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Everything posted by Wolfer

  1. Yup, I like the sweetness, how it goes with the savory taste of the sauce and crust. Although recently I made a pizza and I discovered I liked the taste better without the pineapple. So next time without the pineapple! I find the outrage by Italians over pineapple on pizza a little hypocritical... My friend lived in Italy for more than ten years so I've visited there quite a number of times and I was surprised to see the stuff they throw on pizza's there! Even fries! Hahaha.
  2. FAT PENGIUN! To break the ice.
  3. I have the opposite view. Top/bottom to me is merely a positional preference, completely seperate from attitude or personality. I acknowledge that in the escort world the correlation between tops and dominance/certain type of attitude is more prevalent than in the broader gay community but there are dominant masculine bottoms and flamboyant, submissive tops too. Or even flamboyant dominant tops or submissive masculine bottoms. All the variations exist. Like I saw someone quote recently: "Being a top or bottom is a sexual preference, not a lifestyle." But then again, for some it might be that. We all have different views on what these things mean. But as a guy who people often mistakenly think is a bottom, I agree with the quote, that being a top or bottom isn't automatically linked to a certain attitude by default. (I've discovered that I'm a submissive top. Only took me years and a very sore hole to find that out )
  4. That question can be asked about the whole escort experience. Is it healthy to pay someone to humiliate you? Is it healthy to pay someone to spend time with you? Is it healthy to pay someone to just have physical sex with you but wouldn't give you the light of day unless there's cold, hard cash involved? This question certainly does not only apply to the emotional connection. Is it healthy paying someone expecting there to be an emotional connection just because you're paying? That's a different question and no escort can guarantee great sex or a connection either owning to the myriad of personal differences there are in people. What one person might think of as great sex might be completely lousy to someone else. What I mean by that is that hiring an escort hoping he'll automatically be able to fulfill your need just by virtue of there being a payment involved is not always realistic. But it is interesting you expect that the connection would be fake and acted at best... In this forum there are guys who talk about actively wanting to connect with their clients, even on an emotional level. So I don't agree that what the client would be getting would always be a fantasy. And I think there are clients here who have built up a genuine (emotional) connection with escorts.
  5. Ah, I see. Yes, I don't want it to be role-play, either. But BFE for me is a short-hand for not wanting the session be a pump-and-dump experience.
  6. There are as many reasons to hire an escort as there are clients. Ultimately everything about this hobby is based on creating a fantasy: the very basis of our interactions is paying for someone to spend time with us who would (normally) not do this without any sort of payment attached to it. So I don't think wanting a BFE is delusional. Is it a fantasy? Absolutely. But so is hiring an escort to verbally abuse you or physically dominate you or even just have nothing else but mutual oral with. I see no difference between that and in wanting to have cuddles and being caressed, kissed and have an interest be taken in me (which I see as part of the BFE). Some escorts and clients recoil at the thought of showing or undergoing affectionate touch or kissing deeply. Others can't even imagine having any sort of interaction without these present. Different folks, different strokes. I agree with @TruHart1 's description. Beautifully put.
  7. I had a massage and table shower with Simon at Utopia last May. I can highly recommend him. It was a great experience.
  8. Yes, I was just reminded how important it is to confirm every single thing you'd like to do with the escort. I recently hired a guy based on excellent reviews, many of which stated that "he treats you like a lover, like a boyfriend". So, instead of my usual question of "cuddling nude after sex" I omitted this since I thought it was a given since so many reviewers were referencing (what seemed to me) a very affectionate type of guy. It was a disaster. He was friendly and smiley but zero affectionate. He didn't touch me till we were on the bed and then proceeded to rush through sex as if it couldn't end fast enough. After he came he wouldn't touch me anymore, threw on his clothes and was on his phone. I asked if we could cuddle after which he lay on the bed with his clothes on. When I asked if we could cuddle naked he said he had volleyball practice (his reason for having his clothes on), when I asked again if we could really not cuddle naked he said: "I don't do romance, only sex. Romance is for the boyfriend." Imagine what you would like a boyfriend to do with you, then make a checklist (but as short and as to the point as possible), send this in your first text to the escort and ask them if all of it is good for them. And also ask them to confirm it is all okay for them. Like Oaktown said, nothing is a given in this hobby. Guys have different rules, limitations, ... Some escorts are really good in writing this in their ad text but I've found those are the exceptions. So, check, check, check. If the guy gets annoyed when you ask him to confirm, move on immediately. I always include the question: "Can we cuddle nude on the bed after sex and talk some?"
