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Everything posted by Wolfer

  1. I'm from Europe where we've got some good bathhouses and they've been closed since early March. I used to go about once a month and didn't realize how much of a stress release they were for me. I was never on any apps because if I felt like getting sexy with someone I'd hit the bathhouse. I got on Tinder and Grindr just to get some semblance of human (digital) interaction and in the hopes of finding a quarantine cuddle buddy (you know, after making sure we're both healthy we'd only cuddle each other) but those apps just feel like dumpster fires, hahaha. In a bathhouse you can just look at a guy and feel a connection (or not) and then just explore each other. On an app it feels like pulling teeth, herding cats, juggling cones and applying for a job all at the same time. By the time you finally agree on everything, all the sexy is just drained out of it. I already deleted Grindr again and my Tinder profile is back to non-active. But I feel like I'm going insane. I don't even want sex that much at this point, I'm internally screaming just to be touched and have a deep, meaningful conversation.
  2. Oooh, that's an interesting thought. Might have well been that!
  3. You're looking super hot. I could go to town on that ass for sure ? Maybe you could also install Whatsapp? It's not that relevant nowadays with the travel lockdown but guys visiting from Europe use Whatsapp to text US numbers
  4. I couldn't help myself and reached out to him to point out the discrepancies between the body of his ad and the stats. He was kind enough to respond. He said that position and dick size are mandatory fields and cannot be left blank.
  5. Wolfer


    Sadly most of the guys I've done this with lately have almost all been posting content that could go on their Instagram. Or cropped out their dick or put an emoji over it ?
  6. Yeah, I don't get this at all... It is perfectly possible to leave those fields blank. As far as I know, Rentmen does not force you to fill those out so why would he offer up this information about not only his dick but also the fact that he's versatile? The other day I contacted a provider who had "vers/bottom" on his profile only for him to say "Sorry, I prefer to top". ??
  7. Wolfer


    Yeah, seems like PPV is where the Onlyfans model is going and there seems to be a large enough user base that is fine with this type of model to support it. There will always be people willing to pay $15 for a quick cock flash. Did your friend already have a large following though on social media? Because nowadays hot guys going the PPV route on Onlyfans are a dime a dozen it's kind of hard to stand out now so I'm wondering how he was able to attract enough of an audience in his first month to get those kinds of numbers. Would you maybe mind sharing the link to his OF?
  8. Wolfer


    JustforFans does this really well. It gives blurred out previews of photos but you can see just enough to determine whether a dick is out or not in the shot and every video posted gets about a 5 to 10 second preview. Onlyfans has a setting where either no posts are shown to non-subscribers or the posts are shown individually but with a "locked" icon but the description is visible to non-subscribers. They recently also added that the length of videos is shown to non-subscribers. I wish Onlyfans creators were forced to show the previews because I think that would go a long way to determining whether that creator is shit posting 5 second vids or actually uploading quality content.
  9. That's no laughing matter ?
  10. Algorithms can't seem to figure me out. Over 99% of recommended videos on Youtube I'm not interested in. Same with the books Kindle recommends me. Amazon probably thinks I'm a bot that just orders random stuff. Perhaps I should see this as a compliment that I'm an individual with such diverse characteristics they simply cannot be reduced to a set of computer instructions. Or I'm just mentally unstable. What I do like is the integration of Google services. If I put in an appointment in my calendar with an address, the appointment also shows up in Google Maps. If I booked a flight through my gmail account, Google will automatically remind me of check-in times and location of the airport and when I should leave to arrive on time.
  11. Wolfer


    "less shy", does that mean he's not posting nude content or full on sex yet?
  12. Wolfer


