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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. It's called a Rollator. I have one - at one point my balance was impaired enough that I realized I could fall when walking outside, so I bought one on Amazon. I've graduated from the Rollator to a cane. Before long, I will graduate from the cane to being fully mobile again. We went to Santa Cruz for Christmas - the day before Christmas, I was standing outside the restaurant where we had just had breakfast - a young woman walked past and said,"You look awesome!! Merry Christmas." Great Christmas present.
  2. There are holy days that are feast days and holy days that are fast days.
  3. While I don't think he would care at all if you wanted to know his size, I would ask him. To me, looking at the tags in his clothes is nosy.
  4. I have never given a provider a gift and I can't imagine doing so. To me, it's a transactional relationship, albeit a very friendly one, and I don't have any desire to give it a romantic gloss. I might feel differently about someone I'd seen regularly over a period or years.
  5. He's a charming guy and provides a great experience. I last saw him about 4 years ago, maybe a year before the pandemic. The age-shaving is problematic, yes, but my attitude. when I first saw him was "Ok, I'm not stupid, he's been the same age for at least a decade." What I was expecting was a guy in his late 40s to mid-50's and that is exactly what I got - very handsome, smart, engaging and great in the sack.
  6. Of course it is - it's an important historical work. I was at Randy Shilts's memorial at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco. A bunch of hateful Christians flew in from Kansas to try to disrupt things and the SFPD surrounded them with a blockade so that they couldn't interfere.
  7. Is it that difficult? If you cover what, when, where and who in your first communication, you have pretty much established that you aren't a timewaster.
  8. I didn't think mean drill sergeants even existed anymore. When I was in the Army (in the 70s), I was surprised at how "not mean" our drill sergeant and the cadre sergeants were. I admired them actually - they were all really snappy black men who had all done at least one tour in Viet Nam.
  9. I often have difficulty deciding what I want in a restaurant - but it isn't anxiety provoking. When I'm in that frame of mind, I choose something on impulse.
  10. I'm not into the taste that much- the charge for me is swallowing a load of a sexy guy's sperm.
  11. You do you, as they say. You might find, as you age, that you will need to find a new version of you to do.
  12. Buffets are a waste for me - I don't have much desire to overeat. One time, I was doing a contest prep and went out to eat with family. I ordered salmon and asked for the sauce on the side. They brought the meal and the salmon had sauce on it. I asked to have them redo it as I had asked for it. When theyt brought it the second time, everything was split up into little side dishes - way beyond what I had asked for - I thought they went way above and beyond, and I let them know how much I appreciated it.
  13. I just finished Quantum Supremacy, by Michio Kaku. Great introduction to quantum computing for a general readership. Techies would find it pretty lightweight.
  14. I would have cancelled. Even though on short notice, even though he may not have believed you, it would have eliminated any risk to him that he would catch whatever you had.
  15. Right-and those of us who’ve been through a few off those cycles know that the city will always come back. The San Francisco Center is going to be a challenge-the owner walked away from a $750 million mortgage a few months ago. The city is trying to figure out a way to repurpose the property
  16. Humiliating??? I submit that a sexworker who is humiliated by his/her work is in the wrong line of work.
  17. We haven't had a Christmas tree for years. This year we got a small tabletop tree at Whole Foods for a party for our niece's little daughter - not quit 2 yo. I fixed piles of tea sandwiches = and there were 8 of us there. It was really a lot of fun. The little girl's mom miscalculated on the girl's party dress - It was a red thing that looked positively whorish. - The photos are funny -a pretty little blonde girl in A BRIGHT RED party dress.
  18. Right - nobody knows better than they do when they are available
  19. Congratulations!! There is no greater pleasure than inhabiting a very fit body.
  20. I have myelopathy from a spinal cord injury, my spine surgeon says the myelopathy will eventually go away, but it's taking it's damn time. I go to the gym several times a week - walk on a treadmill and use the new concept rower. lift with light-ish weights. My balance is improving, but its a slow process. I hired a new coach mostly as eye candy - i already know what I need to do.
  21. Why would any one think of doing that? Boundaries, Boundaries. Even if it's somebody I know very well, we don't talk about each other's money. Truthfully, I'm not even that curious about how much any of my friends make. Why would it be any different with a provider? Are those boundaries somehow suspended in the case of a provider. Moneywise, the only thing I need to know from him is how much he's going to cost me.
  22. They call them stringers. i bought a stringer once and wore it to the gym. There was an old guy there with moobs wearing one who definitely should not have been wearing it. . I went home and put my stringer in a drawer where it has remained to this day.
  23. I'm glad to see a thread on him. He's been around for a long time - and I have always been interested in him, but was never willing to take the plunge
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