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Everything posted by nycman

  1. If it’s important to you…then, yes! I could care less if an escort is into me or not. I’m not paying him to have a good time. I’m paying him to make sure I have a good time. I get that it can be hurtful to know the truth, but the truth is most esports aren’t into most clients. That’s what the money’s for!
  2. Did you ask him about his racial preferences from the beginning? It’s not something people tend to just blurt out at the beginning of a conversation. If it’s important to you, you may want to ask sooner rather than later.
  3. I once hooked up with a guy from a bar who was wearing padded "butt enhancing jeans". I was pissed when the truth was revealed and sent him packing. I hate false advertising.
  4. nycman

    The Bahamas

    The man knows what he’s talking about. There’s a reason NY sailors refer to it as "the Bronx of the Caribbean". I’ve stayed at some of the nicest resorts in the Bahamas….I still didn’t like it.
  5. For those uncultured enough not to get the reference…..like me:
  6. And that’s the most important point. Everything else is angels on a pinhead. 1, 10, or 1,000.….It’s never zero. Am I the only one that thinks @SirBillybob might be an AI robot?
  7. Why I gotta choose? There’s some good sushi on the way to Showworld…. I’ve heard…grin
  8. No, I think you nailed it. As a population scientist, you worry about the "n" of 100 million. As a human, you worry about the "n" of one.
  9. Awww, that’s so cute. I can totally visualize your face at that moment…. You dirty little slut. I can totally visualize your face at that moment….
  10. I like Theraguns. Well, not name brand Theraguns actually. They’re so fucking loud, it sounds like someone is building a god damn deck. I prefer Hypervolts. The newest one with a heated head is especially nice: https://hyperice.com/products/hypervolt-2-pro-heat-pack/ They will never be as good as a great massage, and I’m not happy if a professional massage therapist pulls one out. But if you got a buddy with zero massage skills, these devices go a long way to making it an enjoyable experience.
  11. Just so this thread makes some sense…. https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/145360-bigtentwo-in-dc/#comment-2176130 and https://rent.men/BIGTENTWO Personally, I didn’t see a lot of trash talking, but my advice is don’t take any of it personally. In my experience, if you're a good escort this site can be your best friend and a good source of income. If not, it will be your Waterloo.
  12. nycman

    Vintage men

    In all the group photos…I like to play "who’s the bottom"?
  13. The only problem is that, as we’ve recently proven in healthcare (in an epic nationwide failure), many humans don’t have your strength. Or to put it in more politically correct terms, they don’t have the genetic make up that evidently allows you to resist becoming an addict with "just a taste" of narcotic. You’re lucky. For short term severe pain, nothing beats narcotics. Unfortunately, it’s like playing Russian roulette with 5 chambers loaded for many people. I’m glad you’ve found a solution that works for you. I agree it’s a good one. This is just a PSA for others that it might not be right for them.
  14. Damn, I’m in love with his incredible business sense. Well that….and his amazing ass!
  15. And there you’ve inadvertently hit the nail on the head. It’s because we’re the richest country in the world, not in spite of being the richest country in the world that we have a shitty life expectancy. We can afford to be obese, lazy, drug abusing pigs. The truth is America has the best healthcare system in the world. Liberals don’t like that fact because it doesn’t match their socialist dogma, so they constantly try to put it down. Yes, socialized medicine leads to longer lives. If that’s your only goal, then yes, socialism rules. Personally, I’ll pick quality over quantity any day. Theres a reason wealthy individuals from countries with idealized socialist healthcare, flock to America when they get sick. They’re not stupid. All that tells me is you’re a bad little Socialist. In socialized medicine you MUST follow the rules as decided by your government. You chose to break the rules enforced by your "excellent" insurance. You know….because you could. It’s called freedom. It’s tastes damn good, but it’s expensive. So, it’s back to Young Pioneers training camp for you, comrade!
  16. I’m a punk at heart. If a piece of art pisses someone off…I’m happy.
  17. I think it’s funny as fuck. The conservatives are pissed that he looks like a hot homo, and the woke masses are pissed that he looks white. You know your art is great, when you manage to piss off the extremist wings nuts on both ends of the spectrum.
  18. I’m 99% text. I’ll do a brief chat if the escort insists, but honestly I dislike it. I prefer the surprise of hearing his voice for the first time when he shows up. I’m not real sure how much useful information they can get from talking to me that they can’t get texts. I really like deep male voices, but even the most fey queen can usually butch it up for an hour, so it’s rarely a problem.
  19. It would be a close call. It was really bad. Thankfully, it’s just as easy to fly out on Tuesday…which would be my advice.
  20. I flew out on Monday last year. It was indeed a living hell. I would do anything to avoid going through that shit show again.
  21. Wait?….now you’re coming to Palm Springs?!?!
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