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Everything posted by Wolfer

  1. You must have good game, then. :cool:
  2. The title gives it away but I'll tell the story from the beginning nonetheless. I was out for drinks at a gay bar with a friend. The bar wasn't quite busy till suddenly a cute guy walks up to my friend and starts chatting with him. Turns out they know each other (superficially) so my friend introduces us. I then go to the bar to order a drink and as I'm waiting, I sit down and goof around a bit on my phone. Then that same cute guy comes up to me and remarks how big my phone is (it's a 7", it's a tablet and phone in one and I love it), to which I reply: "That's not the only thing big about me." And that started an evening of flirty back and forth and following each other on Instagram. After a while he says he's tired and stressed out from work. So I say that people have said I give a good massage and I jokingly say I'd go home with him if he wants one. He suddenly perks up with a big smile and enthusiastically asks: "You wanna come home tonight?" I was not expecting this at all but was very amused and endeared. Fast forward to his bedroom and I'm massaging him in my boxers with a raging hardon. But nothing happens and we both fall asleep. In the morning we have great sex, twice (bed and shower), exchange phone numbers and he drops me off at my car. When I get home I realize that I recognize his Instagram pictures. I keep thinking and thinking hard so I log onto Hunqz and search and sure enough, there's his ad. I recognized his pictures 'cause I'd seen them on his ad before. I was surprised, flattered and turned on at the same time. We ended up going on a date where I let him know I knew he was an escort. We exchanged experiences, wich was a riveting and interesting talk. After which he said I am too old for him to date and he kicked me out his car (he at least paid for dinner! ). A year later we met at a big gay party (our local equivalent of a Circuit Party). When I told him I was there by myself he yanked off my shirt and became my wingman for the night. It was a lot of fun and he was very friendly but nothing happened (he made it very clear he wasn't interested and I wasn't either).
  3. www.boys4u.be But that's only for Belgium and the Netherlands. Still, generally speaking, it has a wider selection than either Hunqz or Rentmen has for the same geographical area. But the client has to pay to get the escort's contact info (escorts advertise for free) so I never use it. Wonder if providers actually get a lot of bussiness through this site.
  4. Yeah, I'm kinda surprised at the positive statements here as years ago almost all the feedback I heard about Avi was along the lines what you said. So he must have really changed then? He was on my bucket list for a short while but not after I read the feedback about him.
  5. So I can't decide for myself if the escort asking for my picture should be a dealbreaker or not? I know I have to make that decision for myself, and my experience tells me that the ones who ask have been less than great (even bad) experiences while the ones that don't ask have, generally, been good to amazing. But I don't know if there's a direct causal relationship between them. I'm just a little frustrated as some of the guys I'm interested in hiring state in their profile that it's necessary for the client to send a picture. So it's dick against brain, I guess. (And I know, move on to the next guy, but it's slim pickings currently where I live.) Or I could just save the money.
  6. I remember years ago that the pornsite Hothouse didn't have its direct links for its video's protected. So you could watch a preview of one of their video's, firgure out the direct link from the page code and download the full video from that. It was quite a while before they updated their site, after which it was no longer possible to do this.
  7. *walks back in after a day at work* Uh... Seafood, Peonies and racism? That got to a different topic quickly. Anyway, I cancelled, thanks for asking. I genuinely wonder: physically I am more attracted to hairy bodies with thick eyebrows and dark hair. Now since generally Latin, Arab and Indian men tend to have these features, it follows that, on the whole, I find myself more frequently attracted to men of those races. But if a Caucasian or Asian walks by with those features I will just as easily be attracted. Does this still make it racist? While I do have a physical type, I've also been attracted to guys of any race, body type and legal age. If a guy is hot, he's hot, I always say. I do believe, though, that for a lot of people there's an element of nurture (as opposed to nature) in one's preferences. I noticed this myself when I started binge watching Japanese and South-Korean live action tv series. I started noticing that I was finding Asian men to be more and more attractive.
  8. I find incredibly handsome men a little intimidating. The guys I've hired who had model-type good looks weren't great experiences. One kept constantly checking himself out in the mirror. Another suddenly interrupted the sexy time to tell me off for touching his hair (seriously). This has happened quite a few times actually. Enough to make it a pet peeve of mine. It's like, we're having sex, of course some stuff is gonna get ruffled! And hair can be fixed after. I once had an amazing time with a guy who was, to me, dropdead gorgeous and he seemed totally unaware of it. Made him even hotter to me.