  9. 40 dollars for entree of bruschetta, main course pizza Margharita and Tiramisu for dessert. I was flummoxed. This was in Belgium. If you go to a small restaurant in Italy you can have all that for about 20-25 dollars.
  10. You're right, London does have a different price bracket than other places I've hired in Europe. I only hired in London twice and I think I paid 220 pounds for the first hour (it was multi-hour session), which would have been 250 euro. (This was 2015) So about the same. (And also what I meant with not making the distinction is because I don't include London/UK in the broader European market for escort services in my head, apparently. )
  11. My experience has been that you only really get to learn how compatible you are when you're actually living together. I remember when I was in college there were several couples (some older than me at the time) that had been together for years but always living apart. All of them broke up shortly after moving in together. My ex-husband and I moved in together after about two or three months.
  12. True, I didn't make that distinction because when I lived in London the British actually called the mainland Europe, they didn't include the UK in Europe. Which I always found to be highly amusing. I always said to them: "You know you're part of Europe, right?" In France and Belgium 150 is also the most commonly quoted fee.
  13. Since I hire mainly in Europe, my price range is different. Mine is between 100-150 euro (120-180 dollars) for an hour. I don't go over 150 because there is no consistent correlation between a high(er) fee and a higher level of service and 150 is the most common market price here. Under 100 makes me wonder if the guy is just testing the waters, not taking it seriously or something else...
  14. If an escort's stated fee is outside my budget I just thank them, say it's out of my budget and move on. No one has ever come back with a counter offer and I would not accept one even if it was offered. Because I feel the escort's rate is their rate and them lowering it would make me worry if they would also lower the quality of their service accordingly. Or be resentful of me because I'm the client they have to take on 'cause rent is due or any other thing that might make me regret having accepted the counter offer... In all my hires only two times was I offered a discount (both on overnights) and both those experienced turned out not great (one was downright horrible). So that's really made me cautious on negotiating fees. In the sense that I don't negotiate them at all. I just state the amount of time I want to spend and let them state their fee. If it's more than I can budget, I move on. To be honest, if I would have been on the receiving end of that particular conversation, it would have been a red flag if you'd opened up the fee conversation (because of the previous bad experiences) and the half hour offer would honestly have left me with a bad aftertaste. Because to me it would come across like taking on a quicky, like easy cash. That I'd get shoved in between your barber and gym appointments. Come in the door, pump 'n' dump, grab the cash, bye! I would not have accepted the half hour offer either for those reasons, even if it had been in my budget to do so. But then I have self-esteem issues and I blow all my cash on hiring people to make me believe I'm worth loving. (Yes, I'm in therapy for that.) So I might overreact a little. I need a hug now. (Way to make this about you, Wolfer, back on topic now!)
  15. Since the recent Facebook privacy scandal Instagram has changed their API. Coincidentally when this happened I have been unable to get any hits with Google reverse image search. Even when doing a test with my own pictures which I know are online. It seems that Google no longer indexes Instagram pictures (or is unable to).
  16. Wait, Friendboy actually has a toggable tag on the profile for this?? That's... Well. Okay. I mean, sure if a guy just mentions it in his ad. But the platform providing it... Okay, well, know your market, I guess.
