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Eric Hassan

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Posts posted by Eric Hassan

  1. I think that is beyond my control, even if I sell the material from my blog.


    This is probably getting a bit ahead of where you are, but this isn’t entirely true. It is technically beyond your control, but the sharing of your copyrighted material is technically a violation. You have basis to file a DMCA complaint if your stuff gets shared, but once the horse is out of the gate, a takedown would only shut off the original source and your material is still out there. You could sue but obviously that isn’t within reach for most folks, and again, the horse is out of the barn.


    One way to make any leaks work for you is to put a logo on your content - it’s what I do. That way, when something inevitably turns up on Twitter or Tumblr, at least there’s a way for people to know where it’s from.


    On a personal tangent, the most interesting copyright issue I’ve ever had was when some dude tried to sell me my own video. The video was from the membership section of my website, and he reportedly bought it from someone else.

  2. I am considering an alternative to avoid the complications of switching my blog to a paid site. What if I open an only fans account and work it associated with my blog. All the video materials would go through that outlet.

    I just sent a message to Timarrie asking whether or not he is happy with the inly fans service he is getting.

    Are you planning to produce original content? Be careful about sharing copyrighted stuff and charging for it.

  3. I was chatting with someone on Grindr who turned out to be a visiting escort. We discussed fees, etc. The fees quoted were substantially less than the fees listed on his Rentmen profile. He also had a massage ad on A4A that referenced “special rates”.


    In situations like this, should I expect the level of service to be less as well (depending on the venue through which I hire him)? Is it simply a way for him to guarantee any income while visiting?


    I’m not prone to haggling and would feel uncomfortable bringing up the discrepancy between rates.


    I don't know that you would expect a subpar situation because his rates are lower on a certain platform than another, but it would have me pause. I would wonder - is he charging too much and so he's trying to get any business he can by dropping his rates? Is he just adjusting to a different market or offering a special limited time discount? Was he maybe gonna hang with you for free, and figured if he can get a few bucks, why not? Is he just not certain of what his value is?


    I think there's something to be said for some consistency in pricing, as it suggests a certainty of value (at least, on the part of the escort - it's a form of confidence). A classic example is Apple - the same gadget costs the same in every store, to every customer. There are no gimmick sales (holiday weekend bullshit, doorbusters, etc) and no variation in cost based on market. Apple says their gadget is worth whatever amount of money, and that's the end of it (excepting some discount programs). When things go on sale, or you can get them for significantly less in another state, don't you wonder just a little bit about what the value is? A consistent price leads you to believe it's worth it and you're not getting ripped off.

  4. It’s partly going to depend on which payment processor you use, and which features you need to suit your membership vision.


    Start with figuring out which payment processor you want - not all processors will work with adult content (paypal definitely does not) if that’s what you’re putting in your membership section. Also, if you plan to accept Visa and MasterCard, there’s an annual fee of $500 each. Once you’ve selected a payment processor, ask them about plugins. They will have a tech team that can advise you on which ones will work with WP and their system. Also, if you use one of their recommendations, they’ll often do the installation and setup for you, and they’re expert at trouble shooting.


    If you’re not going to have adult content, most of this post still applies. You’ll have more options for payment processors and you won’t have the Visa/MC fees.

  5. I figured I'd post this where the more professional of you might find it.


    I have never cum with someone else. Even in a mutual J/O session (which have been fewer) or in some of the hottest sex I've ever had. I'm just not wired that way.


    My ED doesn't help that at all, needless to say.


    Anyone have suggestions for how to "get off" with someone else doing the work? I've learned to make others happy, and I've been told I give an incredible blow job.


    Thanks for listening.


    This is not as uncommon as you think - you're not alone.


    Your post brought up a lot of questions for me, and I'd want some more information before I start to throw out my thoughts. I feel like that back and forth could take place over PM, if you're interested. It's ok if you're not, too.


