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Everything posted by BtmBearDad

  1. The written comments are blocked in the US. You need a VPN to be able to view. I use hidester.com. Open the profile to the review section, and copy/paste that URL into the space, hit go, and voilà! You can read the review texts!
  2. I’m green with envy! This guy seriously tics all my boxes - just disappointed fellows like me aren’t among his “intos” 😩 Were he, I’d definitely be booking him for some time when he’s here in NYC. Do report back - I’ve no shame in living vicariously thru you! 😜 BBD
  3. I forgot to address the “discount” question you asked @Chihawks - in a way, you’re already getting a “discount” in the sense that you’re not paying the gent’s hourly rate for the 48, 72, or 96 hours that make up your weekend. It’s a flat rate for the entire time - no extra upgrades or surprises. I would advise nailing down when the weekend time starts, and concludes. In my experience, once we’ve both arrived at the hotel should be when the “clock” starts. With a provider you already have an established relationship, connection with, this is all easily sorted.
  4. Sorry, @miserybeme9, do I have it correct that you have a regular 9-5 gig, but with RM you’re doing well enough that you’re contemplating leaving 9-5 behind for full time RM? If so, some things to consider: • don’t burn any bridges if/when you leave your 9-5 job • remember, you’ll be leaving behind all sorts of benefits - healthcare, PTO, sick leave - so all that is now on you • come up with a “cover story” about why you’re leaving - for your employer, any family/friends you don’t want to know what doing, and to explain away gaps in your CV if you find yourself returning to 9-5 - don’t overthink it, something as simple taking time to travel works • be SMART and FRUGAL with your money - your RM income is now your sole income so spend, and invest wisely What you’re considering can be done - I have known several providers who have, and there are some on this forum who have. Have a sit down, have a good long look at your expenses, what income you’d need to cover them, plus live as you’d like to with additional income left for savings, investments. It’s a big decision so don’t act in haste! As others have said, do what you need to in order to live a happy, fulfilling life. Good luck to you! BBD
  5. As a client who has engaged gents for weekends, and longer on occasion, I would echo everything @BenjaminNicholas said. Communication is the key to any successful engagement, regardless of length - but obviously more so with weekends, (or longer). Be clear on your expectations in terms of social interactions, (dining out, taking in a show, sightseeing, daytime activities, etc.), as well as your expectations in terms of intimacy, sleeping arrangements. On an extended engagement, I do agree that the fee does mean the gent’s time is exclusively yours. Obviously, this is subject to any agreement you both may come to regarding three ways, and the like. But, even on his free/personal time, the gent should not be meeting other clients, period. But, given how handsome providers are, I’d caution you about one thing - flirting. If you’re out and about, lounging pool or beachside, etc., chances are other guys will talk, flirt with him. Don’t get upset if he chats, even flirts back. While some guys have no boundaries, your gent should let him know, in a no doubt charming way, he’s spoken for. Allowing for free/personal time is not something set in stone. Like Benjamin said, it can be all over the board. Some may require a couple of hours for the gym a day, and you yourself may require time alone to address your own personal business. Just talk to the gent so there’s no confusion. I would add one final recommendation - I would not recommend a weekend (or longer) with any gent you have not engaged previously, and that you have not had at least one overnight with. Personally, I believe you need the connection that comes from previous engagements, overnights in order to make a successful weekend or longer. Who wants to spend 1/2 a weekend figuring out each other’s likes, hot spots, etc.? Good luck, mate! Do report back on how it goes! 👍🏻 Cheers, BBD
  6. BtmBearDad


    He’s not without looks - I know a number of gents IRL that his looks would be right up their alley. With what others have posted about their interactions -or lack thereof- with him, he probably wouldn’t be a match for me. Tho given geography, that’s a moot point. I do admit being curious about how interactive his is in his porn. Since he’s had a sugar daddy in the past as remarked upthread, I wonder if this whole “findom” thing is a reaction to how he was treated, how it ended 🤷🏼‍♂️ I agree that SA might be a better option, without the whole findom thing, for him if he’s looking for an LTR with a sugar daddy. On his RM ad interview, in his “what do you do in your free time” answer, I liked his reply in general, and specifically his line about “getting caught going down rabbit holes on Wikipedia”. Remember, there’s a pot for every lid, gents. He may be serving a niche market, but it is a genuine market with gents looking for guys like him. If he can get gents that subscribe to the whole findom thing, more power to him. BBD
  7. As @Skip stated, for a quality gent, and a great experience, it’s not an outrageous amount. Gutted I missed his time in NYC, but no doubt his dance card was fully booked. I think he’s extremely handsome - definitely tics my boxes. I’ve not seen any of his porn, but his interactions here have been charming - and his recommendations from other hobbyists speak very well of him. I do hope @SamSteinerXXX will be available when I’m back working in London this autumn 🤞🏻 Following this thread for any further updates. BBD
  8. I understand that each of us have our own individual comfort levels when it comes to sharing face pics, but for me at least, I don’t think such an ask would be a deal breaker. It’s more about how the provider asks I suppose. If I sent a message saying “I’m looking to book some time either Thursday or Friday after 4PM. Please let me know your availability, and we can discuss particulars from there.” and the provider ignored everything, and just asked for a pic, that would be one thing. But if he replied “I’m available between 6 and 9 on Friday. If that works, respond to let me know, and tell me what you’re looking for. Please supply a pic as well so I know who I am meeting.” or similar, I think that’s reasonable. Like I said, I understand everyone has their own comfort level, but if a face pic or video chat helps the provider to offer a facsimile of genuine attraction, thus making the encounter less transactional, less mechanical, I’m generally OK with it. Just my 2 cents 🤷🏼‍♂️ BBD
  9. BtmBearDad

