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Eric Hassan

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Posts posted by Eric Hassan

  1. I'm 34 already and didn't exactly start experimenting with other guys until I was 30. I am sorta introvert but I don't think I really look it. I also have this urban latino look on me which I suspect is what keep guys away? Who knows. I get the perception that a lot of them feel intimidated by me thinking I'm mean or even dangerous. Maybe I need to smile more? Maybe I need more friends? I am shy but not really the nerdy type of shy. I guess sometimes people assume I'm just unfriendly and that's about. Like one day I meet you at the gym and another I see you and don't say "hi" to you.


    As for how I date, well, I live in Chelsea, New York so I have gay men passing by me all the time. That's actually how I have hooked up with some dudes but very few. I've never had a bf though neither I've officially dated anyone. Perhaps I'm just a loser? Perhaps I'm just too picky? Yes, I'm actually one of those who would have "no femmes" in their profile.


    I live in Chelsea as well and know it to be a friendly neighborhood. The issue isn't your looks, it's your attitude. I don't know you, and I'm only judging from what I've read, but your writing feels needy - it feels like you're having a hard time accepting yourself for whatever reason, and perhaps are still hanging on to parts of an identity that doesn't fit anymore. Seeking happiness outside of yourself isn't going to help you feel happiness inside yourself. You might be beautiful, but you're not "straight looking" - that's not a thing and is akin to "straight acting," which is just "acting" - and people can smell bullshit without knowing that's what they're smelling.


    You don't need to tell anyone what you look like unless they're blind. If you're truly seeking out meaningful connection, you need to show people who you are, not keep telling them how straight you look.


    I can't tell you what you need or what you should do, but I think it's helpful to think about a few things. First, nobody out there is going to fix you or make you whole. Seeking outside yourself for validation might feel good when you get it, but what happens when you don't get it? Second, some people will like how you look and some won't and that's out of your control. Stop using your appearance as an excuse. Third, people will stick around in your life because of who you are and how they feel when they're with you, not because of how you look.


    I recognize the harshness of my tone but I don't see value in coddling you. I do, however, want you to know that I know you deserve to have meaningful connections and a happy life. You deserve that as much as anyone else. I think you're relatively new to your gay identity and you're struggling with putting it all together. I get that. I have the benefit of being out for nearly 25 years and I know it's taken me a long time to get my shit together. If I haven't completely pissed you off, I encourage you to drop me a private message. I'd be more than happy to have coffee and be a space for you to feel heard and supported.

  2. I acknowledge the point. I've already extended my apologies.


    Question though, if you hadn't chosen the name "Eric Hassan", but rather "UncutHung9x7inMaine", does that change your assessment?


    @KennF - I'm sorry if I made you feel like you needed to apologize more. That was not my intent. It was simply to help you (and others) understand what an escort might feel like. You didn't owe any of us an apology - you asked a question, got some answers. You did get skewered a bit, and I think you understand why, but this thread is simply an exchange of information - not your trial.


    Your question is interesting. I didn't choose Eric Hassan until I had already established myself as The Dude Next Door. My website is thedudenextdoor.com and my handle on RM is thedudenextdoor - I'm committed to that title as part of my identity. My assessment is based on having the experience of choosing a moniker that isn't a name - thedudenextdoor - and then choosing a name by which to be called.

  3. I don't think it is as B&W as some of you claim. If you thought and were hoping that your real identity was hidden, would you want to know that it isn't?

    It seems there could be one of two reactions (or both) if a client tells you how easy it is get your real name: "thanks for letting me know I'll fix that" or "how dare you invade my privacy."

    If I can get your name then so can everyone else. Is it better to be in the dark? But the truth is I will go along with the alias.


    That doesn't make you a stalker and that isn't a violation of my privacy. A violation of my privacy is coming into my space, contacting my friends, discussing the business between the two of us, and betraying the trust I placed in you to respect my information.


    From this escort's point of view, it's not that you find out my "real" name - that's pretty easy to do, and I don't make many attempts to conceal my identity - I choose to use the name "Eric Hassan" because I like it. Everyone who has revealed they know my name has also asked me what to call me. I'm sure many clients know my real name and have kept that fact to themselves. Keeping my real name to yourself, or sharing that you know it and asking me what I want to be called, shows me that you have some respect for my personal life.