    But back to you not being alone. There are many people who have ED to some degree or another, and many men who can't cum ever, or with others, or only occasionally, or whatever.


    The great news is that sex is much more than a hard cock and a cumshot. Any guy who's ever had trouble getting it up or getting it off - even once - has had to deal with the confusion, frustration, anxiety, what-the-fuck-ness, depression, anger and so on. If we have honest, upfront conversations with each other, we can take some of those negative feelings and look for some positivity - we can find ways to relax about it a little, find buddies to vent with, and explore all the other ways we can experience sex and sexual satisfaction. Even if you can get it up and get it off, it's really fun to try doing things that are sexual without thinking about whether or not you're hard, or even intentionally not cumming.

  6. I'm soooo looking forward to this!! I was originally coming in on Thursday, April 12 and leaving Tuesday, April 17 but I've extended my trip to Saturday, April 21. I just booked my flights (yes, on Delta - the cheapest option was to fly to PSP instead of LAX/ONT, and it was cheaper by $100 than JetBlue, with better flight times). I arrive in PSP on Thursday around 4. I will have a car and am staying at INNdulge. If you arrive at the airport around the same time, I'm happy to cart your butt to your hotel. I'm also happy to offer rides as I'm able.


    The last time I posted about my plans on this thread, I told you my schedule was full from the 12th to the 17th. My choice to extend my trip was mostly because I used to live in PS and will want to see some friends and enjoy the weather (and the continuing celebration of my 40th bday). My schedule remains full until the 17th, but I'm happy to accept appointments during the rest of my stay, albeit on a limited basis. If you'd like to plan some time with me, please feel free to contact me!

  7. Eric, if you're lucky enough to see a pair of thighs like Joey Mantia's all the time, then you live a charmed life. I don't, so Joey makes me go absolutely apeshit.


    That’s completely fair. I do get to see musclebound bodies every day, so maybe I’m just overexposed!

  8. I appreciate athletic bodies as much as the next guy, but I'm routinely flummoxed as to why people just lose their shit about Olympic athletes. It's not unexpected that a bunch of teenaged and young adult elite athletes will have incredibly athletic "sexy" muscular bodies. I just don't get why it's such a big deal. I mean, don't we see hot men all the time?

  9. I have been trying Pure for digestive reasons (not a bottom, at least not thus far!) and finding it good, but are you saying its just a fancier better marketed version of Metamucil? Have recently reformed my eating too and lost 12lbs this month, so drinking loads of water, but maybe I should switch Pure to Metamucil or a cheaper fiber supplement?


    They're essentially the same (though a post above does explain the slight differences - basically Pure uses a few sources for fiber and theoretically the mix makes a difference). I've tried Metamucil and Pure and both work fine for me. As you've alluded to, it's not enough to just add some fiber - you can make dietary changes such as increasing your water intake and your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables (with the peels, ffs) that will help whether your goal is weight management or an expedient prep for a night of getting fucked.

  10. Actually both stated they would let me know regarding their availability, I work from home so it's easy for me to be available and I tend to work around other's schedules that way. I know that "shit happens" and always give the benefit of the doubt.


    So, like everyone else, I don't know the details of your communication. Speaking from my own experience, when someone approaches me and says they'd like to get together, I hope they'll have a time and day in mind. When someone says to me they're flexible and I can choose, I always toss it back to them and ask them for at least a day and time frame (for example, "anytime Tuesday afternoon"). This is because otherwise, I would be listing off my appointments and obligations, and that's not something I want to share. Your guys might have felt like your request was too vague, and either you weren't serious, or they might have felt like suddenly you made it their job to figure out your life. Think about it this way - if you want reservations at a restaurant, you would call them and ask for a day and time. They might have it, or might not, or might counter-offer, but you would never call a restaurant and ask for them to choose your reservation day and time for you. I know it's possible that you offered some time ideas, and I know you said they would get back to you and they didn't,. I'm thinking you might have more luck with requesting a more concrete appointment time - even if the guy can't do the time you requested, you've at least let him know you're serious about getting together, and you provide an opening to negotiate. We are used to being flexible for you, and consider that part of the work - allow your flexibility to work for YOU, not us.

