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Everything posted by nycman

  1. 13 almost identical pics of the same (albeit nice) torso?
  2. Crappy list IMHO. Lucy #1…I can live with. The rest of the top 100? Either completely wrong or at the very least way out of order.
  3. Zero. Nada. Zilch. I guess I don’t have a thing for dirt mounds or log cabins.
  4. Are you sure about that? "As of 12/11/23 the preserve, including undamaged trails, parking lot, picnic area, and visitor center, has resumed regular hours of operation: 8am to 5pm daily."
  5. Did you require a photo from you? "I do now require a photo for first time clients, for reference and my safety." He looks like fun, but unfortunately that’s a dealbreaker for me.
  6. They thought this would encourage people to move there ? I’d rather commit suicide.
  7. Are you sure it was the dogs?...grin I used to see a massage therapist in New York, who had an army of Chihuahuas in his apartment. He would lock them up in the kitchen, but they would go apeshit whenever I started fucking him and they managed to break out every single time. It was wild, fucking a screaming Puerto Rican with Chihuahuas, yelping and jumping all over the place. God, I love New York!
  8. Speaking oh Hannibal…..what’s wrong with this picture? Engraving of the Battle of Zama by Cornelis Cort, 1567.
  9. 4 year old rotten baba ganoush butthole?….I’ll pass!
  10. "Sic transit gloria mundi—Tuesday is usually worse" Been there, done that. I knew we were brothers from another mother!
  11. Forget the fact that Denzil is black. At 68, he’s too fucking old. Hannibal was only 46 at the end of the Second Punic War in 201 BC. .
  12. "Looking for a sugar daddy …..Not looking for sex…" I don’t think he understands the concept. Now, tell me you’re unemployed without telling me you’re unemployed. "A little about me: Day trader, social media influencer…" We have a winner!
  13. "my booty is as soft and creamy like baba ganoush" There’s a new one!
  14. I’ve been on both sides of this equation. There is no simple answer but if you’re the one with the money, I suggest you get used to giving with an open hand or it’s never gonna work. I was a big fan of the "ratio method", unfortunately it always seems to end up incentivizing the person paying the smaller ratio to work less and less. Now I’m a fan of the "live your life method". Just get used to paying and stop worrying about how he’s wasting his/your money. You’ll both be happier in the end. If you can’t do that with him, then he’s not the man for you. Keep looking. Strangely enough, when I learned to let go of the reins and just enjoy the ride, the other person seemed to spend less and depend on me less as opposed to when I tried to control everything. As always YMMV, but happiness has a cost. Get used to paying for it.
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