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Everything posted by BtmBearDad

  1. I remember one time my then regular gent in London invited me to go to the rugby with him, his treat. On our way there, he told me some of his mates would be joining us, and he told them his “uncle visiting from NYC” would be coming. He was actually a bit worried I might be upset. As it happened, his friends commented on how much we resembled each other, and they were all calling me “Uncle ____” by the end of the first half. All in all, a great Saturday afternoon - it was fun being the “cool uncle” with the lads at the match, then the pubs after, and a lot of fun with the “nephew” being the “naughty uncle” that night. 😉 BBD
  2. Just stopping to say, you do have great taste @HoseMaster! 👍🏻 While all eight are hot, if I had my druthers, #1 and/or #6 would be my choices. Here’s hoping we’ll be pleasantly surprised by their RM ads one day! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 On a somewhat related note, I’ve seen posts on various “411” threads where some of you gents comment on following providers on IG. How do you find them? I think it’s safe to say they’re not using their working name. I’m not tech savvy at all, and at most I’ve stumbled on a couple just by sheer dumb luck 🤷🏼‍♂️ So those who know, care to share your tricks of the trade? 😀 Cheers, BBD
  3. I find myself feeling a bit “meh” - last week’s trip to LA was a pain in the arse work wise, and a bust as far as this hobby goes. So, I’m thinking a cure for this meh, this ennui, and to perk myself up a bit is engaging someone new. After running a few searches, I must add how grateful I am for this site! A number of the gents that piqued my interest on RM, I found from looking them up on here, that they were best avoided. THANK YOU to the site admins for keeping this place up and running, and to my fellow hobbyists for your intel -good and bad- shared on here. Anyway, I turn to the hive mind of CofM for recommendations for providers in (or nearish or travelling to) NYC that: • are tops, versatile-tops, even versatile guys who actually do top, (and aren’t just spelling “bottom” with nine letters), that enjoy topping, and know what their doing • have a muscular, jock type build - thickness is a plus, don’t need to be ripped, some beefy muscles are good • offer BFE, and are interactive/engaged, AND who kiss/make out • possibly most important, that he is into or can convincingly act like he’s into a 52 yo bearish dad kind of guy Pluses would be body hair, enjoys being rimmed, sense of humour, good conversationalist. No hang ups on age, ethnicity, d-size, height. In addition to the above, any recent intel on these two providers? Based on above, thoughts on compatibility? Previous threads are from 2021. https://app.rent.men/HairySexyMuscle https://app.rent.men/JustinHerringg As ever, you can reply here or PM me directly your recommendations and/or insight on these two providers. THANKS!!! BBD
  4. Bumping this up. This gent is scheduled to be on NYC for 2 weeks in August. While he tics a number of my boxes, some info contained in his profile or missing all together raise a concern or two. For any who have met, engaged him - is he fully interactive, engaged during a session? Does he have limitations or any “no-go’s” in terms of activities or types he’s into? Handsome face? While it wouldn’t factor in engaging him, I am curious whether he is Middle Eastern or Russian? 🤷🏼‍♂️ As ever, any intel is appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you prefer. Thanks! BBD
  5. Something a very good size by the looks 😜
  6. No apologies necessary! I always enjoy your blog posts, and checking out the hot lads you engage, like Eloy. I didn’t realise it was an older blog post. Ah well! As you say, hasta la próxima pinga! 😜 BBD
  7. Oh where to begin! 😂 Most of the gents fit the general type I go for in this hobby; some have left the business, some had short careers, some did escort at one point, some lean more bottom for those times I get in that mood, (what? it happens! lol), but all left an impression on this fellow! • Kane O’Farrell • Diesel O’Green • Aiden Shaw • Gianfranco • Atlas Grant • Zak Spears • Ken Ryker • Ryan Zane • Leo Giammatti • Kevin Falk • Vander Pulaski • Paddy O’Brian • Shay Michaels • Kent Larson • Junior Stellano • Michael Roman • Dakota Volby There are also a number of gents from “The Guy Site” I’m sure I’d enjoy, as well as some amateur (OF, JFF) performers I’d add to this list. Of course, there’s also gents I recall fondly, but haven’t a clue what name they performed under. So yes, I’m a Greedy Gus 🤣 But, this is all fantasy, right? There are worse ways to kill some time on a lazy Sunday afternoon than thinking about which porn performers you’d hire if you could! 😜 Cheers, BBD
  8. It’s very much the same here in NYC. Big ad campaign to get the monkeypox vaccine, yet the supply, and appointments are in such short supply it’s nigh impossible to gent. I actually know more gents living here who have gotten the vaccine outside NY than those that have gotten it here in the city. BBD
  9. Damn! He’s a fine slab of Midwestern beef! Looks like he’s only been on RM a few months, and his “into” seems a bit limited - I suppose that goes hand in glove with his “ask me” responses. Would be interested if anyone has engaged this gent, how interactive, any limitations, etc.. I can always find a reason to pop over to Columbus - the things I’d do with, to, and for this gent 😉 BBD
  10. FYI @José Soplanucas, his ads on both soytuyo and leonas seem to have been taken down. At least for me, the links didn’t work from your blog 🤷🏼‍♂️ BBD
  11. @Charlie What was the name of the biography? I’ll be needing a non-fiction book for my next trifecta. I remember many years ago being dragged to a lecture on “Cowboys in Literature” or something like that. I say “dragged” as I was not a fan of Westerns. The speaker offered that cowboys gave the authors a way to explore male same sex relationships that would be socially acceptable. He even argued many of the authors were quite probably closeted gay men - I do remember he cited Owen Wister as one of the Western authors who was probably gay. I wound up enjoying the lecture, and picked up The Virginian the next day. BBD