  11. The only question I have as to the legality (let's leave the ethical issues aside since I think your discussion is great) does each creator on OnlyFans have to copyright the material he posted? Or does the mere posting on the site create a copyright? I recall seeing on some porn something which states that the material to follow has a copyright and that you break the law if you watch it without buying it properly. I think that you have to register it somewhere to get the copyright (some town in Delaware no doubt). If you don't do it you have no copyright and a person can use the product without paying for it.


    Current copyright law in the US doesn't require any registration; copyright is automatic once your work is in a fixed, tangible form. It is not true that if you do not register a copyright that you do not have a copyright. As soon as it's on film (or it’s a book or photo or painting, etc), it's copyrighted. Copyright protection lasts for 70 years beyond the life of the creator, unless it's an anonymous work in which case it lasts a set number of years. These rules have been in place since 1978; prior to that the rules were different. You can see more about that here: https://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-duration.html


    Here's a great reference for copyright in general: https://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#102

  12. To download videos (without having to watch them in real-time), I use free software called VideoDownloadHelper. I think it only works with Firefox, but you can download just about any video with it (Youtube and, yes, Onlyfans).




    I'm a FF user/fan and have used that extension for a long time. It's handy! Then there's this:


    The ethics and legality may be overlapping but separate issues. The OnlyFans business model is subscription based, like Netflix--you can view as much content as you want from a particular user as long as you are paying his (in our case, I assume they are all guys) monthly fee. It's obviously set up to make it difficult to download and then view after the subscription has expired.


    Obviously (to me) it's neither ethical nor legal to download and redistribute, especially for profit. There might be some advantage to the performer(s) to have some of the content made available for free, since OnlyFans doesn't have a preview function. But a performer can post short preview clips elsewhere (YouTube, Tumblr, etc.) and that's how I found it. On the other hand, OnlyFan makes recommendations of other performers, and without previews it's hard to know if I'd be interested or not. I could search the performer's name and look for other content, but that step is something a lot of subscribers aren't going to take, so there will be less impulse purchases.


    If you have a paid subscription and download to use only for yourself for times when you don't have a good internet connection and can't view the stream, that seems ethical to me if retained only as long as you're paying for the subscription--there's no lost revenue to the performer or the site. It might not be legal, though.


    Downloading and keeping the content after cancelling the subscription seems neither ethical nor, surely, legal. But then it falls into the "who is going to find out" category, and that's a line I'm sure lots of people cross a lot of the time.


    In my case, there are a couple of videos that I wanted to rewatch and I kept my subscription in part to be able to rewatch them. Then they suddenly disappeared. So I was thinking it would be great if I had downloaded them--there's a kind of implied promise with this sort of service that the best content isn't going to disappear after (in one case) a few days of being posted.


    Meanwhile, I messaged the performer who said he was planning to reshoot and repost them. I'm looking forward to that, if not holding my breath!


    This is a wonderful look at the distinction between ethical and legal in this instance. The rule follower in me agrees 100%. As a porn performer who has a website where I charge people to view my content, I have a couple thoughts.


    If you choose to download someone's video, don't post it other places. That's not only a copyright thing - it's not yours to share - it's just shitty. Yes,I know it happens a lot. Yes, I know porn can be expensive. Yes, I know that you've seen his other videos on free sites. Yes, I know this was a public cam show that you recorded. I even acknowledge the value that can come from "leaked" content. Just don't share it publicly. That's someone's work, and whatever feelings you have about it, it's not yours to share.


