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Everything posted by BtmBearDad

  1. The $64K question seems to be what nom de beaudoir can this gent be found under now? ?
  2. Mixed reviews on RM - when viewed via VPN, the ones with text either say pics accurate, good time, or that the pics are not accurate, heavily edited, and there were performance issues. Didn’t check on the reviewers myself - to see who may be considered a trusted reviewer vs someone who is an unknown. So, make of this what you will ??‍♂️ As ever, some intel from a forum member would be ideal.
  3. Mixed reviews on RM - when viewed via VPN, the ones with text either say pics accurate, good time, or that the pics are not accurate, heavily edited, and there were performance issues. Didn’t check on the reviewers myself - to see who may be considered a trusted reviewer vs someone who is an unknown. So, make of this what you will ??‍♂️ As ever, some intel from a forum member would be ideal.
  4. Heaven forfend!! ? If it was the latter, I’d be searching for second, and third opinions! ?
  5. Heaven forfend!! ? If it was the latter, I’d be searching for second, and third opinions! ?
  6. I agree - he has a hot body, and nice piece but I’m not sure about the face, and so many tattoos. I googled for his porn - lots of side by side jo, being jo’d - often with other “straight” muscley and inked fellows. Didn’t find any oral or anal though. He definitely fits the mold of “a bit of rough” but I’d want to see more, get some feedback before committing. Until then, he’s on the back burner.
  7. I agree - he has a hot body, and nice piece but I’m not sure about the face, and so many tattoos. I googled for his porn - lots of side by side jo, being jo’d - often with other “straight” muscley and inked fellows. Didn’t find any oral or anal though. He definitely fits the mold of “a bit of rough” but I’d want to see more, get some feedback before committing. Until then, he’s on the back burner.
  8. All this talk of The WC Steakhouse has me craving a sack ? but alas, el doctor has me off beef ?
  9. All this talk of The WC Steakhouse has me craving a sack ? but alas, el doctor has me off beef ?
  10. I’d tend to agree - a boat’s beam is more of a concern than its LOA ? I would echo you on thin not being good, or indeed pleasurable - at least in my experience, no matter the length. Tho I’m not as strict with the 6” minimum requirement. I’ve had the pleasure of 2 gents, who were in the 5.5” range, but perfectly thick and girthy. One Colombian, one Northern Irish. Both were about 5’10”, 5’11” - Colombian had a smooth athletic build, Northie was thickly muscled and furry. Both skilled tops, and was a turn on for them they were topping a guy who had a bigger boat. ?
  11. HaHa! I’m sure you’re far from simple ? and I do agree, every man does have his charms. I may have a “type”, but there have been some that fit that mold, that I wasn’t into at all. On the other hand, there have been other gents that would be the opposite of my “type” that I’ve salivated over. Such is life, right? At the very least, it makes things interesting! ? Now that you’ve given a bit more info, I think you’ll have some good suggestions. I’ll take a gander and give you some recommendations now I know what you’re looking for during your RnR here.
  12. Good to know, wink wink nod nod ? He had one in the past, hopefully he will again.
  13. Thank you @RadioRob, and everyone else who have been working so hard to keep this forum up, and running - not to mention improving it ?? Just the latest “whip it out and measure” moment between Cuomo and deBlasio. DeBlasio came out a week before with a planned July 1st open everything plan, and Cuomo being Cuomo couldn’t help undercutting deB with the May 17th and 19th dates. As it stands, if a theatre can operate under the CDC guidelines, they can open. That may mean some smaller venues will offer live music, comedy, spoken word type shows much sooner than the September target the Broadway theatres are hoping for. As I said in another post, not sure how financially sustainable it can be for a Broadway theatre to open a show while maintaining the 6 ft social distancing. Perhaps they’re all hoping for new CDC guidelines by September. Either that, or they may take Cuomo’s advice about limiting attendance to only those who have been fully vaccinated, thus eliminating the social distancing requirements, Anyway, apologies for that detour, back to giving thanks to all you gents who are working on keeping this place open!!! ?