  17. Oooh, so excited for you! Have fun! In my experience all the Latin men from South America I had sessions with were all very enthusiastic and passionate kissers wih tongue and very deep. I do think that all the guys, except one who identified as bi, I had a session with were actually gay. Of the three non-Latins I had it was as follows: Romanian: bi, kissed dry, no tongue but did seem to enjoy it. He was actually a really nice guy. Egyptian: kissed with tongue but his style of kissing wasn't compatible with mine Moroccon: gay and nice kisser Ask if they kiss, then ask to show you. Some guys will French kiss you right on the spot. Others will say they only do it in the cabin. If that's the case, and no kissing is a dealbreaker for you, I told a guy before going into the cabin that if he didn't kiss our session would not go through and I would not pay. Seems blunt, but communication is very important. Try to find Raphael. He's a great guy. Great kisser, friendly, sexy and fully vers (he bottomed for me). Pictures of him were posted earlier in this thread. He usually arrives between 4 and 5pm. He was the tallest guy there so he's hard to miss. I had a, what I thought was very cute, moment with one of the guys. We were intensily cuddling and I ask if he's gay. And he slightly surprised said: "Yes, I'm gay. Can't you tell I'm gay? Don't I look gay?" I assured him that, yes, I could he tell was gay. I was so endeared by this 'cause usually guys get offended if they are perceived to be displaying gay characteristics (because it's not considered masculine). I cuddled him even more after that.
  18. What's SA? Do you mean you use these three primarily to find escorts and you end up paying between 150-200? I'm interested on how you approach escorts on Grindr, or do they hit you up?
  19. Rentmasseur is operated by the same company as Rentmen. Since Rentmen doesn't ask for an ID, maybe Rentmasseur doesn't either.
  20. I recently saw an ad on Hunqz with the tagline: "Hot muscular jock for same." I thought "I think he's in the wrong section of the site..."
  21. I prefer upbeat movies. "Love, Simon" just warms my heart. Sure, it may be a bit of fantasy given that almost every single person in that movie (re)acts maturely and emotionally appropriate and supportive. But to me it was a much needed breath of fresh air amongst all the usual drama that is the queer coming of age films. What is really important for me about the movie, though, is that it gives people a template on how you can respond in a situation like that that is supportive and positive. If you like comedies, I highly, HIGHLY recommend "4th Man Out" (available on Netflix). It's about a gay guy coming out to his lifelong best friends. The movie focuses on the friendship and the clumsy fumbling (but funny and endearing) actions his straight friends go through in order to try and be a good friend to the gay guy. "GBF" is nice, but not as memorable for me as "4th Man Out". It lacked strong comedic elements. And these aren't strictly coming-of-age movies but I really like them: "First Period", it's a parody on the '80's teen coming of age movies (think "sixteen candles") and the two leads are men in drag (Lance Bass's hunky boyfriend is also in it). The script is so chock full of jokes you hardly catch them all on the first viewing. "Were the World Mine". A beautiful musical movie about a high school kid that DOESN'T allow himself to be bullied. One who fights back and has a backbone. The songs are ethereal and the story is magical. I've seen it many times. I have to be honest, I hated "Call Me By Your Name". That relationship to me was bordering on emotional abuse (from the older guy to the younger one). And just felt like gay clickbait. I don't even remember seeing any gay sex in there yet we see tits and vagina and straight sex? Not that there has to be gay sex in a movie but it was odd that they didn't show anything gay as explicitly as they did like the straight sex scene in the movie. The older guy to me came across as an absolute asshole and manipulative. Not a single endearing moment in that movie for me.
  22. I really like Durex Real Feeling. They're more expensive and their use-by date is a lot shorter than other condoms but they feel really nice, both for the top and bottom. They feel softer and smoother and seem to have much less friction.
  23. For a while now I've wanted to hire a guy to accompany me to a private sauna. Just the two of us and the hottub, dry sauna, swimming pool... A couple of hours of relaxing and fun for my Birthday.
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