    There's a "support small business owners" mindset also sometimes. Like how people will order their comics at small, independently owned stores instead of ordering them online. So even though they could get the same at a better price somewhere else, they like the idea of supporting their favorite model this way. Another appeal is that subscribers can feel like they have a "special, direct" connection with the model by subscribing to their Onlyfans. In "How to" workshops on how to get big on Onlyfans (yep, they already exist) they say that one of the biggest ways to gain and retain subscribers is by cultivating a direct relationship with your fans. I see Griffin Barrow doing this to great success, from what I can tell. I've certainly fallen into that trap before. It's like catnip when the model you've been ogling through the screen suddenly chats to you directly about sexual fantasies they have, ask you about yours and then share a story all through DM. Sure, it's a fantasy and they're only spending time with you 'cause you're paying, but so is hiring.
  13. I had asked an escort to unlock his private pictures for me on Planetromeo. Instead of unlocking them he sends me a private message "What's up? Wanna meet?" I didn't have an intention in the moment of meeting up (was kind of window shopping) but I was curious about our compatibility for a potential future meeting. We exchange info about rates etc. until I ask him if he bottoms to which he replies: "Dude, I can try. I had an ingrown hair that got inflamed and infected and just had surgery on my butt for that. Maybe if you aren't too rough it could work." I politely thanked him for his candor and honesty and declined to meet. Interestingly almost every single one of his private pictures are shots of his butt and his hole so... ?‍♂️
  14. Wolfer


    Yet there seem to be more than enough people paying (or "falling") for the PPV scheme/model because the last year this type of model has exploded on Onlyfans. And people using the PPV model seem to be raking in the cash (or are overstating their success, which is equally likely). It's one of the reasons why I've decided to stop subscribing to Onlyfans in general because almost all accounts are now PPV and a spamming of ads for other accounts. So you're basically paying a subscription fee to see ads. I wonder if this bubble will burst, when paying customers will finally stop subscribing entirely because of the garbage level content.
  15. I think he means that he changed the name because someone posted the link here and now he has to change the name?
  16. In what world is 20 cm not huge? It's right up there in the 1% of guys having this size.
  17. And now he also created a new Planetromeo profile, with the colorful name "Cash Slave Expert XL" https://www.planetromeo.com/hunq/CashSlaveExpertXL Seems like he dropped his hourly rate from 800 euro down to 300 euro. Still double of the most common asking price
  18. You'll have to be down to pay his hourly rate of 800 euro, though. Hope he's worth it!
  19. Giraffe have the same exact number of vertebrae as humans.
  20. If I understand correctly, what you're currently offering on your main timeline are solo nudes and are planning on offering a solo jack-off video once a week. I feel this is bare minimum for an Onlyfans, definitely not over-delivering. Onlyfans subscribers wanna see you nude, hard and bust your nut. What else would be the added value of paying for an Onlyfans? All other types of pictures can be seen for free on various social media. That's okay if that's the model you want to test-drive. But just be aware that at your price point of 9.99 dollars there are other gay Onlyfans accounts (Griffin Barrows for example, who's doing really well) who are offering full length scenes with partners without additional cost on their main timeline to all subscribers. 9.99 dollars for nude selfies and once a week jerk-off video is honestly steep. Especially since you aren't an established performer with an already avid fan-base that want to see you specifically. I get that reasoning, but let go of the idea that you want to audience to react or appreciate in a certain way and trying to control it. Your audience will respond how they will respond and you have zero control over it. I recently took a very in-depth marketing/entrepreneur course and he said: "Hit them with your best content from the get-go. This is how you get them to like you. Then say to your customers: You liked this? Well, you're gonna love this (which is how you keep them engaged.)" Putting your best content behind several extra layers of payment walls and forced subscriber loyalty will of course kind of work but you're asking people to patiently hold out for 6 months while they get by only on dick-pics and jerk-off videos? Even major Hollywood studios are fighting tooth and nail for our attention because we get distracted in a heartbeat. That video of you should be pinned at the top of your timeline and the first video your subscribers see. Sure, I'll DM you my Onlyfans userID There's not "thinking" here whether they want to see you cum, they absolutely do. Okay, so the once a month video for a little extra, sure, but again, like I said, there are other performers at your current price point offering all that (longer scenes) all included in that very same price. If all I got for your current price point were solo nudes and a "behind the scenes" video (that's essentially a teaser) that then would be pay-per-view I'd uncheck that "renew subscription" button faster than a top nuts with premature ejaculation. I feel 5.99 would be a better price point, honestly. BUT! Only my opinion. The beauty of these subscription models is that there is essentially no right or wrong, only what customers will and won't pay for. Since there are outright scammers on Onlyfans who keep making bank it seems like there will always be people paying for what you put out. Thank you, honestly, that's very nice to hear. Oh yeah, totally exhausted. And I'm not the only one. I know other guys too who used to subscribe to even way more Onlyfans than I did (some even 35 different accounts per month) and they've all basically stopped subscribing 'cause the explosive growth of people overpromising, underdelivering and outright scamming people.
