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Everything posted by BtmBearDad

  1. One gent has been a wealth of information on London (and nearby) providers. @asian sensatin any intel to share on these gents? BBD
  2. I’m a fan of his thick, natural red bush and member. But beyond that, I agree with it others here, in that he seems a bit “extra”. Ah there’s a man who is missed! I doubt he’ll be back in the game, but one can hope! I do hope he’s doing well wherever he is, whatever he’s doing. BBD
  3. Yes! A friend who now lives in Florida told me about them, and that he tried them, said they were almost as good as getting them in person. I tried them too, (I never see them in the grocery store, only in Duane Reade 🤷🏼‍♂️), and I give them the thumbs up! 👍🏻 Only thing missing are the sliced pickles 😋
  4. I recognize that I’m fortunate in terms of the career I pretty much stumbled into that has allowed me to live well enough, and enjoy this hobby among other things. I have savings, investments, 401K, IRAs put aside for retirement, but of course my income will take a hit once I leave the workforce. So is it really “smart” to stay where I am given the monthlies? I agree, should I opt to sell, I could relocate, and live well enough - my issue is, do I want to relocate out of NYC? Were I to stay here, and looking to downsize my monthlies, I’d be looking at a much smaller place in Manhattan, or something of comparable size in parts of Brooklyn or Queens. This random airplane chat has stuck with me, and I think it’s something I need to do some research on when I’m back home. I understand that fear. I’m on my own - whether that will remain the case, who knows - so my POA’s and medical proxies are friends all near the same age - what happens God forbid should I outlive them? I told my financial planner several years ago, I don’t care if there’s no money left when I’m gathered to my forebears, I just don’t want it to run out before that. Longevity runs in my family - my grandmother’s aunt passed just shy of her 109th birthday in reasonable health, ambulatory, and with her full wits. Unfortunately on the other side of the family, there’s dementia. That’s scary to me. If I average out all the ones who made it past 90 and into the 100’s that’s still over 40 years to go - and finance. Yes indeed - that which cannot be predicted.
  5. I also recommend The Tenement Museum, and The Cloisters. I’d add the following to the list: • New York Transit Museum • Museum of Chinese in America • Merchant’s House Museum • Rubin Museum of Art The Morgan Library & Museum should also be on your list. Check what exhibits are happening during your visit - there’s currently a centenary exhibit on Joyce’s Ulysses that I really enjoyed. Editing to add one more - it’s a bit of a schlep, but if you’re into photography, it’s worth a visit to the Alice Austen House on Staten Island. Plus, it’s also now an LGB landmark. If it’s a sunny, nice day the trip on the ferry can garner you some great pics too! BBD
  6. @Kevin Slater For the gent I was chatting with, it was definitely about reducing monthly expenses. Without him being specific dollars and cents wise, he offered that his monthlies in the Hudson Valley would be just about a third of what his maintenance is in NYC. Just for some perspective, the maintenance on my co-op runs about $6K a month. Meeting that while working is one thing, but in retirement, that’s a hefty monthly nut. I was lucky to get my co-op over 20 years ago, in estate condition so it was very reasonable. It’s fully paid off, and based on comps in my building, were I selling now, I should be able to get 4-4.5x what I paid. But the question then is, where to? 🤔 Obviously, I’d like to have a comfortable retirement, but I’d want to stay in NYC - plus I love my apartment. Growing up sucks lol BBD
  7. Great taste, @Lazarus! Pity they identify as straight - I’ve never had luck with straight providers. There are a lot of similarities between the two, but also some differences - height, weight, one smokes, the other doesn’t. Mr Cuban has been a member for a year, and has reviews from what I’d call prolific reviewers but with my VPN giving me issues, I can’t view the text comments. Mr Dominant has been a member for just a month, only 1 review and it is the reviewer’s only review. I wish I had more to offer 🤷🏼‍♂️ Their looks have me curious. Will be following for hopefully additional info from any gents on here who may have engaged either. BBD
  8. This post stems from a conversation I had flying to LA today with the gent next to me. How many of you gents have thought of and/or made plans for retirement in terms of downsizing to maintain current lifestyle? The gent shared with me he was planning to retire at the end of this year, sell his co-op in NYC, and move full time to his heretofore summer/weekend place up in the Hudson Valley. Fair enough. As he put it, by selling NYC, he’d still have the funds to maintain his lifestyle - traveling, and such. Whereas if he sold the weekend place, and stayed in NYC, it would really curtail his lifestyle in retirement. I have thought in the past that I’d probably need to downsize for the same reasons, but I also always thought “oh you have plenty of time yet!” - perhaps not as much time as I’d like to think! Have any of you gents thought about, are planning to, or have actually downsized? Just to be clear, the downsizing I’m speaking of isn’t necessarily size/space but more so monthly costs. Thoughts? Thanks, BBD
  9. Does OF content count? If so, Austin Wolf filmed himself with a Delta flight attendant getting it on in the bathroom mid-flight a few years ago. There was also some private jet frolicking with Ashton from SeanCody, and some other SC boys. Supposedly this was during their time as paid providers for that odious Don Burns. Like all of his content on SC, those vids disappeared as well after all the sordid details came out at the extortion trail. BBD
  10. BtmBearDad

