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Everything posted by Wolfer

  1. I just had such a weird experience. This was with a guy who's ad says 'safe only' and in his ad text, in all caps, "NO BAREBACK". So foreplay is escalating and I cuddle him from behind and he pushes his ass against my crotch. Then lubes up his ass, aligns it with my dick and wiggles my tip in. I pull out and put him on his stomach and tease his hole and again he does this wiggling motion and puts my tip in. I'll spare you the details of what was going through my mind, let's just say: conflicting thoughts and desires fighting for dominance. I do push in deep once and I feel like I'm fully inside of him. He says nothing when I do this, just moans in pleasure and seems to get really turned on. Then I pull out and continue the session with a condom. After we're done I ask him if he's on PrEP. He says yes (shows me the bottle) and asks why I want to know. I'm a little confused at that point and say: "Wasn't I inside you? Without a condom at first?" He dismisses it with a smile and says: "No, I just tease with my butt cheeks." I did visually confirm though that at least my tip did slide in so it makes sense to me that when I plunged in it was actually in his ass and not between his cheeks like he said (since my tip was already in).
  2. My review of Charlie is up: http://www.daddysreviews.com/search/Active/C/charlie_bogota He travels regularly between Medellin and Bogota. I highly, highly recommend him. He's awesome and a great guy. His ad: https://rentmen.eu/CharlieMntgmry
  3. Does anyone have any experience hiring him? His ad expired.
  4. Belgium. After I received the letter I did a quick Google search. Belgium has really doubled down on this in the last few years, it seems. There were several news articles about it. I ended up getting a prescription for generic Viagra from my GP. Turns out they are cheaper than the ones I ordered online!
  5. I'm kidding of course. Was just not expecting a question like that on this board necessarily.
  6. Well, my shipment of onlinepharmacyx got confiscated by customs. Even got an offical warning from the National Agency for Medicine saying that I imported illegal medicine. They then politely said to please not do that anymore and could I only order from licensed pharmacies in the future, thank you kindly.
  7. I recently had a session where the sex lasted about 10 minutes, maybe 15. I tried everything to make it last longer but the guy was just so intent on having me fuck him and then while I was fucking him he would not let go of his dick, rubbing it so vigorously. I did ask him to slow down, even gently removed his hand from his dick, which made him annoyed and he just grabbed it again right away. After he came I imagined him saying "meep meep" (like Road Runner) and he was in the kitchen texting on his phone before I even realized the sex was over. Very off-putting. I love it when sex builds really, really slowly. So foreplay tends to go on for a long while. And after sex I like to shower together and cuddle. So that's what I do the other 50 minutes. I don't generally like it when a guy opens the door and immediately grabs my dick through my pants. Go for my mouth first. Because I do love it when a guy opens the door and immediately kisses me.
  8. Thank you for saying that. I personally am someone who likes to not make it just be a business transaction but I don't state that very often because "HEALTHY BOUNDARIES!". I try to keep a balance between what I feel works for me and what is doable for a provider and my budget. I will readily admit that I am looking for intimacy and affection in all of my hires, even the hour-long ones. I don't agree that it is necessarily faux affection by default. Much of that depends on the provider also. I have had some very affectionate and intimate encounters with providers and some that were just a pump and dump. I'm wired in a different way: for me everything I do has to be connected to my emotions and feelings otherwhise I don't even feel the inclination to bother with it. It's great that you've found a setup that works for you. I love hearing everyone's different ways of how they approach this, it gives me some examples to think about what I would like and which experiences I'd like to have.
  9. What?? Did you say something about it? I know that's sometimes hard in the moment (I don't know if I would have said something or not). My mind is boggled.
  10. True, but still a fee needs to be negotiated, I reckon? That's why I asked the question since I had no clue on how to approach this with the providers. For the two longer hires I did (both overnights) one escort just had a set price and times and for the other one I told him when I wanted to arrive and when I would be leaving the next day and asked him what his fee would be for that. And I discovered for myself that overnights don't really work for me. Like I mentioned I'm a light sleeper and yes, in the end, I do look if I'm getting the value I would like out of the encounter. Like many clients and escorts regularly remind us on here: in the end it is a business transaction. The escort is selling me a service with perceived value and I am paying for that, so when I discover that a certain setup doesn't work for me, then I will look for ways to change it. For instance, maybe hire for a day instead of a night.
