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Everything posted by nycman

  1. I think the Encore has the best masseurs and is the best overall spa. Bellagio’s is hit or miss, and the "misses" were really bad.
  2. Show me a well funded 401(k) balance sheet. Then I’ll be impressed. Any dumb whore can live large. A smart whore saves.
  3. Wait, you still when through with it??? I’ve been ghosted a few times, and certainly had several episodes where the escort showed up late. Now, if it’s more than 15 minutes past the appointed time with no communication, I just assume it’s not gonna happen and I move on. Strangely enough the worst city for me was Toronto (Vegas is a close 2nd). Had several no shows or "I’ll be there in 15 minutes" (which was always the first communication over 1 hour after we were supposed to meet). All the late guys were pissed off when I told him I had already made other plans. I thought it was hilarious that they expected me to sit around and wait. Anyone who treats their customers that way won’t be in business long. I’ve been hiring long enough that the first sign of shenanigans gets shown the door immediately. I’ve never regretted it. That said, I’ve waited over two hours for a guy who seemed sincere and kept communicating the whole time. It was worth it. For the record, the most professional/reliable city for me is London.
  4. You’re already a year behind….Peach Fuzz! https://www.pantone.com/color-of-the-year/2024
  5. Ummm…not to be pedantic but it’s called AussieBUM. We need to see the BUM part…..grin
  6. Josh Garcia…… Why are all Vegans so fucking annoying?
  7. God dammit, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted @WilliamM’s spelling. Even as I typed it I thought, "that's funny, I never knew she spelled that way", but it still didn’t save me! Thanks for the correction. Back to the topic at hand, I always thought Ryan O’Neal was a dirt bag. His behavior at Farah’s funeral just reinforced my belief…. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ryan-oneal-i-hit-on-my-da_n_249668
  8. Just to be clear…..I believe @WilliamM is trying to say that Redmond’s mother is Farrah Faucet, not Ryan’s. It took me a second.
  9. Yes, yes, and yes. Fly into PSP. It’s more expensive than LAX, but your sanity is worth something! I like having my own car. Especially on your first visit, I think it’s worth it. Later trips I’m sure it’s pretty easy to rely on other forum members to chauffeur you around, but if you don’t know anyone yet….who ya gonna call? Remind me not to drink your wine….grin (not that you ever offered. Cheap bastard!) On a serious note, I’m not a "vacation cook" and I’m certainly not into "cooking for one". I didn’t find eating in PS to be exorbitantly expensive. Well, at least not compared to NYC. My room did have a fully equipped kitchenette….I made popcorn one night. Since it was my first time at the event, I did try to hire an escort (who had expressed interest in attending) to be my "wing man" for the weekend. However, despite multiple attempts, he couldn’t even manage to schedule a 1 hour paid "get to know you" meeting in NYC. I still think it’s a great idea, especially if it’s your first time. As an East Coast John, I don’t really know the West Coast talent pool, so it was a little difficult (née’ impossible) for me to find someone. I’m still open to suggestions. Don’t worry though, even solo it’s only awkward the first 5 minutes, then it’s a breeze.
  10. Yeah, the real problem is she looks and acts like a duck faced hooker. And 99% of LA women are jealously thinking "that could’ve been me, goddammit!"
  11. We (men) actually have 7. Women have 8. Brain: Frenulum of superior medullary velum or frenulum veli Digestive tract: frenulum valvae ileocaecalis Oral tissue: Frenula of the mouth include the frenulum of the tongue or frenulum linguae under the tongue, the frenulum labii superioris inside the upper lip, the frenulum labii inferioris inside the lower lip, and the buccal frena which connect the cheeks to the gum. These can easily be torn by violent blows to the face or mouth, thus a torn frenulum is sometimes a warning sign of physical abuse. Penile tissue: The word frenulum on its own is often used for the penile frenulum or frenulum preputii penis, which is an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects to the prepuce (foreskin) to the ventral mucosa, and helps contract the prepuce over the glans. Vulvar tissue: In females, genital frenula include the frenulum clitoridis of the clitoris and the frenulum labiorum pudendi(fourchette) where the labia minora meet at the back https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frenulum#:~:text=In human anatomy,-Frenula on the&text=Oral tissue%3A Frenula of the,the cheeks to the gum.
  12. A Chorus Line. I was very young. My mother’s sexy/cool secretary suggested she take me to see it. It was life changing and I am eternally grateful to her. Even in rural America, they know how to help the little homos find their people.
  13. I’ve been asked a few times. Never had an escort refuse when I said "no". As @Typical said, it’s not a problem…until it is.
  14. Honestly, a lot more than it’s worth. And before anyone gets their panties in a twist, I’m not talking about the value of the event itself, which is priceless. And yes, I’m booked again for this year so obviously I think it’s worth it over all. Nonetheless, Palm Springs is expensive. It’s in a desert canyon. To me it’s not really an interesting place. Then again, as is well documented in these forums, I’m a New Yorkers who pretty much hates all things California, so maybe I’m not the best one to ask. As far as actual $ amount? You can do the math but it will be in the thousands. Plane $$$, car rental $$$, motel $$$. The events themselves? Virtually nothing. In fact, if I recall correctly, the only money I spent was on the dinner, and that wasn’t much at all. So, break open the piggy bank and come. It’s fun and I don’t know of anything similar anywhere else in the world. You may love it or hate it, but you won’t know until you try.
  15. "an awkward and unsophisticated rustic" https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bumpkin Unfortunately, what I think he meant to write was blumpkin…. "Portmanteau of blowjob + dump, with added suffix -kin in imitation of pumpkin." "The act of performing fellatio while the recipient is defecating on the toilet." https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/blumpkin#:~:text=blumpkin (plural blumpkins),is defecating on the toilet. i’m not providing a picture….cause, yeah, no.
  16. Lmao…He dips them like he’s dipping strawberries in chocolate. It’s a show. The kids are fine. Everyone needs to calm down.
  17. You need thick skin if you’re going to play in the Grindr et al. sandbox. People are cruel. And if you care, you’ll get hurt. No…like seriously THICK skin. Over the years I can remember exactly two "really fun" hook ups from the apps. That’s a really shitty return on the huge time investment. Not to mention the tremendous ego damage. Just hire. It’s so much easier.
  18. I once told a friend….that hooker you hired last week posted selfies from your living room in his ad today. You might want to ask him to take them down. I thought I was being nice. My friend got mad at me. Unwritten rule…don’t discuss other’s hires, unless they bring it up first.
  19. Don’t worry. I find that if I have to work to get a response, it’s never worth it.
  20. Ummm….he was Stabbed to death. (I kept trying to envision how you could Strap someone to death at a Macy’s) For the record, downtown Philly is unsafe and has been since at least the mid-90’s. I was staying in Center City at a 5 star hotel less than a month ago. As I was leaving the hotel to meet friends at a restaurant 3 blocks away for dinner, the hotel security guard asked if I needed a ride. I said "no, it’s cool. I know Philly and it’s only 3 blocks away. I’ll walk". He said, "oh,HELL no" and shoved me into the hotel car. For the record, he was right. It wasn’t safe.
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