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Eric Hassan

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Posts posted by Eric Hassan

  1. I am terrible sorry for my misunderstanding. I just want to clarify a few things.

    • I did not know pictures were not allowed. However, I assumed forum members did not want to be in a picture and tried to avoid them in the frames. I failed on that with @Robster and for that I am terribly sorry, I cannot apologize enough.
    • My intention was to take pictures only of the professionals.
    • I approached them with my phone up and asked them for a picture for my blog.
    • In two cases I was refused and didn't take those pictures.
    • I am learning now that some professionals didn't understand my request. If that is your case, please send me a PM and I will delete your picture asap this evening when I am back home
    • I am very sorry for causing this inconveniences
    • I do want to make clear that I was not dishonest or sneaky. Perhaps I was stupid and clumsy, but my intentions were always transparent
    • I hope this incident does not tarnish a wonderful week end


    I think the smartest move would be to remove all the pictures. I understand your intention and that it did not go well in execution.

  2. This weekend is something I look forward to for months and it did not disappoint. I love being a part of this community and enjoy every minute of our time together in PS. It was great to connect with old friends and new friends, and see the freedom and joy in everyone.


    As some of you may know by now, Monday turned out to be a very different day. David SF and I were spending some time together. We got on his motorcycle and went to lunch. On the way home, a car pulled out into traffic and we were unable to stop or swerve. We hit him at about 45 mph and were thrown into the air along with the bike, somersaulting and I got banged by the bike in the air. We both had helmets on and landed on our backs in the street. Neither of us lost consciousness. We were transported by ambulance to the hospital where tests revealed that I had a sprained left ankle and my body is covered in scrapes and wounds. David fared better externally but has sprained fingers, sprained right ankle, and multiple fractures in his lumbar spine.


    We were both allowed to return home that evening. David’s husbands (Todd and Carl) have been taking care of us in every way. We are both able to walk now but are still in significant pain. I’m here until Saturday and am staying with the guys so they can help me bathe, dress, and treat my wounds.


    I thought I was going to die and in the time since, I’ve had a variety of unpleasant experiences. I’m focused on my gratitude that I’m alive. In the grand scheme of things, we are lucky to have gotten off with only the injuries we had, and the love and service that Todd and Carl and David have shown me have been instrumental in my physical and mental healing.


    I could give all the warnings now about safety. I could go on about how grateful I am. These things are true, but I’m still a bit in shock and relatively rattled and really don’t feel like getting preachy. I’m alive, David is alive, we got one last hot fuck in after lunch before all of this, and life will go on (and we’ll get to have more sex).


    I’m looking forward to seeing everyone next year. Thank you for making this community a home for me.

  3. Just a couple things to add: the experience you will have as a bottom is more related to skill than size. Having a top who knows what he is doing and pays attention to your reactions, asks how you are, etc is key. As many have mentioned, reading reviews and asking folks on this forum will help you find tops who are skilled. There are a lot of hung tops out there who know what they're doing!


    Also, if you want to talk more about poppers, I'm happy to have a conversation. I'm known for my knowledge and use of poppers, and I'm happy to share info so that anyone can make an informed, healthy choice. I've got a small section about poppers on my blog, and I'm working on a site - brownbottlebrotherhood.com - to be a mega resource for poppers.

  4. Hey Eric, I tried to clarify this in my first paragraph. I am not asking for escorts to be what they’re are not, or do what they don’t want to.


    No, I don’t pay more. On several occasions people on here made it a point of saying that that was a thing to do. It drives me nuts every time I see that. I accept what a guy puts in his profile. If he a top, I move on. I may sometimes vent my frustrations (like now) but I accept things.


    Just to clarify one more time, it’s others not doing the same that gets to me. Accept that a guy saying he’s a top, is a top.


    I understand and appreciate the clarification! I'm glad you were able to let it off your chest!

  5. Maybe you could try things that aren’t anal.


    And, I get your frustration. I hope you are not paying people extra to get what you want. You deserve to pay the same as everyone else.


    Also, please have some space for our vulnerability. I think many guys who might normally bottom here and there may not as escorts because it invites another level of vulnerability he may not want to commit to.

  6. I’m with @Lance_Navarro and @VictorPowers on this one. I absolutely love what I do and I’m interested in continuing to be busy. I don’t see raising my rates as an effective means of protesting; it ultimately stands as a fear reaction that screws clients and is counter to my goals.


