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Eric Hassan

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Posts posted by Eric Hassan

  1. Perhaps this would be more of a question for clients, but here it goes ...


    I messaged an escort on Friday to make an appointment for Saturday evening at my hotel. Communication seemed to be fine. Saturday afternoon, he messages me to confirm. That's great, I thought. He's on the ball. Then 30 minutes before our scheduled time, he messages to say he would be half an hour late. Half an hour later, he actually does show up. He was late, but I didn't have a problem with this.


    He comes into my room and we have a bit of a conversation. He goes to the bathroom and takes, from what I can hear, a pretty substantial piss. He comes back, and he starts to remove his clothes. The pictures that he had sent me were clearly out of date, which was rather disappointing. He didn't have the physique that he once did. No matter, I can get over that. I move on.


    So, I'm lying on the bed, and he's licking my nipples. Doing a fairly good job, I might add. Then all of a sudden, he stops. I look down, and see that his eyes are closed. I think he has fallen asleep! I give him him a few nudges, and he comes to. He doesn't acknowledge anything and sort of continues.


    I wanted to ride his cock. So, he's lying on his back, and I hand him a condom. Before he put it on, he fell asleep again. I ask him if he is ok, and he said yes. Doesn't really acknowledge anything. Finally, he gets the condom on, and I get into position, and he falls asleep - almost instantly. This time he is snoring. What's the best way to wake up a narcoleptic escort? I give him a few nudges before he comes to and I again, ask him if he is ok. He nods and carries on as if nothing had happened.


    This has never happened to me before. I don't think he was on drugs. During our conversation, he seemed lucid and coherent. I honestly think he was suffering from narcolepsy.


    I pretty much ended the session then, and got him on his way. He got up, went to the washroom, got dressed and we said our goodbyes.


    How would you deal with a narcoleptic escort?


    I think the second time you had to wake him up and he didn't acknowledge anything would have been a good time to stop and check in with him. It's possible he is narcoleptic and doesn't know it, or didn't share it with you because he's usually fine with his meds but right now he's not. It sounds like there may have been some health issues going on here, aside from the customer service/performance issues. You're paying for an experience that you weren't getting, and it was possibly because this guy was in some sort of crisis - how to deal with this is to stop what you're doing and TALK.


    This is for everyone - if you're with someone and they seem like they might be sick or in danger, TALK to them. Please don't carry on and hope things will be OK.

  2. I hooked up with a guy who said he was 9" once. I am about 7"/7.5" and 8" on a very good day. We get naked and I'm easily two inches bigger than he is. Immediately he says "Wow - you must be 11"!" I sucked his dick instead of making him go home 'cuz quick thinking and creativity deserves a reward.


    It all worked out in the end, as he shot a huge load.


    That has always been a favorite moment of mine - some dude going on and on about how hung he is, how big it is, blah blah - and then mine ends up being bigger. I get smug :)

  3. TJ Cummings (he didn't bother to change his porn name) and Seth Gamble (went by Troy Gabriel) both did full on gay porn.


    Chris Strokes (Criss Strokes) had his dick sucked by 2 separate guys on Next Door Studios and once by Jake Cruise on Cruise's site.


    Chad White aka Blair (Buzzwest) aka Maddox (Chaosmen) was serviced by a guy multiple times.



    I remembered about TJ when you mentioned it; didn’t know about Seth. And didn’t know about Chad on Buzzwest. Thanks!


    Chris also fucked a guy, though he was barely hard and had the same look on his face that I see around town when people step in dog poop. He had that face a lot in his gay scenes.

  4. They may not last forever!


    I can’t say for certain, but I would not be surprised if @Oliver lives forever and continues to host these weekends. Barring that, I’m guessing that he is already considering who might be looking to carry the torch; this weekend won’t stop as long as this community continues to remain interested in having it happen.


    (Sorry for the weird third-person post, @Oliver. I guess I was sending vibes into the universe in support of your eternity.)

  5. There is a British twink with an enormous dick who does both porn as well. Can’t remember his name. I’m not sure he’d count anyway.

    Regardless good luck! I think the stripper option will probably be the best.


    That would be Danny D aka Matt Hughes (Danny in straight porn, Matt in gay).


    To the OP, I’m not sure there are many (if any at all) straight male porn stars in NYC. I think most of them are either in Florida or California. I also, as somebody else mentioned earlier, think that most of them might be open to the idea, but less likely to follow through because of the possible stigma on a set. However, times are changing, and people have a lot more room for different experiences now. One thing you might want to try is interacting in social media with some of the straight guys you’re interested in. That may help you figure out if any of them are open to a conversation about getting together.


    Chris Strokes and Chad White have both done gay scenes where they interact with another guy, and Johnny Castle has done a solo scene in a gay movie. TJ Cummings and Johnny Castle have both done magazine spreads for gay magazines. Chris, Johnny Castle, TJ, and Seth Gamble I have all done solo jerk off scenes and or/scenes with Jake Cruise. I think Levi Cash has also done a solo scene - I haven’t seen it, but would do most anything to get my hands on it (and him - or him and Chad White ....)