    Baroxxx in LA

    Damn he’s hot - no matter where he’s currently hanging his hat! 😉 Im always in awe of you guys that are able to find providers IG and social media. I’m rather inept on that regard, and jealous! 😜 BBD
  10. Thanks, @CaliMuscle! 😀 Fingers crossed schedules align 🤞🏻 Based on your words, I think he’d be perfect! “A little bit of a surprise” you say? Colour me intrigued! Not even a hint? 😉 BBD
  11. I’m 52, and I’ve being going grey/silver since I was a teenager. That’s always given me at least the visual appearance of looking older. My first experiences were with guys my age, or a bit older. I was never hung up on age - it has always been about the attributes for me. If a gent tics my boxes, his age isn’t an issue. I will say that in this hobby, the vast majority of gents I’ve engaged have been younger than me in the say 25 to 45 bracket. I’m sure part of that, (the younger ones), is down to them reminding me of someone from my past I lusted over from afar lol The youngest gent I engaged from this hobby was a 20 yo in London, the oldest was a 58 yo in NYC. Both were many years ago, both ticked my boxes, and both were thoroughly enjoyable. As far as the whole “daddy” thing goes - I remember the first time a guy called me that mid-congress. It was a Greek fellow I was dating, only about 8 years younger, getting his doctorate in physical therapy. Thickly muscled, hairy, olive complexion, and as I remember, the softest skin. He was a bit shorter than me at 5’7”, but we made it work. He was the first to call me “daddy” - and I was mortified! “Does he think I’m really old enough to be his dad? I’m only 34!” 😂 But in the intervening decades, I’ve more or less embraced being looked at, and referred to as a daddy. As @HotWhiteThirties noted, daddies are in vogue, so I’m finally on trend! I really don’t think there’s anything as “too old” at least in this aspect of life (in others, yes). If the captain has a sea worthy vessel, sail it! I tip my hat to all you fellows 10, 20, 30 years older that are still active, and enjoying this aspect of life. I hope to follow in your footsteps, knock wood! At the end of the day, each of us like what we like - both in this hobby, and IRL. You like twink, you like muscle; you like smooth, you like bear; you like shorter, you like taller; you like preppy white guys, you like other ethnic guys; you like older, you like younger; ad infinitum. Like what you like, and just enjoy it! As my dear old Nan used to remark, life is too hard, and too short to not be happy. I try to live my life with this as my guide. No judgments, no second guessing, no regrets. BBD
  12. Nice find! A sexy, furry man that smiles in his pics 👍🏻 That he’s also so tall is a bonus for me - so hard finding providers taller than my 6’2” that tic all the boxes, and this gent does. Interested to hear any firsthand feedback 😀 BBD
  13. Dude - that DP scene was scorching!! 🔥🔥 Which fellow was which of the two guys DP’g him? The one who came in from back while BB was riding the other was hot AF! 😉
  14. That’s my understanding as well, even tho he has a very expanded, and interactive repertoire on his OF 🔥 I join you in 🤞🏻 his RM offerings expand! BBD
  15. “MuscleServiceStation” I think it was. The forums discussed bodybuilders, which were up for meetings, what limitations, who were fully interactive, etc.. I believe you could contact some of them on there too. If I recall correct, you needed the forum moderator’s permission to create a profile to post, and I remember something about the moderator just walking away so no new members in years.🤷🏼‍♂️ But I haven’t tried the forums there in years either, maybe things have changed. Here’s a link to the main site, with the forums available from the menu: https://www.muscleservice.com/ If you get access, do report back and let us know, @DickAndDash 👍🏻 Cheers, BBD
  16. He is pretty hot - especially when he lets his body hair grow out, at least in my opinion. I believe his repertoire is limited to massage, with some touch, but nevertheless he asks for full service pricing. I may be wrong, but that is my memory of what I heard. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m happy to be corrected by any hobbyists who have enjoyed full carnal delights with this hot nugget! @FunGuyUS could you PM me his IG? 😀 Cheers, BBD
  17. Come on, mate! Don’t be a “Greedy Gus” 😝 There must be a provider or two you keep checking hoping they changed their role? Who are those ones you’d really want to flip?
  18. Ha! Nothing wrong with enjoying the finer things in life! Lord knows I’ve been guilty of that - both in this hobby, and other areas 😉 As with all, shall we say, “major investments” one looks for specific returns. So before booking a suite at the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo, or similar, one would want intel in what return to expect for such an investment! 😜
  19. I concur wholeheartedly! Definitely husband material! Or as my friend Lisa would opine on seeing a particularly handsome man, “oh look - my future ex-husband!” 😂 Alas, Cristian does not list those of us of the ursine persuasion in his “intos” 😩 Ça la vie! Having said that, if we’re ever in the same city, I think I’d still chance my arm 🙃 BBD
  20. See? This is why this forum rocks - the info that we all share! 😀 I knew of the Brazilian BlessedBoy, and having made the mistake myself of “oh wow! I didn’t know BlessedBoy made porn too! Hot damn!” I wanted to share that they were 2 different fellows with the same name. I had no idea about the RM BlessedBoy doing porn! I am happily corrected. Thank you, @curiousbynature12 for educating me! I think a wee google search to check out his porn is on my agenda today! 😜 BBD
  21. From what I read, it seems to my non-medical eye that while it can be transmitted via bodily fluids, it’s not the casual transmission of said fluids - ie; shaking sweaty hands, sneezing, etc.. The emphasis is on sexual transmission because it is an active act where all manner of bodily fluids are exchanged over a prolonged period of time. Of course, I could be entirely wrong, but that’s what I’ve taken away from what I’ve read 🤷🏼‍♂️ BBD
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