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Posts posted by Becket

  1. 1 hour ago, MmM said:

    The last couple of times I bottomed ended with a bit of stain on the towel. So today I tried a full prep enema of my left colon. That is so involved! I mean it's a commitment! I don't know if I am gonna do that again. I'll stick with psyllium pills and  the one-bulb douche prep and hope for the best! 

    Your "left colon?" Does this mean you have a "right" colon as well? 

  2. There are a number of visiting providers either here or coming soon on rentmen.eu. Rarely do we have such a nice variety as today. I am thinking of a beautiful young man visiting from Uraguay. Hate to see him so far from home and all alone. (Sorry my brain is not working yet, or I would post a link.)

    Check it out.

  3. On 4/11/2024 at 6:05 PM, lelandgoes said:

    So I've been really wanting to pull the trigger on him. He was friendly-enough in communicating, it's a nice torso and assets (when he shared his photo), that said, the lack of a phone#, his age (which can be a plus but in this case can also be a 🚩) and lack of reviews is a little disconcerting–even though apparently he did have at least 1 review under his former name.

    I'm so torn. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Someone decide for me! 😉

    Life is short. Go for it. 

  4. 41 minutes ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    Just because you know the words doesn't mean it's kosher to sing-along.

    You sit.  You clap.  You piss at intermission.  You get an overpriced beverage.  You clap again.  You stand.  You leave. 

    Welcome to a Broadway show 👍

    Saw Marry Poppins in London. The audience blasted out ever syllable of "Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious". WITH Clapping! 

    It was marvelous; Practically perfect in every way. 

    I'm just shocked.....SHOCKED......you wouldn't get into that!

  5. Yea, sorry that happened to you. But I can't imagine I'd act any differently than did you. I'd be hoping that surely the experience would turn around, become more positive at any moment. That it never did is no way your fault. You know that, right? In this little hobby of ours sometimes lousy experiences, like shit, just happens. You came, paid, and left. Probably couldn't not pay without getting into some sort of a fight, and nobody knows where that might go. And you did have some sort of consensual contact, lousy as it was.

    It was just a lousy experience. It sucks. 

    But there are a lot of good guys around, many on this site. Hope your next experience is wondrous, mind blowing, and ends way too soon. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    When I visited Sydney and Melbourne in 2016, I had several successful hires from RentMen and massuer sites.  I found those private interactions not much different than in the United States.  The one difference:  every provider said "Cheers, Mate" as I left happy 😁

    That would make me have two Happy Endings!

  7. Spring break for me was always bitterly disappointing. All I saw for miles and miles were straight guys or guys acting straight. To make matters worse, the only time I slept with a guy was one night one of the hottest guys in my frat wandered into my hotel room, which I shared with three others, and fell asleep in his tightly whities, next to me in my bed. I remember thinking, am I lucky, or am I just cursed. Yea, he fell right asleep and I stayed up the whole night with scenarios going through my head. I still wonder what I should have, or could have done that night.

  8. Favorite London spot is just around the corner from the Waterloo tube station. Kinda under the bridge if I remember. Wasn't it called Pleasuredome, or some such obvious name? Anyway they had private rooms upstairs......Which as I know doesn't answer your question at all.......but it's fun to remember.......

    I got a couple massages from the usual sites, rentmassuer, etc

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