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Everything posted by Islesguy

  1. I don't think I could survive with most of you. I don't think I have ever set my thermostat above 72 once the temps hit 85 outside. I need it cold.
  2. If you want a quality milkshake near me, you will be paying $7 most times. Maybe there are a few in the $6 range, but $7 isn't out of line. Lower than that are you are getting more milk than ice cream.
  3. Sure, why should anyone care about 500k people all over the world dying in 6 months or 131k Americans dying in 3 months or untold 100s of thousands with long-term physical damage? That is certainly worth being able to do my nightly bar hopping and random one nights stands. The lack of empathy some people display here sickens me.
  4. Musicals certainly can be as accurate as they want to be. When your musical is based on an inaccurate biography, you are kind of restricted if you decide not to do any further research yourself.
  5. The problem is not the musical itself; it's the biography upon which it is based. The biography itself is the problem as it is a wholly incomplete look at Hamilton based on a particular ideology which the writer has and thus projects onto Hamilton. Miranda could have done more research into the author and would have realized the author, Ron Chernow, wrote the biography to make Hamilton's conservative ideology more palatable then he deserves. If Miranda chose to write the book for the musical himself instead of relying on Chernow's biography, he would have done a much better job, imo.
  6. The difference between Rent and Hamilton is Rent is pure fiction while Hamilton is ssupposed to be fact based. If someone wants to write a musical about Hamilton that includes his aristocratic tendencies, his creation of trickle-down economics, his true thoughts on slavery, etc., etc. I might be more inclined to check it out. One would think his upbringing would have made him more sympathetic and empathic to the plight of the lower classes but he was one of those I got mine so screw the rest of you. If the political left wants a lesser known Founder to look to as inspirational and aspirational, Thomas Paine should be your guy not Alexander Hamilton.
  7. Have zero desire to watch a musical based on a bad hagiography of Hamilton. Now if someone wants to write a musical about Thomas Paine, I will be first in line to see it.
  8. If he is flying back into NYC, his info will be given to authorities. It has been reported they will be doing surprise visits to make sure people are abiding by the rules and there is a penalty for not doing so. I believe it is $2000. Now are they actually following through? I have no clue since I don't know anyone who has traveled into the state.
  9. Pop up drive-ins are all over Long Island right now in addition to the ones that are still leftover from years back. Really should go out and see a movie.
  10. Because the governor wanted to pretend nothing was wrong so he could open the state up more and more. The most ridiculous part is there is still a mandatory quarantine for NYers who come to Florida. The outbreak is out of control there and NYers are the only ones that have to quarantine? Real smart.
  11. Islesguy

    411 LiamV

    Anyone have any info on this hottie in St. Louis? Anyone who plays bridge is big plus in my book. Hmm naked bridge playing? ?? https://rent.men/LiamV/#rmotd
  12. You think you're upset? I had a 4 day appointment I set up back in October for my birthday next month in London with an ultra hot, ultra sweet guy that is now postponed.
  13. After reading this, I actually thought about actually doing it. I have a long term meeting with a provider that is going to be postponed by mutual agreement due to the pandemic. He is pretty well known escort who has a huge OF/JFF following. There is one guy that he shoots material with regularly that I find really hot. I am thinking about asking my hire if I could hire the other guy for an hour or two to be a third while I am there whenever I am finally able to travel to him.
  14. Sounds like a version of "The Truman Show". While a work of fiction, the movie did say that soap opera like show was the most watched show in the world.
  15. For most people using a BiPAP, using a CPAP would be highly inconveniencing. The purpose of a BiPAP is allow for easier exhaling since the pressure drops when you are not inhaling. Many people find a CPAPs continuous pressure restrictive when they exhale.
  16. The time and experience are of upmost importance for me. I want to feel good and be appreciated. Him cumming has no effect on either of those at least for me.
  17. I saw someone once who said he didn't want to cum because he had a client after me who wanted him to do so. I told him it was fine and we hadn't talked about that beforehand anyway. Plus it's not something that I care much about. While I was drying off from my shower, he got a call from that client who then cancelled on him. I really thought about asking if he wanted me to get him off, but he already given me much more time than I had booked. I probably should have gone for it or even offered to buy him dinner. Oh well.
  18. I just binged the entire series of 13 Reasons Why in basically a week. I didn't get to see the original final episode of season one but I was hooked right from the start. Terrific acting, writing, directing, music, etc. It was a great show. I was surprised to find out how much I saw myself in Clay.
  19. I actually thought the Netflix season of Designated Survivor was it's best overall. I really thought it was interesting idea having real interviews embedded in each episode.
  20. A pandemic ends when a virus is no longer spreading in such a way that a person is not infecting more than 1 other person. It has zero to do with whether or not people are locked down. People aren't voting with their feet on how they want to live; they are voting for how many people potentially will die because they don't give a damn especially the ones that refuse to wear a mask and socially distance when possible.
  21. I have already told my sister, a teacher, she now required to get the flu shot from now on since she never does.
  22. If that's the one on the Palisades Parkway, I always take the wrong turn going towards Woodbury coming from the city.
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