  6. Posh in HK is very laid back and one of my favorite places. Flaming Saddles a is a lot of fun as well. Overall, to me, HK’s scene sucks - I’d venture either to the Village or Chelsea. Personally, I love Barracuda - it’s low-key and friendly. It’s on 22nd just 1 block south of the C/E at 23. You can catch those trains right from Port Authority.

  7. Intermittent Fasting - there are various methods - it focuses not on what you eat as when you eat. The one I like is the Eat-Stop-Eat ----> fasting from dinner one day, to dinner the next, basically a 24-hour fast. I do it once a week.

    I-F is not only good for losing weight but has been shown to improve overall body metabolism. There's lots of info online about fasting.


    I also walk on the treadmill 3 miles a day - or in the park during nice weather.


    YES! Intermittent fasting is incredible, even when you don't need to lose weight. I use a daily method, so I eat only during an 8 hour window each day - typically 1pm to 9pm. It's made me think more carefully about what I eat, and helped to reduce the amount of donuts and cake and cookies and such that I eat. There's research that shows it helps normalize blood pressure, improve the body's response to insulin, support testosterone production, and reduce inflammation.


    I also count my macros daily so I know that I'm eating the amount and ratio of foods to support my goals. That's key - knowing what your body requires and knowing that you've consumed it. I know a lot of people who complain about not losing weight and they can't figure out why, and it's often because they're not eating enough. If our bodies don't get enough calories for a few days, we'll lose weight, but chronically underfeeding yourself will convince your body that you're in a famine. Then, it starts shutting down things that are non-essential and eventually running essential tasks on reduced power. The one thing it does really well in that state is hang on to fat, because that's a good energy source for when things get really bad in that famine that you've made for yourself.

  8. Do you know anyone without a smartphone? No iPhone or Android? Maybe even no cellphone?


    I'm an NFL season ticket holder. Several years ago, as part of a transition to e*ticketing, they stopped printing and mailing paper tickets. But subscribers could still generate pdf tickets, and print them out for attendees without smart phones. PDFs are also the method to resell, for example, on StubHub.


    Today, my team announced that in 2018, no more pdfs. No printing tickets. No gifting tickets in Christmas Stockings....


    So I wonder... how do people without smartphones, no team app, no ability to display an image or barcode, get into the game?


    As a side note, the NFL has an exclusive relationship with TicketMaster. Resales are permitted via Ticketmaster. StubHub, which relies on pdfs for NFL sales, will be thwarted by this change. . I get that the decision is about money and the relationhip between NFL & TicketMaster .


    But I still cant fathom how this will work for those without an Android or iPhone.


    And, it also makes me wonder.... what else is stymied by lack of a phone?


    I recently met someone without a cell phone. He's someone who's hoping to launch a porn site and a mutual friend connected us, thinking I could give him some guidance. I told our mutual friend to have this guy text me and we could set up a meeting. The mutual friend told me he didn't have a cell phone but assured me that I could call him at home and he'd either answer or call me back. I called, he answered, we met. We met one more time and discussed more details and had plans to meet between Christmas and the New Year. I got sick and called to cancel. Left a message. He called back and left a message about another day. I called him back and left a message to tell him I couldn't make it because of another appointment. Then he was asking me - through our mutual friend - to call him about another day. I told our friend that I was sick and would call him back once I felt better - this was just after the new year, and I had been down and out for a few days. While I was in bed sick, he called and left a message. I didn't call him back because I was fucking sick and had already told him that and that I would call him back when I felt better. The next day he called again and I just didn't answer, because at this point I was getting pissed. A few days later I was feeling better and had some cabin fever, so I went to the gym to ride a bike and get some movement. Ran into the mutual friend and wouldn't you know it but this fucking friend of his is asking again if I can call him.


    So, I did. And I told him that I couldn't work with someone that I couldn't contact easily - I wasn't about to exchange endless telephone calls back and forth when I wasn't feeling well. It seemed to him to be a point of pride that he didn't have a cell phone but would always return calls and if you made plans, he would be there, but to me, he was just a smug dumbass. I get there's a lot of debate about the value and impact of smart phones, but it seems silly to me in 2018 to not use it for at least basic purposes - a quick phone call, sending someone a text when you're late and can't call, telling some annoying person you're trying to work with that you're sick enough to have to stay in bed and they need to leave you alone. Nobody makes you turn into an iZombie when you get a smart phone - that part is completely optional - but not getting with the times enough to make it at least a bit easy for people around you to interact with you is just ... well, not smart.


    Apologies to anyone without a cell/smartphone who might read this. It's not you, it's me.

  9. just out of curiosity – did you check his ad carefully to see if maybe he put the password in the ad? I did that, and I provide links for people to find hundreds of others of pictures of me, and I *still* get requests for the password for my gallery. I make the choice to decline those requests, because it tells me very clearly that the person did not even bother to take 3 minutes toread my ad, because if they had, they would have seen the password and known how to unlock the photos. I’m not saying that this is what happened with your guy, and you have the right to make whatever choice you like, just as he does. I try to look at any kind of rejection as the universe protecting me from something that I don’t really need or want. Maybe that’s all that happened.

