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Everything posted by Wolfer

  1. Wolfer


    Oh yeah, the beard has been making a comeback for several years now what with the hipsters and the lumbersexual with their woollen shirts. Beards have definitley gone mainstream (much like tattoo's) the past decade. I love, love, love beards.
  2. Anyone had a date with him?
  3. These reports are so contradictory! He's swinging over to my neck of the woods and his body and face drive me wild so that's why I wanted to check. Anybody have any recent experience? The "not that into it" and "working to get the client off" and saying he's got other clients after are major, major turn offs.
  4. #notallmen, I had to Google that one. Oh no, you're absolutely right, that's why I referenced my personal experience with one of the barricade jumping vegans and how uncomfortable it makes me feel. I've unfollowed a very good vegan friend of mine on Facebook 'cause he would keep posting things about animal abuse. BUT I don't judge them for doing that, it works for them (and hopefully makes them happy and gives them purpose) but for me it doesn't work, so I decide to stay out of that discussion.
  5. Do you know of experiences with him as an escort, also? My experiences with porn performers is that there can be a world of difference between how they are on set/in a video as opposed to being with a client. Also Dominic is sooo hot. Good to hear he's a nice guy!
  6. Yup, I have an Excel file where I list them by name, phone number and date that I last had sex with them.
  7. Yes! Same for me. Although the transition for me was rather easy as I'd already stopped eating eggs and drinking milk (I'd already been vegetarian for close to 20 years). Cheese was hard, at first, but now I make my own cashew cheese (mmm-mmm). Oh please, not all of us are standing on the barricades. I once was invited to a vegan dinner party and I met one of the most annoying vegans ever. He couldn't talk about anything else but animal rights. Which can be an interesting topic, but not for the whole night and certainly not when he got super douchebag towards me when I mentioned that vegan for me was not (primarily) for the moral issue. I tend to stay away from vegan gatherings because the amount of aggression and judgement towards meat eaters hurts and scares me. I don't feel like that is a very effective way of spreading the merits of veganism. I only mention I'm vegan when I'm asked or when it's a practical necessity (when being invited for lunch or dinner, for instance).
  8. Oh wow, that's amazing. Wish I had that type of control!
  9. To the OP, you have the right to feel whatever you feel about someone's behavior toward you. I ask myself a different question in situations like these: "Am I overreacting?/Is my response disproportianate to the situation?" Not so much for the other party involved but to make sure I'm not making myself actively feel worse by harbouring negative emotions. That said, I too find it quite frustrating and annoying when people (whether they are escorts or not) don't follow their own ruleset or don't follow up on promises or agreements. I'm still learning to handle that in a way that doesn't upset me.
  10. In an hour long meeting, I find any phone use to be disruptive and I always feel pushed aside when it happens. If an escort is on his phone to check messages and actually starts typing a reply at any time during our hour together, I don't do a repeat hire with him. I've had escorts who were engaged with me the second I walked through the door until the second I walked out. The only time they took out their phone was to put on music and check what time it was when all activities had concluded. An hour is not that long to not be on your phone. Imagine going into your therapist's office and they'd randomly check their phone and start texting throughout the session. I would feel it to be very weird, rude and somewhat disrespecrful. I feel that if there's an emergency for which the escort needs to be available on his phone, he shouldn't be booking appointments. Now, I realize I'm a bit of an odd man out on this. Whenever I'm with friends I put my phone on silent and make a conscious effort to not take it out at any time unless it's to show pictures or something else related to the conversation we're having. I get very annoyed when a friend's smart watch pings and he suddenly stops in mid-sentence and starts reading the message that came in.
  11. I think it might be a bit of both. When people are in the same line of work/hobby/whatever as you and they can see that you are clearly more succesful than them, they need to find a way to deal with that without admitting to themselves that it is hurting their self-esteem or self-worth. So they try and cut you down to bring you down to their level. Or even lower. Brad Bird, the director of the Pixar movie "The Incredibles" noted this in one interview that he felt like certain people in the movie industry almost came across as wanting him to fail after the success he'd had with the Incredibles and Ratatouille. He found it scary and didn't understand why. But I think it's rampant envy by seeing someone else realizing the dreams that those haters had been hoping to fulfill themselves but, for whatever reason, have been unable to do so (yet) and when someone fails they feel better about their own shortcomings/inability to make their own dreams come true, I guess. It's sad, but there it is.
  12. Wolfer

