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Posts posted by DrownedBoy

  1. This guy has no reviews yet and his ad is less than a week old. Probably hasn't had any hires yet.


    Unless you're an award winner bodybuilder or model, 400 is insane. In the middle of a global recession, and in Plague-ridden Texas....he's going to get a quick lesson in economics.


    And he doesn't even kiss?????

  2. It depends on how close you are. If you're just Facebook friends and don't really meet in person anymore, I'd say go for it. It's not like he's going to share that with anyone else.


    You could approach him in a cute way, like confessing you had a crush on him in high school (even if you didn't), then bring up the ad. Make sure to act all embarrassed when you bring it up. He'll be flattered even if he turns you down.


    I had masturbation candy in high school, but the purest memories of lust come from junior high, when I started puberty. But neither they nor I can go back to being that young.

  3. Ugh. Here I thought the Covid recession would force many wanna-be models, professional bodybuilders, and small actors into escorting. I never thought camming could generate decent money.


    Then again, I never tried a cam show before. All I know is that texting and sexting don't do it for me.

  4. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2015-30734-001


    "In May 2011, 2177 gay and bisexual men in Australia participated in an online survey that assessed how acceptably they viewed online sexual racism. Although the men sampled displayed diverse attitudes, many were remarkably tolerant of sexual racism. We conducted two multiple linear regression analyses to compare factors related to men’s attitudes toward sexual racism online and their racist attitudes more broadly. Almost every identified factor associated with men’s racist attitudes was also related to their attitudes toward sexual racism. The only differences were between men who identified as Asian or Indian. Sexual racism, therefore, is closely associated with generic racist attitudes, which challenges the idea of racial attraction as solely a matter of personal preference."


    This is the only post in this thread that addresses the truth of the issue, a scientific study with hard statistics.


    Anecdotes and personal feelings mean nothing. Yet people are ignoring the only solid piece of science here.



  5. 1. They're less generous? But the provider sets the rate, they're expecting a tips? ?

    2. More demanding? Or just express their discontent with poor service? ?


    Not trying to change the subject, but interesting enough those two misconceptions are used in probably every industry as reason why a business choose to either provide no service or poor service to blacks. "They don't tip, they expect too much from us." Which is sad but not true for everyone who is black. Something negative a black person does gets deemed as the rule for all blacks, but if it was something positive, it's deemed an exception not the rule.


    I'm not saying this attitude is correct. I'm saying this attitude is.


    A half dozen sociological studies don't lie.

  6. Both on this forum, and in some ethnographic studies on male prostitution (a very popular thesis topic, apparently), escorts often say that they won't take Black clients because:


    1. They're less "generous"
    2. They're more "demanding" (in one example, the escort complained that Black men want to use the entire hour)



  7. Very occasionally, I'll make a last minute decision to hire someone new, and need a quick answer. Last time, I had to contact 4 people before one agreed to a deal.


    To be fair, half of them, there was no deal because I thought their donations were too high. And I wait 15 minutes to wait if they receive my text.

  8. One.


    I have never been the type to hire someone and have another as a potential back up. So when I contact someone I have every intention of meeting that one person. In terms of no shows in all my time hiring, I can count on one hand how many times that's happened. So I don't and have never had to reach out to multiple hires to ensure that I get to meet one.


    How long do you wait, if he doesn't respond, to looking for someone else?

  9. I grew up in the 80s and I remember having a huge crush on Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains. Even had a poster of him on my wall that I got from the school book fair (I told my parents that I was just a really big fan of the show). Sad that he turned out to be such a bigot and religious freak.


    So did my (female) cousin. Her brother and I made merciless fun of her.


    I guess I was mean....

  10. Me too @MikeBiDude


    At the time, I thought David Charvet was ‘sex on legs’. I saw him when he came (by motorbike) to a restaurant in LA and I felt he was even more attractive in the flesh than on TV. As it happened, he was seated at the next table, close to me, and we chatted briefly. He smelled great too.


    Still a kid at the time, but God, how many times I dreamed of David Charvet carrying me in his muscular arms on the beach...

  11. Is"Seeking" a good site to look for a Mentor who can & will provide good advice on rising capital (IPO).


    The ratio of sugar daddies looking for male babies is like 1:20.


    If you're looking for real SDs who'd pay out at least 1k/month, it's at least 1:100.


    There's a lot of competition for very little money, and SBs need to be aggressive and decisive as well. And stand out. The Covid recession is skewing that ratio even more.

  12. I'm keen to know this as well. How did you get guys to come to you? I'm usually the one who has to go hunting on grindr if looking to hire


    I second that, but what hints can you find in a young guy's ad that indicates he's willing to respond to generosity?


    Browsing Boystown, I see only 3 or 4 ads specifically saying "looking for gen/daddy/etc." All the old codes seem to be changing.

  13. While it was sociologically amusing, I'm letting my SA membership expire.


    - 75 percent of responses are from other countries.

    - 20 percent of responses are "hi," but ghost you and don't respond to any attempts at conversation or questions after that "hi"

    - the 5 percent who do communicate are wishy washy or looking for money only


    Only 1 respondent got to the texting point, agreed to a initial visit with compensation, then ghosted.


    I think I'll stick to escort boards. At least they know what they're looking for. SA is full of confused kids who don't know what they want, and who get scared if anyone shows interest. I’ll let someone else corrupt them. I have neither the time nor patience to myself.

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