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Posts posted by spider

  1. I’m in such a situation now. Today is Monday, I made an appointment with a repeat guy yesterday. It’s for Thursday. I have a little tickle in my throat this afternoon although I was fine yesterday. Probably only allergies, but if I’m not well tomorrow I’ll cancel to give him the time back. Or, I could wait until Wednesday to decide. He’ll understand, but I feel bad.

  2. The OED traces it back to James Joyce in Ulysses.


    1922. All the poking and rooting and ploughing he had me up in.


    To me, that use of root(ing) is really describing an act of intercourse as being similar to what pigs do when they root in the ground.

  3. You don't bump a premium passenger to lower priced couch seat without compensation. Major screwup by the flight attendant that going to cost the airline a lot.


    There’s more to this story. Were the 2 guys on separate tickets so the FA didn’t know they were together? Was there maybe an upgrade involved and the the other couple trumped the upgrade? You never just dump someone out if F to accommodate a seating request. It just doesn’t happen.

  4. I found two in my work junk mail today. One was from a week ago and they were supposed to send messages to all my contacts the next day. Oh well. They put together my work mail address with a “burner” password that I’ve never used for anything that would have my contacts. The said they had me watching porn. On that matter I plead the 5th. LOL. If you google, there are reports all over the internet. Some trace it back to a LinkedIn breaking a few years ago.

  5. I’m looking at misterb&b for an upcoming work trip just since I like the space and the price is right. Does anyone know what billing name they use on the invoice and CC transaction? Just don’t want to need to explain on the expense report.

  6. I have - three times - but I don’t think it was my mistake. Each time, the escort used different names and pics


    The first time it happened, the provider wouldn’t admit he was the same person. He claimed he was a cousin of the “other” escort.


    The second and third time, the escorts used other people’s pics in their ads.


    Ouch. Did you send him packing?

  7. I realize I don't actually have an answer for the OP as I've adopted a 'never ask twice' policy. If I reach out to someone and don't hear back, or as happened recently when I contacted a guy who had posted he was coming to town, when he declined to make an arrangement that far in advance and I was invited to try again later, I don't reach out again.


    Perhaps I've missed out on something fun, but the peace of mind I've gained in moving on without regrets is worthwhile.


    He was probably hoping for long sessions or overnights and only then filling in the gaps. One reason I don’t prefer traveling escorts. I always leave feeling sandwiched in.

  8. Oh Lord. Where to begin. The Venn diagram

    for escorts and flakes would show a huge overlap.


    My rule is contact them once and wait 24 hours. Since responding if their business there’s no excuse for not doing so. Then move on. If they ever contact me (almost never) I politely say “sorry, I made other plans when you didn’t respond” even if I haven’t. Lack of an initial timely response has a large correlation with later disappointment.

  9. Newspaper costs were always subsidized by ad revenue - with dramatically fewer people buying newspapers, the rates they can charge for ads dropped and the cost of the newspaper gets reflected in the newsstand price. It's usually significantly cheaper to have home delivery, even with tipping the carrier.


    And things like Craig’s list completed killed the classifieds. Like overnight. Gone.

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