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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. Very nice face - body is pretty meh..
  2. "Cacciatore" is Italian for "hunter." Hunter-style means a dish made wit hunter sauce - no matter the country hunter sauce has mushrooms. In France, sauce chasseur is made with brown sauce and mushrooms. In Germany, Jaeger sauce is made brown sauce, mushrooms, usually bacon. In Italy, cacciatore sauce is made from tomato, onion, bell pepper and mushroom.
  3. I would sautee the chicken breasts and use the pan drippings to flavor the sauce and only add the sauteed chicken at the very end to keep it from overcooking.
  4. Better and worse. My retirement savings have appreciated a subsatantial amount. I have close to 1 million in equity in our house. On the negative side I came down with an autoimmune disease in mid-2022 and my income took a nosedive because my health made working so difficult. I have started a new business and am looking forward to a great 2024.
  5. Back in the 90s. I started asking myself why I couldn't find a nice guy to spend my life with. I was spending a lot of time and energy in sex clubs. It occurred to me that I might be looking for love in the wroing places. I cut way back on the sex clubs and started dating. And I had a rule for myself of no sex on the first date. It was a frustrating experience - it's true, you have to kiss a lof frogs before you find your prince. And guys weren't happy with no sex on the first date. Eventually, I met the perfect guy - tall, handsome, nice, smart - everything I could ask for. I stuck with my rule of no sex on the first date - he wasn't happy about it - thought I was blowing him off, but I assured him I wasn't. I told a friend, who knew him, "I'm going to nab this guy." He said, "Don't you think you should check with him first?" I said,"No, I already know he's ripe for picking." Long story short, we've been a couple for over 30 years. I think that if I hadn't tested the hypothesis that sex clubs are a lousy place to find a husband, I might still be looking.
  6. Tylenol and NSAID together work pretty well.
  7. It doesn't matter whether it would be OK with some. It wasn't OK with you -- and you and the provider worked things out.
  8. I went to college in the 70s - when the popularity of fraternities was at a low point. They might have existed at my school, but I wasn't aware of them.
  9. My earliest memory was of an injury as well. My parents bought their first house in 1954., when I was 2yo. It was an older house and they did a lot of remodeling/renovation when they first bought it. I remember a pile of plaster and lathe on the floor in the front hall. I was playing in it and stepped on a nail. My mother washed me up and put me in clean clothes and took me to a doctor who was right in the neighborhood.. I remember the doctor's name and his examining room and getting a shot that was probably a tetanus shot. It seemed like it was very late in the day. I would have probably been 2-3 yo.
  10. I know a couple young Honduran guys - both of whom are absolute visions. One, who I think could be gay because he is so flirty, is pretty ambitious - his English is almost fluent, he got his GED not too long ago and has worked in the same restaurant since he first arrived here several years ago. The other is equally sexy, but knows almost no English. He is a hard worker, but the lack of English holds him back. I'm fond of them both but hiring would trigger boundary issues that I wouldn't want to deal with.
  11. it's a difficult fetish to understand - I fully admit that I don't understand it. It seems to be of a piece with humiliation and degradation, which I also don't understand, but guys who are into it, love it.
  12. It's a fetish - they like doing it - they aren't victims.
  13. A melanoma dx is not as scary as it once was - I have two friends who had melanomas removed and they are alive and kicking. They were both early-stage tumors and the procedures were very aggressive, but years later. they are both cancer-free. A woman in my office had an aggressive melanoma on one leg, that just kept spreading no matter what. She refused to give in and as a last resort they did a treatment where they pumped her leg full of whatever drug it was that they were using and then used tourniquets to cut the circulation off so that the tumors were constantly exposed to a high level of the chemotherapy agent. They loosened the tourniquets only as much as they had to to keep from damaging the leg. Wonder of wonders, it worked, and she is alive and well today after a virtual death sentence.
  14. PSA twice a year would be appropriate for somebody who is found to have an abormal PSA or has a troublesome family history, but as a blanket recommendation, the current thinking is that it is overkill.
  15. My mother was extraordinarily fertile - she had 10 full-term pregnancies, one of which was a stillbirth. At age 43, she gave birth to my youngest sister - only 14 months after the stillbirth.
  16. Be sure you the trust gives you that sort of discretion. Otherwise, you're giving the beneficiary grounds to sue you.
  17. I hope you are complying with the terms of the trust - not doing so could land you in hot water.
  18. Inaccurate - better said that it's not part of YOUR formula. . The OP is proof that there may be other formulas than yours.
  19. I have a BA in biology from one of the better land-grant universities, a MLIS from a campus in the Cal State system and a law degree from Purdue Global Law School, a fully-online program. I passed the California Bar exam on my first try. I financed all of it myself - and graduated from law school with no student debt. The salary for my first job after law school was truly eye-popping. And becoming a lawyer was a lifelong dream. I don't regret a single hour or a single dollar of my investment in post-secondary education. Now though, a path like the one I took may not even be possible because college and graduate school are so ungodly expensive.
  20. Yup - two days - you have to keep chilling the dough.
  21. I like Phoenix. Usually, I'm there for business, but I have gone there "just because" more than once.
  22. Several years ago, I was going to serve roast goose on New Year's day. I came down with a bad cold and had to cancel the dinner. I roasted the goose anyway and it was nearly inedible - it was so tough and stringy. I read, afterward, that you should always buy small geese to avoid that problem. I had bought the largest goose I could find.
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