    Cody Mac

    You and me both, @Gymowner ! I need a ciggie after that short clip! And I need to see that big boy fully erect, and in action! BBD
  11. I do *try* to stay away from fast food, but there are times when the heart wants what it wants. If we’re talking types of fast food - pizza, Chinese, curry, fish n chips, burgers would be my go-tos. I’d even include typical diner fare as fast food - gyros, pizza burgers, fries with mozzarella and brown gravy, hash and eggs, etc.. If we’re talking about franchises, there are really only 3 I can think of that I crave. Sadly 2 of the 3 are out of the country ☹️ But absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that! 1.) White Castle - or as I refer to it, The WC Steakhouse - I’d take anything from here, except the clam strips. 2.) Abrakebabra - a doner kebab, chicken shawarma or falafel make a perfect ending to a night on the tiles. 3.) SuperMac - after a session on the pints, all you need is curry chips, curry chips, and more curry chips please 🤤 Sadly none are anywhere near me right now -le sigh - so it’s back to my kale and crispy salmon tonight. 😕 BBD
  12. BtmBearDad

    Cody Mac

    There was some chatter about him on another site I’ve been known to visit on occasion. Surprised to read there that he was gay, (vs g4p which is my usual assumption with these big gym bro types), at least according to a number of posters who cited some past IG posts, stories, and Tweets. It was too much of a deep dive for me to investigate, so take that claim with a grain of salt. A few expressed interest if Cody did private meet-ups, with one poster saying they could message him about his experience - again, take that with a grain of salt. As I understand it, his OF is pretty much, flexing, posing, muscle and foot worship 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’d actually be interested in his stats - which is how I wound up on that other forum after spotting him on IG. He’s pretty much a beast, tho if I had my druthers, I’d have him with his natural fur on all that muscle. I’ll check the other forum, and if there’s any new info re: meet-ups, I’ll pop back and let you know 👍🏻 Cheers, BBD
  13. FWIW, I don’t think you were being an asshole in this situation. Texting, messaging on apps tends to be such a flat medium, I have found that some have inferred tone, intent, offense, etc. that was never there. Same with E-mail. I think you were right to get some clarity on whether this was a potentially paid encounter or not. I probably would have asked in a different manner, as I can see him thinking your inquiry about him being a sex worker could be viewed by him as “You’re a sex worker? Ewww! No thanks!” If he -or anyone else- hitting you up on an app, and was someone you’d want an encounter with, and you had seen their ads on RM previously, maybe something like “I’ve noticed your ad on RM. Just to be clear, are you looking for business or just to play?” Or something along those lines. If he comes back with the former, you can decide with either an inquiry about pricing, services, etc. or with an “Ok, I’m on here just looking for play. Thanks!” Or similar. If he replies the latter - just looking to play - even better! 😉 Just my two cents. BBD
  14. Anyone with any info/feedback/insight on these two providers in LA? https://app.rent.men/RyanRypped#platinum There were a couple of threads about him as a masseur, but I didn’t find anything on him as a provider. For some reason, my VPN isn’t working 🤷🏼‍♂️ so I can’t view any text in his RM reviews 😤 The pouty lip poses aside, he’s not without his charms. https://app.rent.men/LukasBRZ#platinum There was a thread from 2021, not much info. Same with Ryan on the RM reviews - can’t get VPN to work to read the text. His smile in his first pic is utterly disarming. Anything anyone may have on either or both, do let me know. As ever, if you’re more comfortable doing that via PM, fire away. Cheers! BBD
  15. J’adore a good looking man in a speedo or square cut on the beach with that glorious spill over of luscious pubes at the waist 🤤 BBD
  16. @MscleLovr, @Lucky check the UK sites, it’s a big story there now - potential for “life threatening 43C heat” next week: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/heat-warning-uk-record-breaking-43c-scorcher/ BBC
  17. 😮 43C?!? That’s some Saudi level heat! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced weather that hot in the UK or Ireland. Some scorchers for sure, but not 43C. Fortunately, most hotels have air con now, tho the same cannot be said when I’m staying with family or friends 🥵 BBD
  18. Thank you, @acks01! Joe definitely fits the bill - woof! 🔥 Fingers crossed on this one 🤞🏻 Cheers, BBD
