entertaining someone.


    I’d wait until the bill comes and put it in the bill holder with my credit card and just ask “is this good?”


    That makes it clear that you’re good paying the bill regardless but hoping the coupon will be OK, no prob either way.


    even better, just say “excuse me” and walk up front with the bill and pay it. That way your guest is completely out of the transaction. Especially good if you go up before the bill even comes.

  8. I mainly have this in Chinese places. It seems to be cultural. You order a bunch of food and it just comes as it’s ready. The fact that the menu is divided into courses western style is meaningless it just comes bit by bit and fighting it is futile. Even when I clearly say “we’d like the dumplings and THEN the mu shu and THEN the other things” it just comes in no logical order.

  9. I wonder if you misunderstood the UCLA guy. I deal with this stuff and revocable trusts are like an everyday thing. It’s all legally set up, for your lifetime the income would go to UCLA and then when you kick the bucket they get the principle. If it turns out you need it the trust can be revoked. This is really bread and butter stuff. I wonder if maybe your trust wouldn’t meet their minimum value? Setting up these things isn’t worth it below a certain amount.

  10. I agree about the too much drama. I’d never go back with him in the house. Cancel his card(s) change all your passwords NOW to something super secure. Then wait until he leaves the place (have a friend watch or manufacture a reason.) then swoop in with the locksmith, change the locks, change your security codes if you have a system. and throw all his shit out the windows. Job done. Depending on how violent he might be hire guards for a few days.

  11. The key card elevators come in two varieties. In some cases the cards are coded to your floor, but in most it’s just checking that you’re allowed access. In those cases just go in after someone else and just punch the floor you need. No need to scan both cards.


    AirBnBs are hit and miss. I’ve had some where I felt completely private with an isolated unit and private entrance. In other cases I felt like the host was hovering. In one case they knocked on my door, interrupting the deed.

  12. 1. Usually with someone I’ve been with before. Door opens. He enters. I back him up against the wall, place lips on lips, one hand under his shirt on his nips, my other down his pants and we’re off to the races. In one memorable meeting the dude turned me around dropped my shorts and started banging me right in the hallway.


    2. First time. Get settled on the couch or edge of the bed. I place a hand on his thigh and rub gently. He pulls off his shirt, I pull off mine and the rest is history.


    3. Longer session. I make it clear that I need a quick fuck. It could be over after less than 5-10 minutes after he arrives. Then we settle down to snuggle and chat - naked. After awhile some light touching and play begins, it grows in intensity and then we’re good for a hot long slow fuck.


    All are great and I’ve taken the initiative. In many cases of number 1 the guy will begin to take the initiative, pushing me against the wall, and we’re off with his tongue firmly in my mouth. I moan, he moans, clothes begin to fly and then the magic happens. Nothing like great monkey sex once in awhile.

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