  12. First boyhood crush would have been on my then best friend, and classmate when we were both about 12. He was Italian - so very different from my fair skin, blue eyes, and straight platinum blond hair with his olive complexion, beautiful brown eyes, and thick, wavy dark hair. The school we attended enforced showers after gym class (“cleanliness is next to Godliness”, and all that), so we’d seen each other naked all the time at school, and sleepovers. Even down there he was different - uncut, with his penis, and balls a darker complexion. He was also one of if not the first boy in our gym class to go thru puberty. Lots of envious -dare I suggest amorous- glances from the other boys as his bush, and body hair came in, and his balls dropped. While I didn’t realise it at the time, I was of course totally in lust with him! I can still remember him all excited when his balls dropped, and some pubes sprouted AND he showed me. I recall him saying something like “now I can shoot and shake, not just shake!” Innocent Catholic boy that I was, (and still am 😇), I had no idea what he was talking about. Being best friends, he thought it only fair he showed me what he meant - and he did many, many times over the next year or so. In retrospect it was all rather innocent really. He moved on to girls, and I moved on to some not so innocent play. We fell out of touch the latter half of our uni days, I did hear years later he was married, and had moved out west to teach (he had a PhD in one of the sciences - physics, chemistry, etc., can’t recall). We reconnected on social media, so we keep up on our lives there, with the occasional text or call to share what is unfortunately more frequently these days, bad news we’ve heard about our friends, people we grew up with or that involve us, our families. He did tell me when we reconnected that his brother was gay - of course I had to feign shock, when what I really wanted to say was “I could have told you that when we were 13!” Who do you think I moved on to? 😏 To this day, and no doubt thanks to these fellows, I’m a sucker for Italian men, with olive skin, and darker complected down below. He was bi? Guess I missed that turnoff on his way to Gayville. I only remember him coming out as gay after that poor boy upstate killed himself over the physical and cyber bullying he endured for years. BBD
  13. I agree! A daddy 30, must make a 52 yo like me a fossil! 🤣🤣🤣 Having said that, I have noticed more and more providers, and non-providers, refer to themselves as “daddies”. I think it’s more about the attitude, who is charge, who is the top, etc. type of thing vs actual age. He’s definitely hot, and tics a number of my boxes. I’ve always had very enjoyable encounters with Colombian men, whereas it’s been a very mixed bag with Turkish men. Following to see if anyone has meet him, has any intel to share. BBD
  14. While I have heard of Reno Gold, I was unfamiliar with his work prior to this thread. I have to admit, he’s not without his charms. IMO, he looks better with the extra weight on him. Yes, his porn veers to the boring side of things, but his partners are pretty hot. I was particularly excited to see the “older man” one, (he’s just 30 - I guess that makes me, someone old enough to be HIS father, a fossil in gay terms🤣), as I knew him when he lived in NYC, (a friend of mine was seeing a friend of his). Very nice, friendly, charming guy - a natural flirt with a great smile. Hot body, tho I’m thinking he’s trimming these days, as he was much hairier when I knew him. He hung around with a group of equally stunning, and equally charming, friendly, flirty men, all from South America. A tad disappointed Bremen didn’t go full frontal, but not surprised. A few years back, the one my friend was seeing did a photoshoot with one of those well known gay photographers - including full frontal. The photographer wanted Bremen in a shoot as well, but he was adamant about not doing full frontal, period. I had heard from others his OF is mostly fitness related with some teasing, showing off pubes, bulge, VPL, and the like. Everyone is different I suppose 🤷🏼‍♂️ Still, one can hope! BBD
  15. Definitely a looker, and certainly doesn’t look like 18 year olds in my day! I’m with you @Epigonos - not a size queen, but a 4” top? 🤔 I’m thinking (hoping) that it’s an error. BBD
  16. He was one of my last hires before covid shut everything down. I’m by no means a sizeist, so I was a bit apprehensive 😬 but he came highly recommended from another hobbyist. Suffice to say, he knows what he’s working with, and how to use it well. Very well. 😉 Apart from the physical, he’s a nice, fun guy. If you’re thinking of engaging him, I would say go for it! 👍🏻 BBD
  17. Same here. I suppose I just don’t get the advantages or disadvantages of one over the other 🤷🏼‍♂️
  18. A question for providers and hobbyists - what is the difference between both platforms? There are many providers on both, but there are a number only found on one or the other, not both which can give the often impression a provider is no longer working. As they’re both owned by the same company, is there an advantage of one over the other? Is there a preference in terms of client pool for providers or provider pool for hobbyists? Genuinely curious as I just had a situation this week where a provider was recommended to me, I looked for him on rent.men, didn’t find him there, only to chat with the gent who recommended him earlier to find the provider only advertises on rentmen.eu. I’d say 99% of the time I use rent.men, so unless I see here or via a recommendation that a provider is on rentmen.eu, I wouldn’t think to look there. Thoughts? Cheers, BBD
  19. Oh trust - I know all about that! I’d agree with you on a RM review in those circumstances, but I’d still be honest in any “heads up” one may give here to fellow hobbyists - or in Daddy’s Reviews if they come back.