  11. Thank you for this reply, it really touches my heart. Yes, I was wondering whether the escort that made me cum in his ass had crossed a boundary of mine. I think what makes it a little confusing for me is that a part of me really enjoys the sensation of barebacking and I think this is what sometimes makes my brain go cross-eyed in the moment: I don't want to bareback but I kinda do. Maybe I was giving off mixed signals because of this so he thought it would be fine. I know he had no bad intentions on his part and perhaps that's what makes me even more confused. Because other boundaries that I've communicated with him he's been extremely respectful of. I just don't know.
  12. Perhaps my expectiation/definition of a boyfriend experience is different but I don't see how a boyfriend experience automatically necessitates deceiving the client as to how much the escort is enjoying himself or is genuinely connecting with the client on an emotional level... For me boyfriend experience means that besides hot sex there is also very intimate cuddling, kissing, talking about what's on my mind, just looking into each other's eyes... I never expect the escort to role-play pretending to be my boyfriend like: "Hi, honey, how was work? Do you wanna fuck me before the Jeffersons come over?" when I enter his hotel room. But more that he will take the time to be interested in me and my personality and invite and welcome me into his personal space (both physically and mentally), so not that he will actually make me believe I am his boyfriend. But every client and escorts look and offer different things. I recently had a session with an escort who drew a very hard line in the sand between sex and affection. He wouldn't touch me before or after sex (not even a peck on the cheek. He actually shook my hand when I came in), wouldn't shower with me and put his clothes back on the second we were done. He told me that affection is for his boyfriend, not for clients.
  13. I would think he would go home, so he'd technically be free to have other clients if he wanted to. Have you hired for a whole day? How was the flow of a day like that?
  14. I would look for recommendations on good therapists here on the forum and go with one of them. There's no reason not to have this fantasy become a reality if you've done your research. Go ahead and enjoy yourself!
  15. Do you have personal experience with them? Because the guys I checked out, their profiles were using pictures from stock photography websites.
  16. I highly recommend to read the book "How to Bottom like a Porn Star" by Woody Miller. It has very valuable insights and very practical information on how to prepare yourself and what to do during sex. https://www.amazon.com/How-Bottom-Like-Porn-Star/dp/0989139751/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1535703811&sr=8-1
  17. Has anyone hired any of the guys as a travel companion for the day? I'm thinking I wanna see if I can get a guy to visit Sitges with me for a day.
  18. I've had mixed results with this. For instance an escort mentions in his ad that he "likes long (relaxed) sessions", but his overnight rate doesn't really reflect that. I've been thinking along the same lines, especially when it comes to overnights. I feel you get more bang for your buck (apt expression here ) with seperate sessions than paying someone to sleep next to you. While of course that could be something some clients want, I prefer to be actively cuddling and being affectionate. I'm a very light sleeper and have even trouble sleeping well when I have a sleepover at my best friend's place. Now for spending the day that would be completely different as we'd be actively engaged with each other. I like the system you have. So it means you don't really ask for a day rate but more like if the escort were to have 2 sessions of 250 each in a day if he were to be home, you'd pay him 500 to be with you for that day on vacation? Or did I misunderstand? I'm thinking of checking with a guy I like next time in Barcelona to hire him as a travel companion for the day to visit Sitges and then afterwards have fun in my hotel room.
  19. Wolfer


    https://www.planetromeo.com/#/hunq/MUSCLE_XXLBOY This is the porn actor Wagner Vittoria. I had a session with him in Rome in november 2015. If he's your type physically I can recommend him if you're looking for just sex with zero affection. He was friendly and smiley but not very present. Except during sexy time, then he was fully there and really enjoying himself. But I was in and out in about 40 minutes. Only dry kissed. He looks so cuddly but alas, he's not a cuddler at all. Looks very cute in real life, though.
  20. What's the Tantric massage agency? Do you have a website or contact information?
  21. Hahaha, me too. Although for me it is usually around 3AM. (I loved Happy Endings, by the way, the show that gif is from)
  22. I just learned that "gym" comes from "gymnasium" which is derived from the Greek word "gymnasion" wich literally means "school for naked exercise". Well! There's certainly been some guys at the gym I'd love to see naked! And then you do get to see them naked sometimes when you're in the locker room and the showers.
  23. Wolfer

    In Paris

    Oh nice! Good to hear you had fun! I don't have any recommendations for massage aside from him. Where do you live? Maybe you can post for recommendations in the Spa forum?
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