  21. I don't know if you can see the rates when you're in the USA but his rates posted on his profile: 800 for an hour incall, 1000 for an hour outcall and 5000 for an overnight.
  22. I was interested up until this point. In the past I had no problem subscribing to Onlyfans but I've been burned so many times by pay-per-view extortion (is really the word for it) on that platform that any hint of it is a complete and utter instant turn-off to me. Like I said in another thread: imagine paying a full Netflix subscription but all you get to see for that price are trailers. If you actually want to see the show itself, you have to pay for it on a per show basis on top of your subscription? No thank you. Sure, it allows you to milk your audience absolutely dry for every single last penny (like Disney is now doing with Disney+ and the release of Mulan) and there are tons of subscribers willingly paying for this, given that this business model has absolutely exploded in the last year and a half. But for me, no. It has led me to stop subscribing to any and all Onlyfans accounts completely. And aren't the Twitter masses your audience? If you want to bring in the sort of money you're dreaming off, you have to have a bigger audience. I feel like your statement is a bit judgemental. Where are you getting this info from? I can only speak for myself but almost every single Onlyfans I've subscribed to (and it's been many!) was either because the guy had super hot pics on his Instagram or Twitter and had the link to his Onlyfans prominently displayed on those profiles. I really dislike this model and his "It allows people to customize their experience" just reeks of marketing sales-person speak to me. But hey, it's absolutely working for him! I do think part of Reno Gold's success can also be attributed to his engagement with his fans: he really makes them feel they are a part of his whole life, not just the sex part. And this is absolute catnip for a lot of people. BUT! He posts those "slice-of-life" videos for free on his Youtube channel. A paywall for PG-level slice-of-life content would be a very hard sell. Having said that: he's a shrewd business person, he also monetizes his fans desire to interact with him. On his Onlyfans page, for instance, it clearly states that he only responds to DMs on his Onlyfans account (DMs on all his other social accounts go unanswered) and that DMs with tips attached get a higher priority. Even his merchandise is only available to buy if you already have an active subscription to his Onlyfans. Basically, he monetizes everything, hahaha. Very good business practice of course, because it allows to diversify. I don't understand this logic. You think I'm going to keep subscribing for 6 months just for the promise of better content in the future? I know a lot of subscribers actually do just that but it doesn't work for me. Hit me with your best content and then say "You like this? Well than you're gonna love this!" If I don't like the content you're posting now (which, if I'm reading what you said correctly, would be solo jerk-off vids and dick pics which I can find everywhere else for free), why would I stay subscribed just to finally see something good/better/more produced? What makes you special out of the hundreds of guys who've been opening Onlyfans left and right since the pandemic hit? (I'm not being facetious, this is a genuine marketing and branding question you have to answer for yourself if you don't want to get lost in the literally thousands upon thousands of faceless dicks, holes and six-pack-abs that are flooding these platforms). There's a couple of ways to make a lot of money on these platforms: perpetually tease and overcharge for actual content or produce extremely good content at a reasonable price-point (like Griffin Barrows does). The former will definitely get you the money and get you the money faster but a lot of one-time subscribers while the latter, coupled with building a good relationship with your fans, will build a core audience of "superfans" that will, in the long term, throw money at you hand over fist.
  23. Wolfer


    Well, a guy who I've lusted over for two years now has started an Onlyfans. The only difference with his Instagram content is that now he wears a thong in his twerk videos instead of short shorts. That's it. No dick, no naked ass, at all. And his asking price is 15 dollars a month. I'm gonna pass. (The reason I have the information on his content is because he posted teasers on twitter and also I point blank asked him about nudity. Props to him for answering honestly and saying there is no nudity on his page). He already has a couple of subscribers, though, so good for him, I guess. Hahaha, I sound a bit jaded. Ahum. Honestly, I feel like the best money I recently spent on something like Onlyfans (it was on 4myFans) was 5 bucks to buy a bunch of videos of a webcam model I've been lusting over getting his brains fucked out. Each video was between 10 to 20 minutes long in crisp full high definition. Certainly one of the best things I've spent 5 bucks on.
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