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Everything posted by Islesguy

  1. I was very fortunate to meet and perform with Harry Belafonte about 25 years ago. The guy is an amazing person. Had I known back then about his involvement in the civil rights movement (I was a snot-nosed teenager at the time), I would have been even more honored to be in his presence.
  2. I'm not an escort nor am I muscled but nothing makes me happier than laying back and getting serviced orally.
  3. It's nice to know you can diagnose your sore throat as a bacterial infection without any tests. The amount of doctors who over prescribe antibiotics for illnesses for which they have no effect is the main reason we are seeing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. I certainly won't presume to know why you have a standing antibiotic prescription. Actually, one reason for pesticide resistant bugs is exactly that. People overuse pesticides because companies like Monsanto spread disinformation about how their products should be used solely to get people to overuse them so they can make more money. It's exactly the same problem. Using antibiotics for every single and sneeze is no different than constant and continuous spray of pesticides.
  4. I'd like to think his father would have smacked him upside the head had he known what his son would become. Oh what this country could have been had Bobby lived and won the presidency in 68.
  5. Passing around anti-vaccination propaganda and being a person who takes antibiotics for an undiagnosed sore throat is not only terrible medical advice but can be dangerous. You don't want to get the flu shot? That's fine and giving your reasons doing so is also ok. But passing around information that contradicts 99% of doctors and scientists is part of the reason why we have antibiotic-resistant bacteria and new outbreaks of measles.
  6. At least in the US, I think mask wearing correlates less to age itself and more to either political beliefs or situationally. I think you find college students less likely to wear masks simply because they are away from home for the first time and feel that sense of freedom and invincibility. I am basing this completely on anecdotal news reports, so I could be wrong.
  7. I have one with Van Gogh's, The Starry Night on it and two with the Preamble to the Constitution.
  8. One would hope an escort would try and help their clients kiss better. I know I would want a hire to help me be better kisser if he thought I wasn't a good one. Who better to learn from than a professional.
  9. The fact that the Weather Channel keeps pushing the winter storm name nonsense really pisses me off.
  10. You don't need an EIN unless you fall under certain conditions. You can just file under your SSN.
  11. Wow, it took you almost a week to figure out the one time in the last 2 decades that people became afraid to travel on a plane for a few months and two days after the anniversary of said event? The airlines took a hit but it wasn't long (maybe 6 months) before it was back to normal. But 9/11 didn't stop people from eating out on a daily basis, going to sporting events, having parties, going to the mall, etc., etc. And face masks definitely were never required to be worn in most of the country. 9/11's biggest lasting impact on the US was creating nonsense security theater at the airports, two wars, one which is still going on and one which we were lied into, and numerous violations of the 4th Amendment from the passage of the "PATRIOT" Act and the most ridiculous manipulation of the so-called terror alert level for political purposes. So at least some of the blame for the fear back then has to be laid at the feet of the Bush Administration. Again, I don't care what you do regarding mitigating your chances of getting the virus, but to scold people for wanting to keep themselves safe is just selfish.
  12. Did you, by any chance, get this particular flu shot in 1975? The vaccine that year was rushed out do to a potential swine flu pandemic and thus not tested as rigorously. GBS was a much more common side effect that year than in regular years.
  13. I was supposed to see an escort on my birthday this year. While I wasn't expecting a gift, I was secretly hoping to get some special treatment.
  14. Unless you can prove to me that there were front pages stories at least a couple days a week for 6 months after the Titanic sank about people being afraid to travel on ocean liners, it's not comparable. Also, I noticed you didn't even address the hurricane part probably because very few people move even after a hurricane demolishes their house. Polling suggests the protests and riots are not helping Republicans, especially Trump, and are in fact helping Biden. On the pandemic, the point is to get people to follow safety precautions so we can all get back to normal more quickly. Yes, sometimes people use fear to do that but it's more experts putting facts out so the public has information to make informed decisions. Based on your logic, there's no point in wearing seat belts or helmets because why should anyone be afraid of vehicle crashes. People don't get to remove themselves from society just because they are selfish and egotistical. Yes, people die every single day, but there isn't any reason to try to kill them off faster.
  15. I was guilty of this once. I have to depend on public transportation so I tend to leave early to ensure any potential delays don't make me late. The walk from the station was shorter than I expected and thus was early. Thankfully, I knew the person was coming home from somewhere else so I knew he wouldn't be with anyone, but still it was a bit awkward. OTOH, I had a different hire text me that I could come in to his hotel room whenever I arrived and not wait for our scheduled time. He gave me the extra time gratis. In return, I bought him some cannoli from my favorite Italian bakery that was across the street from his hotel.
  16. As much as I am happy for you, I am sad that I might never get to meet you. Someone just before the pandemic recommended that I hire because he thought we'd get along well. Maybe it will still happen. Anyway, best of luck.
  17. I work with a couple of rare disease organizations and The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.
  18. Her schmoozing with everyone does seem odd. I guess she got a warm reception.
  19. What does this have to do with what I said? I mentioned nothing about whether or not people should hire or travel. Honestly, I don't care what risks people are willing to take as long as I am not around people who are taking risks I wouldn't. My point was simply about the right-wing conspiracy theory that the pandemic news is some left-wing hoax to get Biden elected and that it will be moved to page A22 on Nov 4 if he is elected.
  20. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Yes, different "disasters" occur all the time, but saying this one will be off the front page of the newspapers soon after the election is just not true. It will be, imo, at the forefront of the news until there's a vaccine or it dissipates like the 1918 pandemic. Comparing a pandemic to a one time event like a hurricane or the Titanic is wrong.
  21. My one celeb story is kind of ironic. My uncle, mentioned above, is always running into famous people in Manhattan and telling me his stories. One time we were in cab going to the Carnegie Deli, and he was telling me about another meeting he had. I spent the rest of the cab ride complaining about how I never see anyone on the streets of the city. When we get to the deli, I open the cab door and there was Tom Poston and Suzanne Pleshette waiting to get in our cab. My uncle tried to pass it off as if he had planned it the whole time. Nice people, they were.
  22. My uncle has an Alan Alda story. He once saw Alda inside a store in NYC from outside the store but, as much he was a fan, didn't want to go in and say hi. Later that he day he ran into a former Chief Justice of the NYS Court Appeals he knew because they are both from the same town and she told him he should have gone inside to say hello.
  23. No matter who wins the election, the virus is not going to disappear from the news. Of all the things virus related that have been said, this is by far the dumbest. It's quite likely the US will have close to 300k dead from the virus by 12/31 if the death rate stays the same as it is now. And this doesn't take into account all the people who are having long-term effects even with mild cases. COVID news isn't ending anytime soon.
  24. I hope the porn star I was supposed to see for multi-day session (ppd but will rebook as soon as I am comfortable getting on a plane) is one of the exceptions. My convos with him and the 10hr session I had with him last year leads me to believe he is an exception.
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