    I subscribe to the "who's going to know" way of thinking where I do download videos from sites. I just keep them for my personal use. I HOPE that people will do the same with my videos. I think that when someone buys a membership, tbey are buying copies of whatever movies they want for themselves. To me, when I make a video, I get to effectively sell thousands of copies as every member is paying for the same content. I don't need to hold on that tight to my content. Not everyone thinks that way, so I would ask you to be respectful of the performer's/studio's choices. Again, if you download content - whether it was freely offered or you had to do some magic, keep it to yourself.

  13. so anyone else out there that enjoys facesitting?


    One of my favorite things is to have a good looking stud in tight underwear sitting on top of me

    pinning me down to the floor and grinding his junk in my face, making me feel the heat and smell the delicious

    scent of a mans private parts, its like aroma therapy... and the knowing that eventually he will strip out of those

    briefs and get back in position and make me suck and lick every inch....


    Any escorts that enjoys doing this ( especially in Vegas ) or is it just work for the sitter?


    and is it ok to ask a escort if he is ok to do this? it kinda feels awkward to ask another man " would you like to sit on my face so I can smell you".....


    If you're looking in Vegas, I highly recommend @alexhawk - he's got an incredible ass and a very open mind. I'm sure he would be VERY happy to sit on your face. You can tell him I sent you :)

  14. Yes, it really does happen! I quit my professional job because the people I worked with were awful and this is way more fun.


    As did I. I have an MS in Occupational Therapy. I worked clinically for almost 15 years. I worked directly with patients and in upper management, all over the US, and in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabs, neuro units, NICUs, mental health facilities. I specialized in cognition and mental health, and spent years training other therapist to sharpen those skills. I left over 2 years ago, and I feel more successful, more fulfilled, more happy than I ever did before. I use many of the same skills that I developed as a therapist and I'm grateful for my training and time, but this feels like a much better fit for my interests and the way I want my life to go.


    Regarding the OP's question - I find that when someone asks a question, they are really telling you something about what they believe and understand. On some level, some people might think that escorting/porn, etc are fields where you don't to be smart and/or smart people do not do this work. There isn't a reason to get offended. Be smart, and have a conversation.

  15. Now, if it was a Grosstedes Gristedes you probably wouldn't have noticed.

    One *was* a Gristedes; when I complained, they told me they couldn’t do anything about it. I told them they could - there’s a law prohibiting this, and a customer complaining! They again told me “we can’t do nothing.” That dog wasn’t the one shitting in the aisle; that happened at a Fairway.


    ***EDIT - just making another plug for humans taking care of each other***

  16. As a physician I can understand why and how much good the TRUE support animals do for their humans. I had 2 big dogs and was moving and every house i tried to rent refused because of the dogs. They well totally well-behaved, trained, did not jump on people, and most who met them fell in love with them. I looked on the web, found sites to have them "certified" as support animals within 48 hours and then decided against that road because landlords would only find another reason to get rid of them (and me) and I felt it reflected badly on the entire subject. It's simply dishonest.


    My local market has a HUGE sign outside the entrance that only support animals will be allowed inside. That stops no-one. There are dogs everywhere I go - big ones on leashes without the requisite "vest" identifying them as support animals. Occasionally I see a sight-impaired shopper with a dog and those animals are truly well-trained and behaved. The others go up to people, sniff them, etc. The management does nothing to discourage this.

    I wonder what they would say if the Health Department came sniffing around!


    There is little in the world that gets under my skin more than people bringing their non-guide/support dogs (or not labelled as such) into the grocery store. I've stopped going to 2 of them here in NYC for it - one time there was a dog pissing and shitting in the vegetable aisle and the workers were just laughing. I've never been back.

  17. I think it’s an interesting statement about the way we watch out for and take care of each other and support each other that - with nearly 7 billion people on the planet - we need support peacocks. Or dogs. Or lions. Or whatever.


    I’m not knocking the support that animals (pets or support or guide) can provide, and there are times for me that I feel sad or lost or alone and an animal’s love and company would be wonderful. I still have to wonder what made this woman’s life so difficult that the idea of getting on a plane without her animal would be unbearable, or undoable.

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