    I think we all might benefit from taking a step back and honestly evaluating our reactions. There is a lot of fear and we all know by now that fear is a poor motivator for change, and doesn’t solve problems. I’m not saying that what’s happening right now is right, or fair, or makes any kind of sense at all – like many of you, I’m ready to fight, and I’m ready to see this law go down against a constitutional challenge. But, conducting ourselves as if money is the only thing that matters and acting as if our world will end because of this law is lunacy.

  7. The whole thing makes me dizzy. To be in a place where you don't have to worry about having pot is exhilarating. But at least the first couple of times I know that I will have to actually go into a store. I need to describe exactly the effect I would like because in the old days you got what you got. It will be nice to say something akin to "I would like to be high but not sleepy." I have begun to believe in god again.


    Yes! I highly recommend the experience of going to a dispensary over getting a delivery. There’s something about being in the environment, and taking the time to talk with your budtender about what you’re looking for. Plus, you get to be around other people who are buying. Someone above mentioned weed maps as a resource, I would also recommend leafly. It’s an app for your phone as well as the website, and it will automatically GPS where you are and show you the closest dispensaries, along with reviews, operating hours, and other pertinent information. Also, leafly has strain reviews, so you can get an idea about what strains my appeal to you.

  8. Does anyone use an online scheduling website other than the normal call or text? Do you think you would use it if an escort had one available? Someone forwarded me to this one thats why https://acuityscheduling.com/


    I would think the high selling point in this is you would be able to see the escorts full schedule in the upcoming days.


    I thought about trying that for a hot minute and came up with several reasons it’s a poor choice, at least for me.


    The biggest reason I would not choose that method is that I want to individualize my time, approach, and services to the person. Simply having an appointment for Jim at 5 on Thursday tells me nothing actually useful for doing my job, particularly if this is someone I’ve never spent time with before.


    It also doesn’t allow you to screen clients. It doesn’t allow you to negotiate times and dates. I also really don’t care to share my full schedule openly with anyone passing through my site.


    I think it’s really important - particularly now - for us providers to not turn to automation or less personal experiences. We’re called on to be with people for some very intimate and vulnerable times and we ask for a considerable fee for our time. Part of what a client is paying for is to feel taken care of and provided with the special attention they deserve. I can understand the temptation to look at something like automatic scheduling that ostensibly appear to make life easier, but if I were a client and felt my escort was removed from the experience of interacting with me by some software, I’d move on.

  9. WorkOUT Gym is about a mile away, right down N. Palm Canyon from Canyon Club. I've been there once. I liked it, but thought it was a little small. But they've moved into a bigger building since then.


    There's also World Gym, about a mile and a half away at Vista Chino and Sunrise. I haven't been there yet (actually thinking about going next Friday) but I hear it's huge. And it's a World Gym, so I'm sure it's pretty great. :)


    Hope that helps, looking forward to meeting you!




    When I lived in Palm Springs, I was a member of world gym. It’s really nice, well-equipped, and cruisy, as you would expect – I haven’t been there in over a decade, but I imagine it’s pretty much the same.

  10. When I turned 40 a friend gave me a CD by this band, so I thought it appropriate to pass this on to you. And as it turns out, the bad was formed in 1978. UB40. TheyB40. 1978 was a great year! Best wishes Eric - have a Fabulous Birthday!




    Incidentally, that song was written by Neil Diamond, one of my favorite singers!

  11. Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes! I’m hanging out in the woods of New Hampshire with my mother, brother, sister in law, and two of my favorite people - my 6 year old niece and 2 year old nephew, who is named after me. It’s been a beautiful day! I’ll head back to NYC tomorrow to celebrate with friends for the weekend.


    I know many of you personally (and biblically, you sluts) and many more of you virtually and I’m very grateful to be a part of this community. Thank you for being such a great group of people :)

  12. I love coffee. I’ve got a French press and a stovetop espresso maker and a ibrik (for Turkish coffee). I love buying the beans, grinding the beans, making the coffee - the whole ritual of it. I drink it black and strong. It makes me very happy and if coffee is the thing that kills me, well, ok.


    I love how there are these constant debates about eggs and wine and chocolate and fish and and and. Like it’s some big fucking surprise that we’re gonna die.


    Time for more coffee.

  13. I can confirm they are reading the ads and the clients profiles one by one and making manual editions. I just got this in my RM mail:


    "Hello latforblk,


    We would like to inform you that due to some recently introduced legal requirements in your region, your About Me text was reviewed and may be modified.