    Warsaw, Poland

    Ooow, looks like Warsaw would be fun to visit!!
  13. Sleepyboy.com (or co.uk) But Rentmen, like Hunqz, is also very actively used, as far as I know.
  14. As a client, I find myself frustrated about this issue also because I feel caught between a rock and a hard place here. I don't want to waste anyone's time (including my own) but experience has taught me that what an escort says in their text ad or their preferences doesn't necessarily accurately reflect the reality of what they are really into. So I have to check with the escort everything I would like to happen to make the encounter a success. Now, my list isn't very long, but it is a bit of a list nonetheless. I try to be as straight to the point as I can but I do find it slightly frustrating that they demand "not long chat!" in their profile, knowing that I have to double check everything anyway. I also learned to ask them to confirm in their own words that they have read my preferences and are okay with them (a guy once agreed to seeing me after I had told him that no kissing was a dealbreaker. Big surprise, I arrive and he doesn't kiss!) Exactly. And I find escort profiles to be of little use in trying to figure out what they are into. Okay, I won't be contacting a "top only" to ask him to bottom for me, but some guys list "kissing" in their ad but when you ask them they say they don't. I also don't want to hire blind and just hope for the best. I don't have that kind of disposable income to just eat the cost of a bad session. I've learned that if a guy gets (even slightly) annoyed at me wanting to confirm he's a match with my preferences it's a no-go for me. But my experiences has been that not everything they put on their profile they are necessarily into. For instance just recently a guy had put in his profile for safer sex: "needs discussion". While discussing he says he only does safe sex. So he's inviting unneeded questions about this. He could just put "only safe" in his profile (granted, some clients will still try). I see a lot of this type of discrepancies, even between profiles of the same guys on Rentmen and Planetromeo. On Rentmen they identify as a vers/top, on Planetromeo they identify as a pure bottom. So... What is it? Again, as a client I will need to spend more time asking for clarification. Now, having said all that, my experiences have been largely very good on communicating with the escorts on initial contact. Only one guy outright ignored my first text. Are you guys still using traditional texting instead of online texting services like Whatsapp? Because Whatsapp doesn't have the character limit that traditional texting has. I can see how that could be a problem. My first Whatsapp text would only fit in about four or five traditional texts. Which can give a wrong first impression, I guess. What also irks me is that after we've established a date and confirmed it I send some extra info about me and my likes a little before our meeting but every time it has been obvious they have not read a single word of that text. And it isn't even that long, it just says: "I'm a little submissive so I like it when you take the lead somewhat and really actively touch, fondle and kiss me all over my body, especially my back and neck. It drives me wild!" You know which area's of my body they don't touch and kiss? Yeah...
  15. Wolfer

    James Daniels

    Don't tell me that... Breaks the fantasy. But glad you're back. You've been on my bucket list for quite a while!
  16. I don't know actually, although I've been able to sort of infer that the number of people hiring is higher than I initially thought by casual conversations with providers.
  17. Wolfer