  19. I’m not sure just how muscular you’re looking for, but this gent has had positive feedback in the forum, and I’ve received personal recommendations from 2 other hobbyists. He’s more jock-muscular than bodybuilder-muscular. Schedules didn’t cooperate during his last trip to NYC, but he remains on my list. https://app.rent.men/HunkNextDoor Good luck! BBD
  20. Just bumping this up, as I’m leaving for LA on Tuesday. Thanks to all who offered recommendations here or via PM. Nothing had been nailed down yet, so if you have recommendations to offer, please do 😀 Thanks!! BBD
  21. This 100%! 👍🏻 There was a provider here in NYC who has sadly relocated to FL, but in his NYC ad he was very clear that he could host in his place in Astoria. Similarly, a since retired provider noted in his ad that he could host on the UWS, near the safari playground. These location indicators do help - especially in a city like NYC (or London, or Boston, etc.). If a provider is able to host, including something in the ad like “I can host at my place in FiDi, Hell’s Kitchen, UES, Jackson Heights, Greenpoint, Park Slope, Woodlawn, etc.” allows a hobbyist to weigh whether or not to contact from the get go vs getting into a text conversation only to find after some back, and forth nailing down things that the provider is hosting in a sketchy neighbourhood or in the ass end of Queens, practically in Nassau County. Just my two cents. BBD
  22. That’s been my experience as well, which is why when my mate brought up language as an issue in Paris, and the Netherlands, I was puzzled. Eastern Europe, former Soviet satellites, former Soviet republics, and Russia are all a bit sketchy - whether one is engaging in this hobby, or just out, and about hoping to pull. This is VERY true. In the 12-18 mos prior to covid, I was spending about 2 weeks a month in Europe, primarily the UK. I was fortunate that I had found an actual Brit in my previous trips there, who I enjoyed very much, so he was my “go-to” guy. But as he had his own life, career, other gents, etc., our schedules would sometimes conflict. One was hard pressed to find another actual Brit to engage in this hobby with. Same story in Paris - slim pickings when it comes to finding an actual Frenchman. I actually wound up engaging a Latin fellow I had previously enjoyed in NYC, on a few occasions that found me in Paris. Came to find out he lived in Paris, and he was only in NYC (and a few other cities) on a trip or tour if you will. From my experience, the biggest desert in terms of local talent in the hiring pool is Ireland. I don’t think I’ve come across one provider in Ireland who was actually Irish. As in Paris, I wound up engaging a Spaniard living in Dublin (he was working for Google in Dublin). On another occasion, I had my London guy come over for a long weekend. That’s a pet peeve of mine - when you’re traveling with friends or family, and they gravitate towards, and insist on the familiar rather than at least trying the local cuisine. Of course there’s always the apps, or going out, and chatting someone up to find some local talent. I’ve been happily successful doing both when I’ve been in the places mentioned above. But that’s been when I’m in London, or Ireland, or Paris, etc. on my own time. When I’m travelling for work, they really work me, so my schedule is packed. I usually don’t have the time to work the apps or go out on the pull. That’s what sets this hobby apart - the convenience of being able to say to Provider X “I’m looking for company Thursday evening at my hotel for Y hours, and I’m looking to engage a, b, and c. Let me know if you are available.” If only the local hiring pools were a bit larger 🤷🏼‍♂️ BBD
  23. I had no idea providers had a resource like Mr Number 👏🏻 Is it just for the bad hobbyists, or do you gents give kudos to the trusted, good, respectful, et al hobbyists? BBD
  24. 100%! If the profile/ad text solely is about the Twitter, OF/JFF page(s), then that’s a pretty clear indication the gent isn’t quite so interested in providing services as he is in directing traffic (revenue) to his pages. The way your quote from the ad in question was phrased made me think there was other/previous text that spoke to services provider. The “Note:” gave me that impression, and I thought that text was his way of saying “don’t ask me for more pics, it’s all out there, take a look, and if you want to book, get in touch” 🤷🏼‍♂️ BBD
  25. Oh 100% agree! This isn’t about lowering standards. If when checking the local talent there isn’t one found that “floats my boat”, I move on - I don’t adjust what I’m looking for just to be able to shop local.
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