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Posts posted by sync

  1. 54 minutes ago, Michael PhD said:


    That puts a bit of a different spin on it.  You might tell each of them you are ceasing any further intimacy with either of them because you did not know of their family relationship.  I don't think it fair for you to accept any blame or feel you have done anything wrong.  It is just an unfortunate situation that is not the fault of anyone involved.  I do believe they both are deserving of an explanation for your severing your relationships with them.

    Whatever you decide to do, I hope it goes well.  

  2. 9 minutes ago, Michael PhD said:

    I didn’t plan for this or set this up. I’ve made connections with them both. But after the input and much thought, it’s clear that I’ll have to move on from both. 

    I've never been in that situation, but I believe your decision to make a clean break from both is sound. 

  3. 2 hours ago, samhexum said:

    I used my coupon for a free dozen Organic Valley eggs at ShopRite on Monday.  They had one tattered carton of XL, but a lot of the large.  The ShopRite eggs were being stocked as I shopped and the egg section seemed fairly well-stocked.

    I have another coupon for a dozen of their blue eggs, but ShopRite doesn't carry them.  Whole Foods does and my niece shops there occasionally, so I'll give it to her to use.  She's vegan, but can buy them for the rest of the family to eat.


    From the situation here (upper NY State) and what I've been reading, I would say get them while you can.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rudynate said:

    He's been deeply involved with Exodus International and he's a big proponent of conversion therapy. His wife is a psychotherapist who does Christian psychotherapy and equates man-on-man sex with bestiality.  As soon as the public eye fell on her because of her husband's rise, she took down her website. 

    It isn't known for sure that he's an ex-gay, but quite a few people associated with Exodus International have later come out as gay. It is common for someone as energetically homophobic as he is to turn out to be a closeted gay.  So, I'm not being sarcastic - someone who hates gays as passionately as he does may very well be gay himself. 

    My sympathy/concern is for their teenaged accountability-partner son. I acknowledge that I'm not beyond over-reacting but placing that kind of burden upon a child has me questioning whether these people should have custody of children.

  5. Not long ago I had a somewhat humorous dream involving a self-driving car.

    I had entered my destination into the computer, gathered a pillow, a blanket, tuned the radio to easy listening and dozed off to sleep.  Upon awakening I realized I was nearing my destination and thought it a good idea to refuel the car.

    While I was replacing the gasoline hose nozzle into its holder the car departed leaving me staring at its disappearing taillights. 

    Fortunately, I was able to get a car service from the gas station to the hotel.  Upon arriving at the hotel I was greeted by the sight of the self-driving car resting comfortably in one of the hotel's guest parking spaces.  I then awoke from my dream with a chuckle. 

    The lesson I took from the dream is to always be sure to take my wallet with me when leaving the car.  😄

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