  10. Can one live comfortably in Manhattan on $80-90K/year?


    If that is gross income, after taxes, one can afford to live in Manhattan under these general conditions: you will need a roommate (or 2), or you'll live in a studio in a relatively undesirable location. You'll need to budget and would benefit from making some thrifty choices like cooking at home vs eating out, subway/bus vs taxi. You won't be going on any extravagant vacations or saving tons of money, but you can survive.


    @JamieDelRey - first, welcome! i hope you'll enjoy the forum. so you know where i'm coming from, i live in nyc. i've lived here for 12+ years and have been escorting for about 3 years. i would take what @hypothetically said seriously. i admire your gumption, but attempting to move to nyc and start escorting is taking on a lot. moving to nyc is difficult - it's fast and expensive and even if you think you're ready for life here, it's still a shock and it takes a year or so to really feel like you've got the hang of things. you'll get lost, food will cost way more than you think. you'll feel lonely, it's loud and there are people everywhere. then, there's starting an escorting business - especially if you want that to be your sole source of income. there are more than 500+ guys here - it takes work, travel, and time to build up a reputation, which is how you keep your business going.


    i do think it's worth doing some exploring, though. first, i would recommend participating in this forum. it's a great group of people and will help you find answers to questions, and let us get to know who you are. if you don't have an ad, i would suggest making one and linking to it in your signature, like you'll see i did below. then, i would make a trip to nyc - let us know about it in the "escort travel" section, tweet it out, put it on your ad/site/blog/whatever - then come here and see how it all works out.


    i would love you to succeed and be here one day. i just don't want you to bite of more than you can chew and end up thinking that you failed when you're struggling or can't make rent or don't have clientele. moving to nyc is hard as fuck, but soooo worth it, and totally doable. it's not personal, it's just challenging. same with escorting. if you take your time, work consistently, and keep going, you can totally do it.

  11. i'm a stoner and love trying new strains. my guy here always has a nice variety on hand and i usually have 2-3 on hand at any time - right now i have amnesia haze, platinum girl scout cookies, and bubble gum. i've taken some notes as i've consumed to help remind me and i do have some favorites. i tend to prefer sativas, which give me more energy and make me feel more creative and talkative. i like indicas from time to time as they give me deep relaxation but a bit of couch lock, which i don't usually want. i've not found a strain that i just didn't like and they all seem to make nice additions to sex for me. some of my favorites are blue dream, blue dream headband, girl scout cookies, chemdawg, and green crack.


    i highly recommend using leafly for reference. you can look up strains, and there is info on the expected side effects, lineage, grow time, flavor profile, etc. there's also a lot of lists that will help you find strains to fit your mood or activity. it's a free app and there's also a website.


    my experience purchasing weed in states where it's legal for recreational use has been a lot of fun. i've bought in colorado, oregon, and california. colorado and oregon had great products for good prices; california also has great product but the prices are high. later this month i'm going to be in las vegas and am looking forward to buying there. i also am in massachusetts frequently to visit family, and look foward to july when the dispensaries open.

  12. I was required to take gross anatomy in school and I loved it. I loved it so much I assisted in the dead lab during upper extremity block when I was working clinically. It was an impactful class and an incredibly challenging learning opportunity - it was the only “C” I’ve ever gotten for a class. My plan is to donate my body to my alma mater for medical education. Once the semester is over, the bodies are cremated and the cremains are returned to the family.


    Once my ashes are back in the hands of my family (whoever that might be), my will instructs that there be a celebration of my life. At the end, I want someone to knock over my urn, spilling my ashes all over someone’s good rug, at which point I want to be vacuumed up.

  13. I'm not sure that is the case. I get the impression that the phone number is a label for the WhatsApp account, not that it is linked to the actual number. WhatsApp uses internet connectivity, not the PSTN. I have used WhatsApp in the US when the Australian phone number it references wasn't working. I would suggest trying to set up your account with the google voice number. As long as it's your GV number, no one else will try to use it for a WhatsApp connection.


    I also have Google Voice for my work, and I use that as my WhatsApp number. It works fine. I even used it to call @mike carey on his birthday!

  14. I travel frequently between NYC and Philly. I've not taken the bus but I've taken a bus to DC and Boston. It's not glamorous, but it's a ride and it's cheap and you get there. I do prefer the train, though - partly because I live about 8 minute walk from Penn Station, and partly because I am collecting miles so I can get free trips. I think a short jaunt like the one between Philly and NYC is certainly bus-able.

  15. Pet peeve. Seems like the airlines went thru this years ago and the Federal Government finally stepped in about hidden fees. It's time to do the same with hotel fees.




    Maybe it's just me, but I see a notice about the resort fees when I'm going to book any hotel in Vegas. No, it's not on a large banner that flashes and screams at you. But, it's there. Also, resort fees are nothing new - they've been charging them for at least a decade.

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