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Posts posted by KeepItReal

  1. 1 hour ago, sydneyboy said:

    Could I ask what I hope is not too dumb a question. Does Viagra work better if you lose weight? If your say 115kgs and you get down to say 90 is the drug more potent because there is less of you? 

    My doctor told me that the efficacy is not affected by weight, so far as is known. (I am short and skinny, so asked about a lower dose).  Blood pressure is probably a more important factor.  Do speak with a medical professional before you make a decision.

  2. 47 minutes ago, FrankR said:

    I doubt you should expect a second dose any time soon, given that they are trying to stretch the existing supply to get more people a first dose…

    From CNN:

    “The Biden administration is set to announce a new emergency declaration as early as Tuesday afternoon that would enable providers to inject one-fifth of the currently authorized dose into the skin, rather than a full dose into underlying fat.”

    Wait... are they calling me FAT?? 🤭 

    My "underlying fat" is none of their business!! 😆


  3. 4 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    That’s the problem when the line becomes blurred. If he’s a friend there should be no charge. If he’s charging you it’s not a friend situation is it? (even if he’s discounted his rate). It sounds like you need to regularise the situation with him: friend or client but not a ‘bit of both’ because that can’t work. 

    I had a client become a friend. I stopped charging him. It was too awkward to charge. I told him, the situation is different now so I’m not charging you. It saved us both any difficulty. He remains a friend. 

    I dunno. My motto is "real friends pay double". After all - they should know the loads...eh..value I bring! 😝

  4. 13 hours ago, friendofsheila said:

    it looks like I'm going to have to go through some kind of course to become a financial adviser, for me to understand 401ks and related retirement stuff as well as I want to.  

    (I think the whole industry relies on me being ignorant!)

    I'm trying to read books, too. 

    Take a look at the Money Girl podcasts, they are not bad, short and informative. I get them through iTunes/iPhone.   On the other hand, if you are willing to spend a few dollars and a few hours, the Money Guy has a training course. Haven't taken it myself, but it sounds like it covers the basics. 


  5. On 5/20/2022 at 6:30 AM, bigjoey said:

    Like you, I see this as a “buying opportunity.”  Warren Buffet has been buying this week.  It may not be the bottom but there are selective “good” buys.  I have made some purchases.  Like Disney, this may not be the bottom but over the long run, it’ll be OK.

    This has been my stock buying pattern for over 50 years.  My problem is that at 76, the “long run” is not so long🥲.


    I am beginning to think the stock price for Disney may be down enough to start looking like value...pity about the dividend though. 🤔

  6. 6 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    Coulda told ya. I live there. But I’ve been criticized for my less than impressed perceptions. Maybe your weekend will see an improvement. 

    I’m currently elsewhere and just completed a perfectly paced (for me) 8 full sex dates with as many different jaw-dropping muscle gods for a grand total of $USD375, some of that amount discretionary tipping. They are very forward when they zone in on you in the specific curated settings. Each had at times needed to move on to tempt other other bar customers, until I could eventually catch up to them throughout the visit duration. But I fit in every one I wanted save one or two. Fortunately, they just show up regularly, including weeknights, enabling a bypass of FOMO, and there are usually no games or delays sealing a deal. I reside in the wrong city.

    Please change your name to SirBillyGOAT! (I am jealous of your adventures!) 😃

  7. 5 hours ago, augustus said:

    Imagine having to test yourself for the virus you're quadruple vaccinated against LOL.  I had COVID in the beginning of the pandemic.  No Biggie and I've never been vaccinated either.  Natural immunity is best.

    By your logic, you should stop wearing a seat belt and disable the airbags in your vehicle immediately - your natural reflexes are all you need.  Natural adrenaline is best. 


  8. 3 hours ago, FewBricksShy said:

    What the actual fuck…So we’ll travel all the way to Montreal but we won’t stop fucking. Noted. 

    Once you disengage your emotional response, stop cursing and start thinking you will realize that for sex workers it is not an option - they don't work, they don't make a living.  Just because you have the luxury, doesn't mean everyone has.   


  9. 17 minutes ago, FewBricksShy said:

    Abstinence is a step if you’re not protected. Until which time you can get vaccinated or the threat is decreased. It’s spreading because people aren’t abstaining despite not taking and steps to protect themselves or others. Is the need for sex that great that folks here will say to hell with safety and blare ahead? Can’t we wait until the vaccine is more widely available? There’s no difference between abstinence and social distancing and isolation because of COVID. 

    Abstinence has never been the solution folks think it is - even in the short run as a "step" it is of limited value for some folks who have commitments.  And just because you are better informed than most about monkeypox, doesn't mean everyone is.  What we need is for the vaccine to become available to all and to get the word out to everyone in our community to get it so we can stop the spread.



  10. 1 hour ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

    One of the slightly off-the-radar, items that made headlines this week is the case of Griffin Green aka Bodega Bro. He's the hot 22-year old who came to NYC from Michigan to start a job with Outreach in tech sales.


    He signed a lease for an apartment in the UES. And took an apartment in the south Bronx until his UES lease started. 

    He posted some funny videos in his TikTok account of life as it is in the South Bronx.  XXX he got fired from Outreach, his employer.

    https://twitter.com/search?q=bodega bro&src=typeahead_click


    Below is his photo from his Twitter account

    He signed a one-year lease he can't walk away from.

    He's looking for another job in the software/tech field


    Hopefully, he'll find something, in or out of his field, soon.



    New gym shorts: $30

    New gym fee: $20

    Getting smacked back into reality when you offend your neighbors: priceless!


