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Everything posted by Vegas_Millennial

  1. Everything I read has been to the contrary. The current US elderly population is the wealthiest in history, having the highest annual income for the elderly adjusted for inflation and looking at the median. As for the loss of pensions, that may make the elderly feel less income secure because they must rely on their assets to plan for the future. But although previous elderly generations may have had pensions, the current elderly populations are still bringing in drastically more income per year from their investments, per the graph below:
  2. There are quite a few posts in this Spa forum that do not discuss a particular city. For example: Best massage video. But otherwise a great idea
  3. Yes, but the original poster can also improve his post's chance for success by remembering there is a whole world to be discussed here outside of his city
  4. In what city? Chicago? Los Angeles? Des Moines?
  5. The trend is to avoid words from our own language to describe people that have a different linguistic background from us. Since he is from Montreal, this phrase may be better suited for him than White Trash: La poutine blanc
  6. The AARP (American Association of Retired People) begins sending membership requests at age 50. I have many elderly friends in their 50s, some of whom are still working 😉
  7. Ah, yet another reason I don't buy Playboy
  8. I think I got my first one when I was 55. I used to ask for, and get, Senior discounts when I was a Senior in High School, and then again when I was a Senior at University. Gotta take what you can get!
  9. Had it been a female athlete that was poked instead of a male, there would be an even bigger outcry for punishment. So in that context, this is not an overreaction.
  10. Good point. I wonder if @newdadis looking for generically European men in an atmosphere similar to Bangkok, or if he's looking for Asian men without having to travel to Asia.
  11. @newdad that might help the rest of us, if you elaborate more on your experience in Bangkok. Then others would know what you're looking for in other cities that are similar.
  12. Since Irkutsk is in Asia, the Original Poster might as well travel to Bangkok. After all, he's looking for a European city that reminds him of his good old days in Bangkok, presumably because he's in Europe or will be on holiday there soon.
  13. Now is the time to visit Britain. I visited last year, and it wasn't too hard for me to understand the local language to a point.
  14. No, it makes your penis look smaller by comparison
  15. Valentine was a rebel in his day. He secretly performed weddings to heterosexual couples when all new marriages were outlawed by the Roman government, whose goal was to recruit more soldiers for a dwindling army and thought marriages were a distraction to the recruitment of new male soldiers.
  16. Will do! The last time I visited Montreal, I visited the Montreal Museum of Archeology. Beneath the foundations of several old buildings and next to Canada's first sewerage tunnel, they found a cemetery that was shared by the French and Indian populations of Montreal, but the cemetery was split in half. The Canadian Indians were buried on one side of a fence and their graves were orientated in one direction. And the French Settlers (excuse me, French undocumented immigrants) were buried on the other side of the fence and their graves were orientated 90 degrees different from the Indians. The Museum said it had something to do with the religious observances of each group. Fascinating Back to the topic of New York City museums, I have not visited their Natural History Museum yet. I will now make an effort to do so this coming spring when I travel there, but the Met is still my favorite!
  17. As someone once eloquently said: "finders keepers, losers weepers"
  18. Look for a city with a neighborhood with the highest concentration of Thai immigrants
  19. There's a Five Guys Burgers up the street to the west. If you want a more unique experience, there is Trump Grill one block to the north. For breakfast, Tiffany's is just up the block.
  20. Would a lawyer or doctor agree to an appointment at 2 a.m.? Most would not. They would happily forgo the extra income in order to not interrupt their daily/nightly routine.
  21. Routine is important. My father would always turn down the opportunity to work overtime Friday nights, because that was family pizza night. I have a friend who would turn down any paid work assignment that overlapped with football. I can see how a provider who has scheduled gym time for the same time every day would avoid taking paid clients during that time, because gym is his time to work on his muscles and clear his mind. And, should he skip or move gym time one day, it may soon fall off his routine altogether and ultimately result in him getting fewer clients in the long-run.
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