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Everything posted by big-n-tall

  1. Brian Strowkes is awesome. Really nice guy.
  2. I think the backlash against friendboy was because people on the forum, including some escorts, found some of what they were doing deceptive (i.e. going to rentmen and copying ads to post on their site without informing the escort... some of the info copied seem to be incorrect as compared to the original rm ad). Made worse by the representative from friendboy (who became a forum member to gauge what people wanted in the site) being very combative with people about what was perceived as deceptive. What was the mintboy backlash about? I don't recall reading about it. The only problem I see with mintboys is they seem to have a lot of outdated ads. They need to do a better job of cleaning house and making sure the ads are current/active. My problem with both sites are the same... they need to do better with cleaning out defunct ads and ensuring what they have is current/active. I've never met anyone off of friendboy. (It was not for the lack of trying). Of the few people I've contacted on mintboys, only one responded and we met. Rentmen is clearly not perfect but it's rare someone I reach out to doesn't respond. I pretty much know what ads are active or not.
  3. No. He is retired. I text him few times a year to see how he's doing. He is happy being retired, for now anyway.
  4. First and foremost as useful as this forum is it's a small fish in a big pond. Not every provider masseur or client knows it exists. Of those that do, it's probably a relative small number of those that hire. So just because someone has a lot of reviews on RM doesn't mean anyone here has met the guy. Secondly, there are a lot of lurkers on this forum who don't post for whatever reason. They just don't feel comfortable possibly speaking up about someone being asked about on the forum. Also some of the members can get overzealous in the defense of an escort and may make potential commentators fearful of, well... commenting. Thirdly, some escorts actively try to keep from getting reviews. They'll ask clients to not make comments or reviews for any number of reasons. There is no prohibited list or at least not one I'm aware of on this forum. Ultimately some guys will just fall through the cracks even if they seem popular on RM.
  5. If the guy isn’t responding to you, then there is reason for the non-response. If he’s not responding to you and you mail him a letter... do you honestly think it will make think, “oh this guy is awesome.” If you do, you are, sad to say, delusional. Honestly, this letter you’d send him will either piss him off severely or make him fearful of meeting any new people in the future. It might even make him stop seeing his regulars entirely as he withdraws for safety. So just don’t. The only solution you are afforded is to watch his porn and pictures online… be satisfied with that. Enjoy him from afar. There is a similar mention of someone being bothered that a guy (who still sees past known clients) but won’t respond to contact from new people, on another forum. That poster even mentions he being the only option not more than 50 miles away. I have a feeling who your obsession might be. If it is who I think it is, then I know the guy personally and he won’t like receiving unsolicited mails from you. If there was any small possibility he might see you in the future… mailing him will bring that down to absolute zero. Be satisfied you can watch his porn/pictures online and leave it at that.
  6. Name change. I don’t remember his previous name but he used to do porn under the name Scotty Marx on Randy Blue. Maybe search the site for Scotty Marx and it might turn up more info. Addendum: I remember the previous name… Txmusclestud
  7. He’s appeared in porn/onlyfans/etc.under the name Elijah Wilde. He had a rentmen at up in the past, if I’m remembering correctly. That’s all I got.
  8. It's totally understandable that you feel you are being left out a bit. First, if I were you, I'd lay some ground rules down about any threesomes you have in the future. Like they must make you the focus. You are the client. If they won't agree to involving you more, maybe it's time to move on and find guys who will. I haven't done many 3-somes in the grand scheme of things. My biggest issue is I kind of lose focus with multiple people and starting worrying/overthinking about making sure everyone has equal time. LOL!
  9. Isn't this the same guy that as soon as he discovers he's being discussed on ths forum he alters his rentmen name. He keeps the David_ and changes the part after. So he has been discussed.
  10. Well if the people you’re seeing aren’t premium members of rentmen, they can’t leave reviews. That is probably part of the reason reviews may be hard to come by.
