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Posts posted by spider

  1. When the agreed upon time is close to passing and we're just cuddling and yacking I take the initiative and depending on where we are say either "I should let you go" or "It's time for me to go". If the guy just settles back in and keeps yacking or says "don't worry about it" he's made that choice and I'm not paying him more. If he say's "I guess you're right" we end the session. Never had an issue.

  2. To expand on the “you won’t find someone in a sex club” post, there are many things one can do.


    Volunteer- food pantry, animal shelter, I just saw one where volunteers come in to the NICU to cuddle the babies. Do meals on wheels delivery.


    Find a hobby club. Bridge? Chess? Board games? Join a book club.


    If you’re active, join a sports club. Maybe you’ll get lucky in the changing room! Take sailing lessons. Clubs have sign up sheets for things like racket ball partners.


    If you’re at all religious, church activities are great since they’re always groups. Sign up to host coffee hour. You’ll meet tons of people.


    Remember, relationships aren’t all about sex, friends come in all varieties and orientations. You’re looking for companionship.

  3. I gave up mayo 20 yrs ago. Used to LOVE it...


    You can get soy mayo that’s not bad. Whole Foods uses it in some of their prepared salads and I can’t really tell the difference. You can also substitute plain Greek yogurt.


    I did some googling to find the original recipe and there are hundreds, all claiming to be it.


    The NYTimes version may be it. Very simple, just apples celery mayo salt and pepper, on a bed of lettuce.

  4. If you like boiled eggs you may want to look into an electric egg cooker. Very small, not too expensive, and you just put in the eggs with a measured amount of water, hit start and it beeps when they’re done. Perfect every time. You could make enough for several days and pop the extras in the fridge. Amazon has several options.

  5. In terms of the question about escorts enjoying it. It certainly depends. I recently booked one with a guy I’ve been with for shorter sessions several times, and the immediate response of YESSSS!!! And a bunch of smiley faces makes me believe he’s into it!

  6. I’ve contacted a few but only those who were repeats for me before they retired/disappeared and those who I felt would remember me. I had a variety of responses, none bad:


    1. No response and/or phone number not in service or email bounced. Fine. I figure they’d truly moved on.

    2. Polite response that they were out of the business. Again fine. I responded with a message to say thanks and that I hoped they were well. In one case we still email once in awhile.

    3. I’ve stopped advertising and am not taking new clients, but I’d love to see you. One specified that new folk brought too much drama. Made plans and met up.

    4. Retired but we got together for coffee that led to a freebie.

  7. yes, so far those are the fare for next year.


    before he was able to book good prices 3 to 4 weeks ahead, not anymore now that's the price if you buy 1, 2, 3 months.


    lucky you about going to Puerto Vallarta!

    There are no fares for “next year” they fluctuate by the hour and depend on what fare buckets are available. Not cabin but the basis of the fare, if discounted coach is all gone you’ll see a price for full fare coach, but then they may release more discounted seats. Lather, rinse, repeat. Any fare comparison that’s a a moment in time is worthless.

  8. I suspect Hawaii is doing all it can to lessen the number of sex workers who drive tourists away. I haven't been to Honolulu in many years, but used to go often. In the evening, walking down Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki by myself, where the higher end hotels are located, lots of women asked me if I wanted a date. It actually got annoying sometimes.


    I asked an escort in Orlando about this. He said that they’re left alone due to the need to keep up the image of being a nice family destination. The cops go after streetwalkers and such, but leave the behind closed doors workers alone. Better than guys meeting up in the bushes and back alleys.

  9. Get a qualified inspector and attorney. Even lead piping will an issue may not be a mandated replacement you need to pay for. When I sold my 1930s house there was some lead piping remaining as well as a small amount of external asbestos siding that was completely intact. The buyers tried to get us to pay for both, but our attorney used the “common for the area and with no removal mandate” clause and it became the buyer’s choice whether or not to deal with it. One issue with lead point is that the insides have long since been coated with corrosion from the water and the lead level is minimal if anything. Get the water tested, our exposure was well below the minimal allowable level. Similarly the asbestos siding. As long as it is intact and not chipping, pealing, etc. there is no exposure to worry about. Only if it degrades or if you remove it is there an issue. Million of office buildings have floor tile that was installed with asbestos containing glue. It can stay there just as it is until the time it is removed. Sometimes we over react.

  10. @mike carey:

    In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is.

    (I can’t take credit, the wit belongs to Yogi Berra).


    Or, as they say at UChicago - that’s all fine and good in practice, but does it work in theory?

  11. #1 rule for WhatsApp is that although it will access your contacts, only contacts with a "+" and a country code in front of them will show up as options to call in WhatsApp. That peculiar little twist traps all American newcomers to WhatsApp.


    Outrageous that Facebook isn't broken up for anti-trust and that it was allowed to buy WhatsApp and Instagram. You don't get any more monopolistic and anti-competitive and it's a critical part of society and the economy.


    One more reason I got in the habit of using the entire number with the + for every contact. That way they always work regardless of where I happen to be. Also solves the problem of trying to figure out what number version to us for various countries (when do you strart with the zero, etc). With the full form it always works.

  12. Begging the question “what were they thinking” a sponsorship clip on NRP this morning brought my attention to an agency called Hiscox Insurance. Hiscox.com


    LOL Cool, I wonder if it covers ED? STD testing and treatment? It turns out that they focus on “small business” so I guess the well endowed need not apply.


    Who would name a normal company “hiscox”?

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