    It's not that you know. It's that you show a lack of discretion and respect by calling the escort by that name without asking. If you'll do that, what else will you do? If you call me by my real name without asking and completely out of the blue, it shows me you have a big mouth and won't keep it shut.

  4. I am not sure the comparison is equal.


    As a client, I am not putting myself out there. I am neither the product or the seller.


    I am not attempting to hide my identity, but I do keep my personal life personal, including severely limiting the amount and type of data I share with any website or company. However, if the provider called me by name, I'd move right along. I know my personal information is out on the internet. If for no other reason than I own property, so my tax bills and deed are part of the public record.


    Do you think it is reasonable for a client to not do his due diligence?




    I think you're overstating things. All I did was mention his real first name, instead of his screen name. I actually never disclosed/discussed the thing(s) I found.



    Based on the implications here, I probably shouldn't have been personal and should have continued to call him "thick-n-hung", or "SexyBottom", or "AllDayLong", or "ItalianStallion", etc...


    So then, since I'm hiring a personal connection and interaction, when is it appropriate in this type of situation to call someone by their name?


    What you *could* have done is ask him what name he'd like to be called by you.

  5. In chronological order...


    Julie Newmar (Batman)

    Barbara Feldon (Get Smart)

    Kim Richards (Nanny and the Professor; Escape to Witch Mountain)

    Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman)

    My best friend's mother

    Jane Curtain (Saturday Night Live)

    Susan Sarandon (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)


    Because I needed another reason to adore you ....


    I've used the term "homoflexible" as one way to describe my sexual interests. The women I've crushed on aren't famous - just people I've encountered in my daily life. Earlier this summer I was at a party with friends and fell hard for a sorta-butch but apparently heterosexual (and absolutely beautiful) woman. We flirted a lot - she was whip-smart and gave me a verbal run for my money and then sat across from me at dinner. Fortunately the semi I had wasn't visible under the table.

  6. Do you know whether Levi Cash is still in the industry? I do not see his videos for quite some months!

    He's on the production side of things more now. His most recent scenes for Brazzers, Naughty America, RK are from last year or the year before. I'm just as bummed about it as you. He's one of my favorites, and probably has some of the best forearms I've ever seen.

  7. "boutique" hotels, "boutique" lawyer offices....anything boutique....pretentious and silly.....


    and "heirloom" tomatoes.....not quite clear on this....are they some sort of upper class strain of tomatoes?....or am I being cynical??!!


    I understand "heirloom." In the US, we think there are 3 kinds of tomatoes - big red ones, medium red ones, small red ones. There's traditionally been a limited selection of produce - one kind of corn, a few kinds of apples, a small variety of potato. The idea that someone out there is researching, learning, acquiring, and growing these heirloom fruits/vegetables (not a botanical thing, but that's another post) makes me want to appreciate, learn, and enjoy.


    I fucking hate "How are you? "How's is going?" and the like when there is no real interest in the answer. You aren't greeting me with those questions. You're asking me a question. Why would you ask a question if you didn't want the answer? Just say Hi. I don't need you to care about my life if you're the cashier at a store, I just need you to make proper change.

  8. If I had to choose one band - and only one band - it's Shudder to Think. Their album, Pony Express Record, has been my favorite since 1995.


    Guided by Voices and Yeasayer get honorable mention. I'm stopping here - I could go on for hours when it comes to music!


    oh my fuck YES! and the watch on the left arm - gotta be on the left arm - so hot! i would pay to watch this guy roll up his sleeves. i would pay extra to make a movie while he does it! thank you!! i just started a website called forearm friday - he's definitely going to be part of this friday's posts!

  10. Just discovered the Decembrists out of Portland. Most excellent song, Riverswim:



    Listen to Picaresque - an absolutely BRILLIANT album!! One of my top 100 favorite albums.

  11. I am constantly listening to music and have tons of favorites. One of my favorite bands, Yeasayer, released their fourth album - Amen & Goodbye - last year and it's brilliant. "Half Asleep" stands out and was my favorite song of 2016.


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