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Everything posted by Islesguy

  1. I consider Gabriel Cross a star and he quoted me $250US. Way more worth it than JJ.
  2. I honestly don't care about his underwear.
  3. Either shaven or stubble but overall stubble not patchy and nothing below the jawline.
  4. I have had guys kiss me after swallowing my load. Other than that, I have never had any desire to taste myself.
  5. No, it was at the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield. They set up a canopy tent behind the theatre.
  6. I went to the Berkshires a couple of weeks ago for an outdoor, physically-distant concert. Everyone I saw around town was masked unless they were eating and everyone was observing physical distancing. The concert venue had limited the audience to 100 people and all seats were spaced out so no group was closer than 6' from any other group. The venue is planning more events this summer. I would definitely go back there.
  7. Not like that. It was a rope connected to the ground. Went up about 500'. As a kid when it occurred, it was cool but looking back, I felt gipped.
  8. With the exception of the last item, these are all things I would have on my bucket list. Although, I have been in a hit air balloon, it was tethered to the ground so I don't really count it.
  9. I find Vaughn Hilliard to be dreamy as in I dream about him.
  10. If I were a completely healthy person, I would sign up for a clinical trial to test a vaccine, yes. Would I, in any form, take a vaccine announced effective by this administration before a throughly reviewed paper was published, not a chance.
  11. Thanks for the info, but I'm pretty loyal to getting my Delta perks.
  12. The one time I flew to London was on VA on a Delta coded flight. VA was a great experience. Depending on when I decide to go back to London, I will decide which airline I want to fly.
  13. Delta has been my airline of choice for over 2 decades. Rarely have had a problem with them and even if I do, they almost always are quick to fix it. I was supposed to fly Virgin Atlantic (Delta coded ticket) to London this month before I cancelled my trip. Might now just book my flight in Delta itself when I feel comfortable rebooking.
  14. Even though one of my favorite hires is coming to town next weekend, I'm not hiring at all. It's really tough but I can't take the risk especially since he's coming from an area with high rate of spread and I live in an area that the virus under control mostly. Plus I refuse to get on public transportation right now.
  15. I know Mike Gaite has posted on this board a couple of times saying no matter how hard he tried he rarely has clients who want to top him but is always looking. Try contacting him as he travels quite extensively.
  16. Watching my savings account grow is definitely helping my psyche. Also thinking about the things I can do with it when ends helps as well.
  17. "You can't handle the truth . . . due to the pandemic."
  18. We'll always have Paris . . . due to the pandemic.
  19. I don't think this an unusual request, but I once asked an escort to take a bath with me in his almost too small bathtub. Would have been better had his drain plug fit the the drain so we wouldn't have had to keep refilling the tub. Still it was nice having him lay in my lap and me giving him a head and shoulders massage.
  20. You might make my list (very interested in hiring you) but I rarely travel out to SoCal and I rarely see you travel. If you happen to travel to NYC, I'd happily set something up.
  21. I would happily shower less if it wasn't so hot and I didn't sweat profusely every day. I could walk down the street in 30 degree weather and be a sweaty mess by the time I got wherever I was going. No antiperspirant I have ever tried has helped. Back in the early days of the pandemic, I didn't shower everyday but now I feel I need to do so twice a day because my house is so hot almost all the time.
  22. I planned a session around dinner and a hockey game once. Interestingly, despite living only blocks away from where an NHL team plays home games, he had never been to one. I did inquire as to whether he would be interested in seeing a game before setting everything up. As much as I love hockey, I wouldn't want him to suffer through three hours of something he hated. Everything went well and the game was very exciting with a great overtime finish that my team won. The fun times pre- and post- dinner and the game were great as well. If I am going to do a longer session, I try to plan some outside the "room" activities.
  23. Wasn't planning on traveling at all but some friends were giving a COVID safe outdoor concert in the Berkshires that I drove up for last Friday. Drove back home that night. Concert was great. Limited to 100 people in attendance and all groups were properly spaced apart. Thankfully, I was able to say hi to my friends after the concert.
  24. Normally I am awful at accepting compliments. For some reason with escorts, I just accept them without considering if they are genuine or not.
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