  20. Honestly, I don’t know if I was even thinking about being PC - I was just frustrated I couldn’t his name, and I may have pulled my arm up on the side as a visual aid of sorts 😂
  21. @MiamiLooker I’ll see your “Sonny who?” and go one better! A few years back I was drafted into the organizing committee for a reunion. We’re at the point of determining which former teachers we’d invite. I was thinking of one of the language teachers but couldn’t recall his name, so I offered to the others on the committee “oh you know the one - he had an arm like the Kaiser!” only to be met with doe eyes and a slack jawed “arm like a what?” from the 20-something alumni relations administrator. The other gents on the committee got the reference, and we eventually figured out his name. At that point the dean who was in the meeting, 70-something Bro. Ranulf, passed the comment to me “That was an unique reference not many would get (looks at the alumni admin), and yours is probably the last generation that will. Pity.” 😂 BBD
  22. I’m of two minds with this one. I would agree with the others, and say don’t review, move on, you’ll never see him again. But then I also think of fellow hobbyists who would appreciate an honest review. No need to trash him in any review - a simple “YMMV” review would do the trick. Start with the positives - easy to communicate with, nice guy, looked like his pics, other reviewers attested to his talents, etc.; then address the negatives - wouldn’t kiss, seemed disengaged/going thru the motions, advised couldn’t cum as he jo’d earlier, ended 2-hour booking early. Overall a disappointing session. While you understand everyone has off days, and he may have been 5 stars with others, he wasn’t with you. I think we all use info we gather here, and on RM, from other RM reviewers to help our decisions on whether to engage or not. Whether you decide to review or not is down to you. I 100% understand not wanting a confrontation but I don’t view a review as a confrontation. Even if you don’t submit a RM review, you should think about adding the provider’s link here as a heads up. Just my two cents. BBD PS: for some reason I thought BlessedBoy had moved on/retired, and I’d missed my chance. Glad to read that doesn’t appear to be the case 👍🏻
  23. Good grief! I know him IRL! Or should I say, I’ve met him socially a number of times - mutual friends, social engagements, things like that. Age seems right, (I would have guessed 35-40), I’m terrible at guessing heights, but at 6’2” he is a bit shorter than me. I’m fairly certain he works in the arts. I had no idea he was a provider, and I’ve never come across his ad either - and he would have shown up in a search given the parameters I use match his profile stats. Maybe he only engages in this from time to time as a supplement as needed, and when not engaging, hides his profile, (I think they can do that)? As far as no reviews - I have actually had providers ask *not* to be reviewed, so that wouldn’t be any type of flag for me. The only other thing I can think of is perhaps he changed his user name, deleted previous reviews, to start fresh? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Interested to know if any gents here have any further intel on this gent. BBD
  24. I’m no expert on photoshop - and usually am surprised when (to my eye) the not obvious ones are pointed out on here as shopped. Having said that, to me it looks like this gent tried to blur or obscure his face, and that has those pics looking “off” all together. At least to me 🤷🏼‍♂️
  25. It is a sad, but unfortunately all too common story. I don’t know that porn targets, but it certainly attracts an awful lot of guys who are, for lack of a better word, broken already in some way. Whether it’s the straight guy who is desperate for the money to meet his responsibilities, the gay guy who seeks validation to fill the emptiness inside, or any guy that needs to feed a habit. Porn is often times their only option. BBD
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