    Skin Care

    My main way of taking care of my skin is sun screen with an SPF factor of 50 throughout the year. Even outside of summer and on cloudy days. It really makes a difference. I use a facial moisturizer from the Lush brand of shops (don't know if they have those in the US) after a shower. Used to use their body butter too but it's soooo expensive and didn't see a difference. My skin is actually much softer if I just thoroughly scrub it once a week with a loofa (spelling?).
  18. Yeah, it is nice. Quite a number of people in my life know that I hire escorts, I'm quite open and casual about it. But that doesn't mean I can really talk to them about my specific experiences. Most just react with fascinated curiosity and then I feel like my experiences are on display for their entertainment instead of sharing, connecting and decompressing. And then there's people who say things like: "Paying for sex is pathetic. How desperate must you be?". Never to my face, mind you, I usually test the waters conversationally about the this topic and then these things will be said. Now, to be honest (and happy about it too) I think I've only ever heard one person say that, actually. The others were just... Surprised and curious.
  19. That's what I used to do, but it doesn't give the same feeling of having decompressed about the experience, really. For me anyway. Yeah, I guess it's the feeling free part and also like... You're connecting on some shared hobby and experience. I'm finding it hard to put into words. It's like trying to nerd out over the newest Marvel movie with someone who isn't interested in that at all. Whereas nerding out with a fellow nerd just is so much more fun and relaxing. If that analogy makes sense...
  20. Like the question says in the thread topic: who do you talk to (if you do) about your hiring experiences? Lately I've been feeling the need more and more to decompress about my experiences. And while this forum helps somewhat, it's not always enough. I do talk about some of my experiences with my best friend, but since he's never hired himself and can't imagine ever wanting to, there is a... Well, a certain divide that's difficult to overcome. Many times talking about my experiences to him makes me feel less good. I used to have a friend who hired also and it really helped to connect with someone in real life about these experiences but we've fallen out of touch (for various reasons without a possibility to reconnect). I also talk to my therapist of course, but, like with my best friend, I feel that while she offers understanding and empathy, there's an inability to truly connect on the topic. It's built in to us humans to desire to feel understood and share our experiences, but at the moment it feels like I have no one to talk to about these things in a way that can soothe my heart somewhat.
  21. Ah, that's probably what happened. I'm a top and he bottomed for me (well, tried to). A couple of minutes in, I offered to stop the session but still pay him. It was that obvious that he was not enjoying himself (and we had only been kissing up until that point, but it felt like he was dreading having sex with me... Not quite what I look for in a sexual encounter :rolleyes:) Almost all of my pleasure and enjoyment during sex is directly linked to how much my partner is enjoying himself (both escorts and non-escorts) so it was a big turn-off. I did get the feeling that when he offered to bottom for me it was a really slow day for him and he felt somewhat desperate to make cash. But! Here's the interesting plot twist: the day after I was having a nice, long chat with another client at the sauna. This client had been mistaken for an escort since he was very handsome, muscular and had a big dick. The reason he was at the sauna was because he was super horny but both Grindr and the regular sauna's were duds so he that's why he came to the sauna. Achmed walks by and the client tells me he knows him and was surprised to see him there since he had had sex with Achmed several times, in a non-escort setting (he didn't even know Achmed escorted) and every time Achmed bottomed for him with abandon (the word voracious bottom was implied). I was flummoxed and shared with him my experience and concluded that my dick maybe wasn't big enough to bring out the bottom in him. Who knows? BUT! Obviously you had a great time and you're a good match for him so do not let my experience influence your future sessions with him. I do think it was a combination of a bad day for him and us being sexually not a match for each other.
  22. Hey now! I come here to decompress because there are a lot of conflicting thoughts, emotions and desires all running simultaneously in a moment like that for me. And trying to sort these out afterwards on my own just makes go around in a circle. It's easy to say "just do this" after the fact 'cause hindsight is always 20/20, of course. But in the moment itself my brain can sometimes misfire. He does.
  23. Thanks! Did you hang out the whole weekend together or was it several sessions throughout a weekend? I did have a session with him in Thermas but my experience was not a positive one. I declined to have another session with him the next day in the sauna when he asked. I reckon it's a case of YMMV since I've read nothing but positive comments on him and our chat before our session was quite okay. His English is perfect and he does seem like a good, mature guy. Perhaps we met when he was having a bad day.
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