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Posts posted by DrownedBoy

  1. In my line of work, it's not uncommon to see people come into the office with the flu and such. I've always said that this in itself could infect a chain of carriers and eventually kill someone.


    Hopefully after Covid, businesses will wise up to all the lost productivity they incur by forcing people to come in sick.


    However, it's near impossible to prove that you caught an airborne disease from a specific person.

  2. I won't be hiring anyone who won't kiss either. I'll probably follow whatever guidelines my state establishes.


    One thing I'll need to do is wait between meetups until new cases are down or testing becomes available. There's no way I'm meeting more than once every 14 days. I work from home alone right now, and due to my age and health, am at extremely low risk of getting seriously ill. But I don't want to spread anything beyond myself.

  3. Unfortunately for escorts, I predict the exact opposite.


    The market will be flooded with out of work waiters, bartenders, actors, models etc.


    Exactly. Combined with older clients too afraid or sick to hire, demand will plummet, while supply increases. The new normal will be to drop rates or drop out of escorting.


    And if you think white collar employees are exempt, you don't know jack about economics. That's the coming second wave of layoffs. Even my firm instituted a wage freeze, a hiring freeze, and no bonuses for the year.

  4. I'm willing to hire once the legal lock down in my state is lifted, so not until June. However, like others mentioned, there are uncertain economic times.


    My firm claims there's no layoffs coming, nor were there any back in 2008, but the current financial mess has no precedent unless you go back to 1929. It will take years to get back to normal, if it ever does.


    So I'll also be cutting back and saving money like crazy. I imagine I'll meet with a trusted regular when the lock down ends (I'm a lot younger than most clients and am at very low risk of getting seriously ill), but I'm not going crazy or spending as much as before. We have a long recession in front of us. If we're lucky.

  5. I've been worried about this well. The regular I saw 2 days before the lockdown was really annoyed at the prospect of having the gym closed. Hopefully he has a home alternative, but it won't be as good as the gym, and I'm really into muscle.


    However, after a month of no hiring (and it looks like another month or so to go), I can wait a bit longer. My libido is decreasing with disuse, it appears.

  6. Hey, if clients can't keep their pants on, that's fine by me. When they die, demand goes down, and prices will go down once the plague is over.


    After AIDS, comments like that are disgusting.

  7. I never hired 3 before in that amount of time, but I know Illinois was about to lock down, and I expect it to last at least 2 months. I'll be involuntarily saving money.

  8. I hired 3 guys last week since I knew a lockdown in my state was coming.


    When the lockdown is lifted, I'm sure to hire big again. But for now I'm not planning to hire anyone. I'm still working, if from home, and I'm busier than ever with the markets gyrating all over the place.

  9. @Aaron James Funny you made this comment. Until this week I was rarely contacted by providers whose RM profile I viewed (no contact on my part). This week, I’m estimating about 60 - 70% have chatted me up after viewing their profiles and a good number offering “corona discounts.” It really is all about supply and demand.


    On the other hand, until this week, I never had a provider turn me down due to public health issues. In this case, someone marked "available" told me he was leaving the city, not working during the virus, and only had his ad up for "advertisement."


    Also, Uber prices are going up.


    As one of my regular hires predicted, even at the height of the pandemic, there will be providers willing to work. That's who'll carry the germs. And there will always be horny customers who can't control their libido. They'll also spread germs. I doubt I'll hire at all during the next month, and if I do, it will be a regular.


    It's probably a moot point anyway. In Chicago/Illinois (like NY and CA), there's a lockdown, and people aren't supposed to leave their homes except for "essential services." Police are watching people who come and go. Hardly the best environment for doing business.

  10. Out-of-work waiters and retail workers. Offhand estimate, that's the industry where many of my providers work in normally. Given that all restaurants in Illinois/Chicago were shut down, and stores are closing their doors, it's obvious where they're coming from.


    It's a shame. There's a lot more talent coming online, but I'm going to stop hiring until the plague blows over.


    I would not encourage hiring in this environment, but if people do, pay attention. This should prove to be a very interesting economic phenomenon.

  11. The"Stars" won't have to lower their prices in a recession. Everyone else will. And it takes a lot to be a star. Looks/physique/attitude aren't enough. You also need enough customers to give good reviews.


    And I'm waiting for "tested negative for coronavirus" to start appearing on ads. At least when we have enough testing kits to go around.

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