  9. There's also an option for the escort to just unlock the private gallery without having to send the client a password. Is this not an option on the US side of the site? When you click that option, it even has a message pre-filled in for you ("I'm interested in your profile. Please unlock your private gallery for me. Thanks.") The escort gets a message in his inbox and all he has to do is click the link to unlock the gallery.
  10. Actually I ended up cancelling, but also because of some other stuff: he wasn't using his own pictures in the ad (but he did send pictures of himself through private chat). His default session length was half an hour, with an hour being an option (this made me think he'd just want to rush through). Trying to iron out the details of our session through chat felt like pulling teeth and of course then he became curt. I wasn't feeling it anymore after all that.
  11. In my experience the very best escort dates have been with those providers who asked nothing about my appearance. If they did ask something about me it was what I was into and what I liked to do in the bedroom. In contrast every single time an escort asked me for pictures or stats it was either an underwhelming or downright bad experience. It could be coincidence, but it's happened enough times now to raise a big red flag whenever I'm asked to send a picture. In a regular hookup I totally agree since men are visual. But when I'm hiring I'm looking specifically to not be judged based on my appearance. It defeats the purpose of hiring for me. Might as well go on Grindr and be ignored for free. But yes, not every provider probably can get into it with every type of client. If that is the case, it probably is better for the provider to ask for a picture and base his decision on that. But from my side, it's a pass from now on.
  12. Sadly not where I live. Were you referring to the tiered provider or the one asking for a picture? Because I never contacted the former, just the latter. I ultimately ended up cancelling our appointment because I did start to feel like that vibe had not only subdued but had completely disappeared, from my side as well. I certainly hope so, though it's been popping up more frequently lately.
  13. It's happening more and more now that either it states in the provider's profile that the client has to (yes, has to) send a face picture or that they've asked me for one after we work out the details to our meeting. I always had my doubts about this but would still send one. Lately though I've begun refusing to send it because, frankly, my recent experience where I was asked for a picture beforehand the session was really, really bad. Just today a provider asked me for a face picture when I asked to confirm the date. I told him that I don't send them and he asked why. I told him because of recent bad experiences and also the reason I hire escorts is not to be judged on my appearance. He told me: "Okay, if you absolutely don't want to." And then asked me for my age and became quite curt in his replies. The provider by the way told me that he likes to have a sense of who he can expect to show up but I got the feeling he has certain limits/preferences as to what type of client he'll engage with. Well, I did confirm for tonight. Hope I made the right choice. Send me some good vibes, y'all. Thanks! Although now I'm thinking of cancelling since it isn't sitting well with me. What do you guys think? But another profile really made me do a double take: This guy had multi-tiered pricing based on the client's age. For example: up to 20 years old he asks 40 dollars and so on (the older, the higher the price). I was a bit turned off by this...
  14. Yes, many private picture can be accessed without asking the escort when you are a paid member. Is there a reason you'd rather not ask for access? Out of all access requests I've only been denied once and only once has an escort actually contacted me (in a very positive way) because I asked for access.
  15. Bump. Any new info? He's available near where I live and physical wise he is completely my type.
  16. I hired him while he was travelling in Europe, we met in Barcelona, so I've not been in Colombia myself. Otherwhise I'd have loved to help you out!
  17. So apparently he retired just recently. His ads are no longer online.
  18. Loving those moves! Cute and sexy at the same time.
  19. My review of Raphael is up: http://www.daddysreviews.com/venue/europe/spain/raphael_laraujo_barcelona He's a regular at the sauna, a really great guy. This is his Rentmen ad: https://rentmen.eu/raphaelaraujo
  20. Wolfer


    I agree that beards have gone in and out of style but my perception is that before this recent resurgence of beards, the last few decades beards were mainly seen as unseemly and unkempt by the mainstream. When I was working in a fast food diner many years ago (before beards were a trend again) I was asked by a manager to be clean shaven at work as it was more appealing for customers. I didn't even have a full beard back then. I should say that I don't really go for the huge beards, even if they are well groomed. I like anything from stubble/five o' clock shadow to a thick, but still somewhat cropped, beard.
  21. Yes, would live to hear of someone's experiences with him!
  22. Hahaha, yes and also escorting is legal in Spain. I joked about this to one of the escorts how the clients have to give the money in the upstairs bathroom and be a little sneaky about it, while it's perfectly okay to do so in Spain. Did you have fun, by the way? Any guys that were memorable?
  23. Wolfer


    Oh yeah, the beard has been making a comeback for several years now what with the hipsters and the lumbersexual with their woollen shirts. Beards have definitley gone mainstream (much like tattoo's) the past decade. I love, love, love beards.
  24. Anyone had a date with him?
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