    I am sure he will survive the life lesson. And will likely be a better person for it. 

  11. 19 hours ago, keroscenefire said:

    OOh I like using biscoff cookies. I think that would make a flavorful crust. 

    I am a fan of Biscoff cookie crust - the alternative I use often is Maria cookies; usually when I am lookin for a more neutral flavor in the crust.  🥧

  12. 2 hours ago, FrankR said:

    I think you are on the wrong forum. Drag is a big part of gay history and an important part of our culture of “sticking it to the man”. No one said drag queens should be “worshipped”. If you are unwilling to appreciate drag, you will likely be happier on another forum.

    I have a deep rooted appreciation for drag and drag queens. When I was a wee lad studying in Ireland, trying to find myself, I scraped together all my courage and dragged (pun intended!) myself over to a gay bar. The place looked a little seedy on the outside, not "the hottest gay joint in town", but the kind of low key place with a few locals, where a stranger can scope things out on the QT - just what I was looking for. Upon entry I was greeted by a beautifully dresses lady in drag. I had never seen teeth that white, lips that red or a gown so meticulously crafted out of red faux silk.  She steered me towards the bar and settled me next to a local bloke. Big, bald, hairy, tattood, loud - the exact opposite of what I wanted, but just what I needed.  He gave me one look and yelled at the barkeep: "Hey Giúiré - this one is too young for a pint of the black stuff!"  The barkeep chuckled. The drag queen on stage (I later got to know him as Sammy), next to the bar interrupted her joke telling to glare at him and replied: "Don't you start on him Atticus - you manky old savage!" She floated off the stage, came over to say hello and said out loud, aiming for it to be overheard: "Hmm. Somebody throw me a life vest - I am about to drown in sea green eyes!" Then she winked at me and walked off. Someone from the other side commented:"I know whose keeping me warm tonight!" There I was, a too tall, too skinny, too insecure lad, blushing like I had never before.  She stopped, turned to him and said: "Well, Sean, I am glad you are putting that Merino wool blanket I got you for Christmas to good use". Now the whole bar was paying attention. "Merino wool? You got it on sale at Tesco and left the tag on!" Sean complained. She gave him a brilliant smile and the whole bar laughed. They may have been a little drunk by that point. I didn't care. Suddenly I was part of the family. 

  13. 2 hours ago, FrankR said:

    This morning I had a casual interaction with a guy at the grocery store.  I get the sense it could have turned into a hookup but did not pursue...how often do you manage to make a casual interaction work as a hookup?


    Here's what happened.  It was early morning on a Sunday, so the store only had one check-out open; there were very few people around and we were the only two people in line.  I recognized him from his Grindr profile, we hooked up once about 3 years ago - he was ahead of me and his card got declined. He tried a second card and it happened again.  He was very embarrassed... it looked like he had just stepped outside to pickup a few things for breakfast, was dressed in running shorts and a tshirt and he didn't have a wallet, just a phone with a few cards in the sleeve of the phone. I guess I am aging myself by expecting a guy to have an actual wallet with cash!  His Grindr profile indicates that he just moved back to the city after a few years away, and I have no knowledge of his financial situation, but felt the need to step in and do a good deed.  So I said: "I hate it when that happens.  Damn banks can never get it right".  I slipped him two fifties and said in a low voice - "Just pay it forward sometime".  His expression changed from embarrassment to confusion, to surprise, back to embarrassment.  It was adorable!  He thanked me and left.  My card did not get declined (thank goodness!).  He was waiting for me outside.  He thanked me again, but it was on the cusp of getting a little awkward - I sensed that he kinda recognized me but maybe wasn't sure...  So I just said: "It's totally fine, it happens to all of us - good to see you, it's been a while!"  Gave a friendly smile and wave and went on my way. 

    Is it wrong that I hope he hits me up on Grindr tonight?? 😋  

    I get cruised sometimes at the store, at the park or even on the train.  There was a time when I made full use of all opportunities, but nowadays I am a little more cir-CUM-spect.  😄  Hope you get a call back - good deeds should be rewarded! 


  14. 6 hours ago, bostonman said:

    As a longstanding member out here (even though I don't post nearly as much as I used to), I trust your opinions. So...

    Let's say, hypothetically, a man dies, and leaves lots of porn on his computer. And let's just say that some of it might be worse than the usual. And his widow, in trying to clear up accounts in the days after, happens to stumble upon all of this. And on one hand, she's shocked about finding it (the usual jokes about men and internet porn aside - and also she's no prude) but she's also very concerned. She's not computer savvy enough to know how to get rid of the stuff for good. And she's very hesitant to tell anyone about this because she fears there might be legal issues, even though the only viewer/collector of this material is now gone. (I'm the only other person who knows.)

    So far, the only solution has been not to deal with it at all. But when the day comes that she really wants to get rid of that laptop, or get it erased and fixed, or ask someone for advice - what's the best thing to do? 

    I could figure out how to remove the hard drive, but then, what happens to that?

    Asking for a friend. (Literally.)

    Good advice from @FrankR. I would only add that it is usually best to deal with these things sooner rather than later.  They don't age well and tend to fester. 👍

  15. Met this young man earlier this week - fun and friendly guy with a great attitude.  He doesn't host but was happy to come to my hotel in NYC.  A little younger than I usually go for, but no regrets here.  Ask for face pics - he is handsome but being discreet.  I guess I would call his body "twinkish" and slim...he speaks softly and carries a big stick! English skills are great, very polite and had no problem communicating.  Would definitely see him again.  


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