    Be aware, that any text that may be considered as promotion of prostitution is strictly forbidden, as well any information about rates or donations. Also, it is not allowed to publish phone numbers, email addresses or external links.


    If you need any clarifications, please contact us!

    Thank you for your understanding!


    Your RentMen team"


    @tylerthebadwolf posted on Twitter that he got the same message, with the question “then what am I paying you for?“ – He has a really good point – it’s one thing if we can’t post rates, and need to be careful about language, but if we can’t post phone numbers or links, how are people supposed to contact us? The RM email system is unreliable and burdensome. It seems like it’s the only thing left, and it means clients suddenly have tons more work to do to figure out who they want to see, and we escorts will either see a significant drop in business, or a significant uptick in inquiry emails. I’ve never been one to believe that anyone has any authority to tell me what to do, and I was willing to proceed as I have been in light of this legislation, and I feel sad that there are knee-jerk reactions happening everywhere.

  14. I was going to recommend myself until you got to the "great body" part. You might try "Dude Next Door" Eric Hassan.

    He has the passion

    He has the style,

    He'll kiss you slow

    And deep

    For awhile.

    Then hold you tight

    In a muscular grip

    And if you like

    He'll go to the whip.

    He'll fuck your ass until you're sore

    Despite the pain, you'll ask for more.

    So, he's the man I recommend

    For passion, for kissing and in the end.


    I might be hiring you to write all my copy on my website!


    And I do LOVE to kiss!

  15. I think I may have contributed to this conversation earlier, but I feel moved to contribute again.


    Clients - Whether to disclose anything about your physical being is entirely your choice. There is no right or wrong, and the choice does not belong to anyone but you. You are not obligated to explain what you look like and you are most certainly not obligated to tolerate negative reactions to your appearance. One good reason to disclose personal information would be if you are concerned about being rejected in person. Another good reason is your own personal comfort - if you'd just be more comfortable having your chosen provider know something about you, it's a good option to share. Now, just because these are (to me) good reasons to share "stats" doesn't mean you have to disclose. It's always your choice.


    I would also like to point out that most of what we see of people - hair, skin, nails - is dead. We, as a society, spend a LOT of time analyzing, judging, evaluating, etc things that are dead, and mostly genetic happenstance.

  16. The best crowd will be at Canyon Club. INNdulgers are LOOsers.


    I understand you’re perhaps trying to be funny, but that kind of energy isn’t what this weekend is about. There are enough people out there who would criticize and shame the members of this community, and there are some of us who are feeling nervous and awkward about what this will be like. Please be respectful of that.

  17. I've been several times. It's WAY tamer - it's basically a 1 block street fair. It's a nice social outing, but don't go thinking you'll experience anything remotely close to a "Folsom experience." The only upside is that there are fewer people who are there just to gawk and make comments.

  18. I’m at the gym 6 days a week - 4 lifting, 2 cardio. I go on an empty stomach every single time. My workout is at the end of my fast so my stomach is as empty as it gets. I do consume a BCAAs before my workout, but at 20 calories, it’s not breaking my fast.


    I’ve never been overweight (since puberty - I was a chunky boy) or had a lot of fat to lose, but I can say I’m leaner, stronger, and more defined and have more endurance (on average) since I began intermittent fasting and working out on an empty stomach about 2 years ago. I’m in sniffing range of 40 and have been working out for about 16 years now and can say most of the progress I’ve made towards what I look like today has happened in the past 2 years.


    The question was is cardio on an empty stomach better for fat loss. I can’t say for certain but I can point to my own anecdotal evidence above. Really, though, trying to figure out the answer may be a waste of time. What you eat is going to make the biggest difference. I can understand the drive to make the choices that will provide maximal return on effort, but I don’t believe any form of self-care is a bad thing, and whether your tummy is rumbling on the treadmill or not isn’t going to matter at all if you don’t eat properly, drink lots of water, and get adequate rest.


    If you’re thinking of doing cardio on an empty stomach, I would recommend getting some of those little energy gel packs and bring an apple. If you start feeling weak or dizzy, stop and sit. Drink water and eat the gel packet and apple. SLOWLY so you don’t puke.


    Also, please note that I’m speaking from my own experience and medical education (I’ve mentioned before that my first career was occupational therapy), but I’m not a doctor, and even if I were, I’m not your doctor, so don’t do anything without consulting a doctor.

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