  14. Hi Josh, Hope you enjoy your NYC sojourn - most things should be open with no/limited restrictions come May 17th ?? While I understand you don’t have a “type” - which I take to mean physically (muscle, twink, hairy, smooth, etc.), it would help offering suggestions if you could narrow it down a tad more. As it is, there’s 30 pages of gents in NYC, so a bit more guidance on the type and/or activity (top/btm/oral/kissing/etc), will probably get you a good selection to choose from ?? BBD
  15. Hot looking gent - and the few text reviews on RM are enthusiastic. I’m 99% sure I’ve seen some of these pics before - name change? Did I previously view his ad and forget? Have I seen him on FB or IG? ??‍♂️ Would be interested in any intel for future trips out west.
  16. Great find, LD19847!! I’m hard pressed to find *anything* to complain about - ok, if pushed, it looks like he may be a pubes shaver/trimmer, I’d prefer a full/natural bush on him. But I can get over that no problem! ??? He’s definitely on my short list for my return to London in a few months! Very interested in any feedback, info anyone has to share on hot Matt. PS: is that a wedding ring he’s wearing?
  17. Another member suggested a new avatar featuring rugby thighs and arse. I googled for two of my favourites - Brian O’Driscoll and Cian Healy - and the pic I’m using showed up. It’s not attributed, but I’m sure it is from an actual match vs a staged pic, of who tho, I can’t say. Having had my shorts torn like that (both on and off the pitch lol) in my days as a rugger, I decided to use it.
  18. Oh gosh - the days of AOL! These kids today will never know our struggles! ? No argument there, mate. Your mention of AOL reminded me of a big muscular Asian I met on AOL in the early 2000’s. He wasn’t a provider, but good grief he was built, fun, and all top. IIRC, he was in NYC for grad or law school, so while we hooked up, and hung out quite a lot, when he finished up here, he moved on. I’m wondering where he is now, how he’s looking these days ? My memory of him, his body, is why I get pangs of disappointment over provider Jeremy Lee ?
  19. I remember a friend used to swear “the larger the nose, the bigger the hose” ? In my own anecdotal experiences, I don’t think there’s any attribute one can observe in a non-intimate setting that will predict endowment. I’ve been with gents who were tall, and muscular with big ones, I’ve been with gents with large noses that had large hoses, I’ve been with short gents with third legs, etc.. On the other hand, I’ve been with big muscle guys, guys with large noses, shorter guys, etc. who were average. I don’t think you can even tell when flaccid - I’ve seen some “showers” that don’t really grow, just harden; I’ve also seen some “growers” that grow into mighty oaks from the smallest acorn. Unless you have photographic or video confirmation of size, it’s a crap shoot ??‍♂️ I’ve never really been too concerned with size - I’ve found thru the years it’s the skill of the captain vs the size of the boat that matters most. ?
  20. @jrhoutex and @Boy4 - you gents are stars! ⭐️ ⭐️ Thank you both!! ? BBD
  21. Talk about “blast from the past”! Golly, I haven’t thought about him in years. I saw him a handful of times many years ago - amazing body, nice guy, and a good time. Didn’t encounter any performance problems myself, sorry you did mate. If memory serves, must be 10-11 years ago he retired. Pity as there is a dearth of muscular Asian providers in the marketplace - especially tops.
  22. Gents, Not sure if this should be here, in The Deli, or Tech Talk - so admin please feel free to move if this doesn’t belong here. Can one of you tech savvy gents give a quick rundown of how to do reverse image search? I remember a few years ago, a member did post a “how to” which was so helpful to a less than savvy guy like me. As one cannot click n’ save RM pics, and screenshots don’t work, that “how to” made the whole process easy. Of course, I cannot find said thread, so I turn to you gents for help with instructions and/or that thread. Thanks!! BBD
  23. Good grief! ? I suppose we have to add Fauci to Mary Martin, vintage Broadway, FDR, LBJ, travels I took 40 years ago, etc. to the list of posts WilliamM contributes that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
  24. Thank you for everything you are doing, have done!! ??????
  25. To piggyback off of @Strafe13 ’s post, you don’t need to be a paying member, just a registered member, to click on the reviewer’s name, and go to their page which tells you how long they’ve been on RM, and who else they have reviewed. To read the text, just open the profile to “read all reviews”, copy/paste the web address into the field, hit “go” and you can read the text. This is the VPN I use: nl.hideproxy.me
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