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Everything posted by Islesguy

  1. Not reporting them is allowing other people to be put at risk of COVID and not just other customers. Family members of the workers would also be at risk. You need to report them. It's possible if it's their first time being reported, they may only get a warning. If they have been reported before, it shows they didn't learn and deserve to be fined or closed. Until people are widely vaccinated, the only way we get through this is if everyone does the right things. Don't be an enabler and let people get away with putting our fellow humans at risk.
  2. I have jerked off thinking about Ryan Phillips more times than I can count. On the subject of his OLTL role, I hated soaps for most of my life but a 5 hr spring cleaning session one Sunday back in 2000 broke me down. My mom was an avid OLTL fan and the channel SoapNet used to show the entire weeks episodes on Sunday in 5 hr block for fans who couldn't watch during the week. It was May so sweeps time. I could handle the odd sick day from school watching without caring but not that. Watched religiously from that point until.it was cancelled. Tried getting into GH when Skye went to find her father there, but I could stand the main characters outside of the Quartermaine's. Thanks to YouTube, I was able to watch the entire Billy arc online among other famous OLTL arcs from years prior. As much I like today's Ryan, 1992 Ryan would have been the boy I would have wanted as my first boyfriend.
  3. Individually, it's Ashley Parker Angel of OTown. I saw him play Link in Hairspray on Broadway. Meeting him outside the stage door, he was so hot.
  4. This is true except in New England where county is meaningless for anything. Everything in New England is run at the municipal level below county and there is no county government.
  5. Considering most people leave off city when referring to New York City, the fact that Manhattan is also New York County, means New York, New York, New York is a thing. In actuality, the County of New York is in the City of New York in the State of New York as those are the official names of those places.
  6. You think that's bad.l? I had a milestone birthday back in August and was supposed to have a multi day session with a hot escort in London that I planned and booked a year ago this month. Plane tickets, Airbnb, theatre tickets and all. Instead, I decided I wasn't officially changing my age (doctor's appointments excepted) until I get to go. Thankfully, the guy was super understanding about postponing it and we had a short FaceTime chat on the big day.
  7. Is it wrong to picture Vaughn Hilliard naked while he is on-camera reporting the news? If so, I don't want to be right.
  8. My mother hated Jerry Lewis as an actor and comedian until we saw him play Applegate in "Damn Yankees." He was hilarious. As for the rest of the list, we have major disagreement.
  9. I guess I will have to try it again. I watched the first couple of episodes and gave up.
  10. That's good but he's still traveling and taking clients. It's concerning, but I am a worrier.
  11. I'd hire Mike again in a millisecond if there wasn't a raging pandemic that is getting worse by the second. I get that he wants/needs to work, but I worry for his health.
  12. Most cities are smaller than the counties in which they lie like Houston which is in Harris county but the county is bigger than the city limits. NYC is one of the few that encompasses multiple counties. And there a couple that exist in two different states like Kansas City, which is in both Kansas and Missouri though I am pretty sure there are different city governments in each state.
  13. Lol, no the state. I haven't seen even one episode of "Drag Race"
  14. That the same thing some people say about people who have cruised "to Alaska" that they haven't been "in Alaska."
  15. One caveat on this for me. The only time I have ever been drunk is a night I was served two large cannoli for dessert in a hotel restaurant that I didn't realize had liquor in them. I love cannoli so I scarfed them down. I was fairly young (early 20s) and wasn't much of a drinker at the time. I remember having to hold the wall as I walked back to my room. The headache the next morning was unbearable. That when I realized I was drunk the night before. Not a feeling I ever wanted again.
  16. When I went to sleep away camp, we used to play a card game that could go on for hours and the rules allowed for people to join in after a round had begun. It wasn't unusual for a game to end with a completely different set of people than the ones who began it. On occasion, none of the people who started the game made it to the end. Talk about long-winded. ?
  17. There is no hotel in the world I have been inside more and never spent a night than the Marquis. Super easy to use a bathroom on the theatre floor and a great lobby for reading while waiting for a show to start.
  18. I was a bowler throughout my childhood and adolescence. Nowadays, I'm a huge ice hockey fan, hence my username.
  19. I'm sure there are guys out there who are heavy sleepers and won't be annoyed with a CPAP. Plus there are also guys who wear hearing aids and might not really hear much when they take them out. Don't be afraid to offer an overnight while being upfront about it. You never know, the client might also use one and be self-conscious about it also. Cuddling, talking and caressing each other is my favorite part of any session especially after "playtime."
  20. There's a Fairfield Inn on 3rd Avenue south of Atlantic in Brooklyn that has a rooftop patio that has a view of lower Manhattan. Reasonably priced and no key card access for elevator.
  21. This is sad. The hotel used to.host bridge tournaments when I was younger. Never stayed their but I always enjoyed playing bridge there.
  22. So you claim to actually give out medical advice when you don't even know the difference between a flu virus and a coronavirus not know that measures to prevent one airborne virus would prevent all other airborne viruses? Whatever dime store college gave you that degree should revoke it.
  23. Having wet dreams outside of my bed was always disturbing. Typically, I would wake up in the middle of the night when everyone was still sleeping so I had a chance to clean up before anyone noticed.
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