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Everything posted by nycman

  1. There’s a screw for every nut.
  2. 4 1 3 2 That WAS the question….right?
  3. Rigger? Raggot? Resbian? Ruck? I’m lost.
  4. I think she’s a whore. And not the good kind. Ever since she cast her a lot with the Duke and Duchess of Montecito….she’s been dead to me.
  5. Wait…. @mike carey is squealing over a domestic flight with "ok" business seats? Something is wrong. Can someone go check on him? grin
  6. Only one problem…..he’s in Louisville, Kentucky.
  7. As with airlines, it’s always better to just fucking buy the first class seat. Problem solved.
  8. I don’t know to say this, but…. "Damn….Daddy!"
  9. I want to do bad things with this man…..
  10. And suddenly I’m interested…… grin I’m just being goofy. I briefly met Tristan at last year’s PS event. He was a total gentleman and a real charmer. I can’t imagine anyone (Alpha or not) not liking him.
  11. Isn’t this the 12th sign of the apocalypse?
  12. Same here. It was the film version that got me to read In Cold Blood. I loved the film but the book was incredible.
  13. I’m cool with either hairy or smooth. But I’m not a huge fan of when it gets to be so hairy that I’m worried about starting a fire while I’m fucking you.
  14. nycman

    Vintage men

    Damn he was beautiful. He won the Silver Medal in 800m track at the 1908 London Olympics, winning Italy’s first Olympic medal. He would later serve in the Italian Navy during World War I. After the war He set up a trade union for Italian Seamen . In 1924 he served as a judge at the Paris Olympics. He died at age 38 in Genoa from a bacterial infection in 1925.
  15. We’ve been down this road before…..
  16. I love the idea, but in reality they always look "dirty" to me. And not in a good way.
  17. No one ever did it better….
  18. Thanks, but I’d rather go to the Bronx zoo.
  19. Just watched the first episode of season one, and I’m already dying to go to Thailand Thanks for the recommendation.
  20. Her jacket is stunning! When people actually knew the names of Opera stars.
  21. My house? Oh, Hell no! My fantasy about fucking you for the first time (which goes back farther than either of us is willing to admit), involves you face down, clawing luxury pillow linens, on a hot summer night, in Key West, as the the cock crows (so to speak). Oddly specific, but true. You are free to rummage through my vintage dopp kit to your heart’s content and advise/steal as you wish. Moderator’s "Off Topic" Warning….in….3….2….1….
  22. How exactly do you expect him to "prove" this? Yes. Yes, I would. Because the answer is damn near zero. Your fear is what they’re banking on. I’m not saying anyone should do anything they’re not comfortable with, but it’s really not that hard. I understand that physically, I and @BenjaminNicholas are not exactly wilting violets. And the truth is no one is stronger than a Colt 45. But standing up for yourself is pretty basic. Trust me, by the time you reach for the phone to call security, he’s already 3 streets away. I’ve picked up the phone a few times, but I’ve never even had to dial the first digit. Hotel security doesn’t care about legal/illegal. They care about keeping the peace in their hotel and protecting their paying guests. He won’t be the first or last whore they’ve had to escort off the premises. That said, I’d never meet an escort at my home. It just seems like you’re asking for trouble.
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