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Eric Hassan

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Posts posted by Eric Hassan

  1. I'm a bit late to the party, but for what it's worth:


    @youngboldone (and anyone else mulling the PS weekend over) - if it sounds like something you think you'd like, i'd encourage you to attend, even if you've got some hesitations about personalities or vibes. there's room for everyone, and while folks do tend to spend a lot of time with each other, there's no mandatory event - you can do what you like, join in what you like. the vibe is warm and friendly. there are no flame wars, but maybe a bulge contest. it's not a non-stop orgy - you might see a dick or ten, but you can feel perfectly comfortable to just chat. there are opportunities to hire, and there are opportunities for working guys and friends/clients/whatever to hang out socially. what i really enjoyed last year was getting to know people from the forum, getting to spend some private time with some guys, and having lots of social time - also, i lived in ps before, so it was nice to see friends and do my sunday night toucan's ritual. also, i got to know nate newman and alex hawk and i've since spent quite a bit of time with both of them, and we've developed lasting friendships.


    and when it comes to hard-boiled eggs - i acidulate the cold water with vinegar (as you would if you were poaching eggs) and add the eggs - then i bring the water to a boil and let it go for 1 minute - then i shut the heat off, cover the eggs, and let them hang around 8 minutes, then into an ice water bath and they're good to go. i don't, however, turn them into deviled eggs - while i personally love them, i find them better when someone else makes them.

  2. I don't snore, but I do talk in my sleep. I also wake myself up laughing. I've even sat upright and had conversations with my eyes open with people that I didn't remember the next day. When I was a young lad, I shared a room with my younger brother, who is 18 months younger than I. We apparently used to back and forth to each other in our sleep. I'm an active sleeper - it's not unusual for pillows and blankets to be all over the place when I sleep in the bed.

  3. I'll be there! I'm staying at INNdulge 4/12-17. I turn 40 on April 5, so I'll still be celebrating :)


    All of my available appointments are currently taken. I did leave free time to attend the social events and have some chill time with folks. I'm considering extending my trip - I used to live in PS and enjoy the city a lot.


    Also, I'll have a car in PS and will happily cart people around as I'm able. You'll have to listen to my music, though.


    Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

  4. Chris Strokes let me down for not actually topping . That one movie (foggy memory), where the twink rode him cowboy was lame. He was partially erect and it was not the best directing or shoot. Definitely should have been a verbal scene. Aside from that, I thoroughly enjoy watching him in straight porn.


    I remember that scene. He was barely hard, and the look on his face was just this side of "I'm thoroughly disgusted." He did a few oral/JO scenes but even in those, you could tell he was not really mentally present nor was he enjoying himself. His performance in straight porn is almost as lackluster. He seems to be relatively disconnected to what he's doing and often is staring off into space. I assume he's dreaming of me.


    Chad White's gay-for-pay scenes were so much fun and he was so cute! His response and his attitude toward it was perfect. It's so hot to follow him and see the man he has grown up to be, and to wonder if he still could be had -- discreetly.


    Yes, he was! He seems like he's a pretty cool guy. I follow him on twitter and have seen his broadcasts on periscope - he seems easy-going and joyful, though I don't think he focuses on his arms enough. That could just be me, though.

  5. “shoot some ropes” goes along with “behind closed doors” in the half-hot, half-douchey vernacular i’ve been hearing uttered in quasi-“dumb jock” voices for over a decade on the manhole (phone sex)


    come to think of it, i haven’t called that line in a couple of weeks .... might have to get and “shoot some ropes with a buddy”


    i do love phone sex

  6. I have an update to my answer.


    I hope I dont live to an age when I have so much time on my hands, I make a hobby of useless activities, and promote it.


    If you know someone whom you frequently want to advise "get a life", you should take comfort they havent declined to the PressTube (on YouTube) level.



    Have you seen the "Will it blend?" videos?

  7. I find any cross-over film to be embarrassing. For example, anything done by T.J. Cummings. I mean he's fucking women for god's sake. He should be being fucked by men.


    I've loved TJ since he was doing gay porn. I watch straight porn 99% of the time and seeing him in straight porn sometimes is a little odd because he does seem to have the "look" for gay porn in the late 90s/early 00s but mostly I just think he's hot so I don't care who he's fucking. Him, Johnny Castle, Chris Strokes, Danny D, Chad White - all these guys did some form of gay porn before they did straight porn. I think I similarly about Johnny Castle as you do with TJ - though I don't look at him and think he should be having sex with men, it's just weird seeing him with women.

  8. Please forgive me if I make no sense, or come off as a complete imbecile. This is my first time posting on this site, although I've been around reading and lurking for a while.


    I greatly admire the industry you're all involved in, and completely support the career choices that have been made. Obviously. I'm here on this site, after all. Lol.


    My name is Orion, and I suppose this is also a little hello on my end. My questions are probably going to be very dumb, so just have patience with me. I'm a trans man, FTM, and was wondering what kind of market there is for that. Would anyone even be interested in me without having a penis? I mean, I'm sure there is one, but what is it like? I'm pre-op, but on hormones as of this moment. My body isn't great, although I'm working on changing that. I know my physical appearance probably has quite a correlation with how much money would be involved, but I guess before I would want to even know about that I would want to know if it's even possible for someone like me to become an escort. I'm not exactly a beautiful person, and I'm okay with that. (I'm actually a truck driver.) Just, curiosity is eating at me.


    I apologize if this thread is out of place, or I've conveyed my question in an odd way.


    Thank you for your time. ^_^


    Welcome to the forum, Orion!


    I second what @latbear4blk and @Keith30309 have to say. I also want to add a few things:


    1. Your body is great. It's fair to say there are things that you would like to change and to work on making those changes. You might be tempted - hell, we're all tempted - to compare our bodies to other people and especially to generally accepted beauty standards. But, remember that just because people think something is true doesn't make it so. A lot of people believed the world was flat. And a lot of people think 6 pack abs or big muscles are what's "beautiful." It's all just made up shit that enough people agree with but that doesn't mean you have to agree. It's not bad, it's just helpful to remember that reality is nothing more than enough people agreeing to it, but it doesn't mean everyone agrees, and it doesn't mean you have to agree, either.


    2. Your physical appearance will have an impact on your business, but the bigger impact is going to be made by the kind of person you are. Here's a personal anecdote: I have a beard and I shave my balls. I have had people tell me that I should grow my beard much longer and I have had guys say they won't hire me unless I shave my beard off. I've had guys request that I shave my whole crotch area smooth and others lament the fact I don't have a full bush and hairy balls. I've also had guys tell me that they wouldn't have hired me based on my looks, but when they read my blog or my posts on here, they chose to hire me. You could drive yourself nuts trying to perfect a look that will garner approval from everyone and it's still not gonna happen. Who you are matters way more than what you look like. Some will find you attractive, some will not. Your looks will attract some people to hire you - but it's what you share about yourself, the professional behaviour you demonstrate, and how you make people feel that will have people come back to you, or consider you beyond your looks.


    3. I've personally met and spent time with [uSER=12528]@FTM_Twink[/uSER] and [uSER=15773]@Boy w/ the Phoenix Tattoo[/uSER] and advise you, as other have, to message them and say hello. I also advise you to participate in these forums with all of us. There are many different voices here and there's a lot of value in participating in this community.


    4. You ARE beautiful. Not because I said so. Not because anyone says so. Just because you are.


    If there's anything I can do, please feel free to message me. Otherwise, peruse the forums, join in some conversations, and have fun!

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