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Everything posted by nycman

  1. https://www.coravin.com Has any one used one of these devices at home? For some reason, I hate having wine poured out of the spigot. Nonetheless, the reality of living alone is that I’ll never finish an entire bottle of wine solo, and my wine cellar is in serious danger of out living me. It seems a sensible solution. Any experience?
  2. Vague memories of a large American Flag fireworks display, followed by a VERY bright light and a crash. I always assumed it was just some weird childhood dream. Years later I asked my mother about it. She said, "how on earth can you possibly remember that. You were a child in my arms at the State Fair. There was a big American Flag fireworks display and I tripped over a huge Fair Ground lamp that fell over and broke my toe". Doing the math, I would have been less than a year old. Developmentally speaking, it’s highly improbable…but fact. Nothing else until my 3rd birthday. But there were photos of that event, so I’m not 100% sure those a real memories.
  3. At first I was like you "cheap bastard spring for the goddamn house tour". Then I saw it was $55 for a 90 minute tour of that ugly ass monstrosity of a house…. I’ll be in the garden waiting.
  4. And mind you, these are the "good results" that they’re using to advertise their services. Just imagine the horror shows they’re not posting….
  5. For the record….that took approximately 2 hours and 36 minutes.
  6. I think it’s funny that you don’t think they’re already here…..
  7. Minor correction. "Scopolamine" is not a plant. Scopolamine is the name of the chemical that can be derived from several different (and easily obtainable) plants. "Scopolia" is a genus of plants (there are others) from which you can extract scopolamine and from which scopolamine gets its name. Bio / Chem nerd….sorry.
  8. Although I certainly haven’t had it done, I’ve seen it more than a few times. It always looks like a disaster. Fat without being sexy. Chubby without being hard. Pretty useless at the end of the day. Love your penis boys. Don’t inject shit into it
  9. I was so in love with David Angel Wings. I was very young (ok, maybe not THAT young…but still) and he was always incredibly sweet to me. Every week I would eagerly await NYObserver’s Monday review to see if David was there that week. And then there was Enzo with the Snake leg tattoo….the next "love of my life". Ahhh…such wonderful memories.
  10. Interesting. I like Toronto. I think it’s a beautiful city, but my percentage of "flakes" there was incredibly high. That is until I met a big beefy massage therapist who was a voracious bottom and turned out to also be an excellent cook. As they say, it only takes one.
  11. I loved…. "The sex magick sex takes place." LMAO.
  12. $$$$, be on time, brush your teeth, and wash yer ass. It’s simple really.
  13. Holy crap….. They have a Louise Bourgeois, an Alexander Calder, a Barbara Hepworth, and a Henry Moore? That’s an impressive sculpture collection for a small museum. And that’s just from what I can see in that one picture.
  14. Not a word from my parents. Although I do remember them letting a PBS special on the topic run on the TV when I was around 8-10 years old. The whole time I was laying on the couch thinking "I can’t believe they’re letting me watch this. They must not be paying attention". LOL. The whole thing freaked me out. I was honestly clueless. I remember reporting my new found "knowledge" to an equally disbelieving pack of male friends on the playground the next day. “You put your penis inside their vagina? NO FREAKIN’ WAY! Ewwwwww!" Something’s never change. Grin.
  15. No. I was riding a rocket going into COVID. It’s been a steady decline since, and I don’t see things getting better anytime soon.
  16. Minor correction….there were 3 solo female performers at Woodstock. You’re either forgetting Joan Baez or Janis Joplin. There were also 2 Bands fronted by female lead singers….Jefferson Airplane and Sweetwater.
  17. So fucking stupid. You stood in a doorway?….naked with another person on the opposite side?…..while people were expected to squeeze between you? And 14 years later….you’re upset that some of those people groped you? Only in New York, kids! Only in New York.
  18. AKA…."doing your job well". Pressure to succeeded and perform well in your job, isn’t an excuse for plagiarism. Yes, I’m blaming the victim….because sometimes the victim is at fault.
  19. Come on, that’s a veritable "spring chicken" in Palm Springs!
  20. No wonder he has ZERO reviews….lmao.
  21. I’m pissed I have a 4.89 rating on Uber. Ok, I may have drunkenly made out with an insanely hot guy in the back of an Uber once. Sue me! I didn’t take a fucking dump in the back seat for Christ’s sake!. Fuck, I’ve never even slammed a car door or been pissed when they get lost. Still, 4.89! It’s funny how much weight we as a society place on "perfection". I recently had an Uber driver with over 2,000 reviews and a perfect 5 star rating. He was fine, certainly nothing spectacular. I almost wanted to give him a 1 star review just to make him join the rest of us swimming in the "Swamp of Imperfection". All that to say, I don’t do RM reviews. I prefer the intel I get from the Company of Men here.
  22. If it happens in Queens….. no one cares. grin
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