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Everything posted by Wolfer

  1. Was this recent before COVID? I'd think he'd be making enough money with his Onlyfans and wouldn't need an extra job.
  2. Wolfer


    Any updates on this guy?
  3. I've been really getting into Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It's such a goofy, lighthearted show that has me chuckling a lot. And Andy Samberg is just so loveable.
  4. They're the same guy or, at least, the new profile is using Dimitri's pictures. This escort does have a history of randomly making new profiles and abandoning them: the first profile I saw of him was on Planetromeo and had been inactive while a few days later a new profile popped up with his pictures and stats. He's always had different stats on different profiles, the only consistency is that he's inconsisitent.
  5. I've had some text exchanges with him which were baffling and confusing and getting a straight answer out of him was like pulling teeth. So I wouldn't be surprised if there's some cognitive dissonance going on with him. He always seems to charge above the market standard. Where I live 150 euro is the standard and he charges 250.
  6. Chiming in from Belgium here. We are going into full lockdown this afternoon. And honestly, I support this. I too thought at first it was just "like a flu" and healthy people could shrug it off. Then in less than ten days infection rates tripled and continue climbing at astronomical rates. But the latest discovery is why I think we've underestimated the infection: many cases in Belgium have been identified where healthy, strong individuals overcame the disease, but it has left their lungs damaged and inflamed, even after their immune systems cleared the infection. So even the healthy strong people are at risk, not even to mention that those healthy strong people can still infect others. While panic is never a good response, I do think that being sensible and prudent is wise. Belgium underestimated this infection. I hope other countries learn from Italy. France has gone into lockdown. Please quarantine if you can. Supermarket shelves are empty here also. I went and bought supplies just before the panic hit so I'm good. Except toilet paper, hahaha, I always run out even when there's no shortage!
  7. Is it possible to get his contact information? I would be very interested in having a session with him. Thanks!
  8. Would you be okay asking him if he's at a new spa? (Or gone private)
  9. Did he say if he's at another spa and which one?
  10. Aw man, I don't like negotiating. It kills the mood for me. I'd hoped to go to Shrangila some more.
  11. Is Supermens Spa where Rodrigo went? Do they ask for upsells at Supermens?
  12. Are you sure Rodrigo has left Shangrila? Do you know where he's gone?
  13. And for this I'm happy that Europe still has an active gay-only bathhouse culture, although they have been (sadly) declining in many cities. The best ones are full service spa's with the added benefit of free lube, condoms, dark rooms and cruising is encouraged everywhere, especially in the steam room! I understand that it's fun to have sex in such a setting (I love the bathhouses here in Europe!) but I also understand why the spa owners would crack down on that, given that they probably want it to be a regular spa experience and they don't want to get a reputation to put off new customers. Maybe a gay bathhouse in NYC might be an idea? Or is that not possible because of regulations? I do find it odd that there don't seem to be any when in Brussels alone we have five! And two in another, smaller city and Germany has a lot of offerings, even in smaller cities.
  14. Yeah that's interesting for sure that he lists kissing since when I texted last with him he said no to that. But that's over a year ago now. And now he's gone over to the bottom side? That's an unexpected but(t) welcome development!
  15. So Shangrila and Utopia have the same owner? I find it odd there's a price difference then. Do both these places welcome walk-ins?
  16. So is K-town a regular spa or a gay bathhouse? If it's a regular spa, is it particularly gay friendly?
  17. I have this fantasy where it's all supposed to be a legit massage (with a table and everything) but then it escalates to full-on playtime. I think it's best to hire an escort who would also be good at massage (and have a table) and be up for it (and preferrably vers or bottom). I'm looking for recommendations in NYC. Thanks! Their physical attributes are less important (toned and hairy are nice but not a requirement), I'm more attracted to guys who are nice, friendly, approachable and can put me at ease.
  18. Thanks for all the recommendations, Caleb certainly is interesting to me.
  19. Thanks for the reply. From what I've read Shangrila seems to be a good place for me to go. The only thing I was wondering about is whether Simon was still at Utopia. Earlier in this thread it was mentioned he might be working at New Hero spa now but they try to upsell during the massage which is a complete turn-off for me.
  20. Hey all, I'll be in NYC in two weeks. I'm thinking of getting a massage when I'm there and looking for recommendations. These are the things important to me: - masseur very friendly and personable - sensual incorporated throughout (not just tacked on at the end) - perform nude (not required) - interactivity would be nice (but not required) As for the physical aspects, I don't have strong preference either way. Personality and charm are more important to me. But hairy, toned and over 25 (can be younger, I'm just looking for mature minded guys).
  21. I'll be in NY in two weeks. Last year I had an amazing session with Simon at Utopia, is he still there? Are there any great spa's to check out. I'm mainly looking for a sensual experience.
  22. It used to be like that for me too (I'm uncut). You can let your penis get used to the sensation by keeping your foreskin pulled back while wearing underwear and going about your day. It's uncomfortable at first but you get used to it. But there's nothing out of the ordinary with that reaction, I think. It's well known that uncut penises (penii?) are more (maybe even much moreso) sensitive than cut peniseseses.
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