  11. I'm so sorry. I understand the pain and hurt it causes (all too well) when someone, anyone, you built a friendship or trust does a 180 inexplicably from how they treated you. I think we all have experienced that at some point in our lives. I have had people just vanish and stop responding to any form of contact. In some cases, I don't know if they are alive or dead, with no way to find out the why of it all. I even had a friend flat out tell me to not contact him anymore. As he spiraled into conspiracy theories, I refused to share his beliefs. We had a lot of fun times together and I miss him terribly, but he decided to isolate himself (from other friends and family as well). If you can and the opportunity is there, fight for the relationship. If not, the best thing is to accept it and try to move on from the pain. Grow from it but don't become jaded to others because of it. As the saying goes, "people come into your life for a season, a reason, or a lifetime." As far as finding a long lasting genuine friendships\ with a provider... it's absolutely possible. I am friends with a handful (which I've discussed in random topics on the forum through the years). I'm actually traveling with one tomorrow for a few days. He's since retired from escorting. I haven't hired him or seen him sexually for some time now, but we travel together frequently. Some of the providers I've met, I've seen more than a decade. As others have stated over time, you build a fondness for each other... build a trust. If you have mutual interests a relationship can deepen and flourish. I would say don't try to force a friendship and let the relationship grow naturally. Maybe talk to a therapist, if you aren't already. Maybe you can get the advice or tools you need to help you to learn to form close bonds with male friends. You'll be ok.
  12. I have seen both genuine pornstars and porn actors. Some actors I've met are very prolific in various types of porn but they wouldn’t consider themselves stars. They are still pornstars imho.
  13. I believe this is porn actor Zane Williams. If so he used to escort on the east coast. I haven't met him but he's been asked/talked about on the forum previously.
  14. He's been advertising on rentmen for a while now. His current name is MuscleBoijson https://v6.rent.men/MuscleBoijson
  15. Client here... I'm not necessarily turned off by no-face ads. If the body and ad copy intrigue me... I delve further. I have hired a few guys who never used face pics. Some do now and some still don't. I do my due diligence and see if anyone on this forum (past or present) can verify if the person is good or is actually the guy portrayed in the ad. However, there are some guys where there is no info on them here and I take a chance. I have yet to have a bad experience with someone who did not use a face pic in their ad. The guy I see the most when we met, he didin't have a face pic in his ad. Although I did find out later he had a website where he did show his face, The latest one being Viktor York. He eventually shared a face pic with me but that wasn't until hours before our meetup. I do avoid faceless ads if it's clear that they are borrowing pictures or if the body shots don't match up picture to picture. I'm not talking someone going through muscle growth development where you can tell it's the same body. I'm talking about when it's clearly different bodies from different people.
  16. ...not in my experience. I've only encounter 2 (Damien Crosse and D.O.) whose rates were higher than the average going rate when I met them. Neither them were double the going rate at the time. I've met a good number of "pornstars" over the years. i wouldn't say pornstars charge twice the going rate. Some do for sure... some way way more than double, but most I would say don't.
  17. In my experience, longer sessions and how much focus on the client depends a lot on the individual provider. The guy I hire the most is also the guy I have been on the longest extended sessions with (8 days). We have a lot of common interests so other than time he needs to work out, he’s with me constantly. I don’t care if he uses his cell. I think it’s unrealistic to ask him to not use it for that extended amount of time. He is rarely on it long, if he needs to call or check his phone. Another guy I have seen just focuses entirely on me for a weekend. I have never asked him to not use his cell, but I have never seen him even touch it the entire time we were together. He also never requested alone time. This is during weekends together. Yet another guy had a business outside of escorting and needed alone phone time occasionally to handle whatever came about with his other business. He asked me in advance and I said it was fine so long as it wasn’t a constant hindrance to our time together. Ultimately it comes down to communication between the client and provider. It needs to be discussed beforehand if alone time or phone time is needed when you are together for a overnight or longer. If you’re together for more than overnight I think it’s expected both client and provider may need some time to themselves to do whatever. However again with some providers, with me, it hasn’t always been the case.
  18. Max is a great guy. He was very affectionate with me, if that’s what you’re into. Although I think he can adapt to any scene. Honestly if he lived closer, I’d see him regularly. We’re already planning a weekend together probably early next year. Sadly scheduling (on my end) makes it difficult to see him sooner.
  19. I have met him twice so far. The last time being in late August. He looks exacly like his pics. Very handsome and amazing smile. Amazing body with beautiful smooth skin. He also has nice feet and really nice butt. His body felt great. He is very kind and open. I didn't feel he was shy the first time or the subsequent time we met. I had a great time all around. I'm not a massage aficionado. I've only started to really get into them recently. In my limited experience the massage was very good. I asked him for medium pressure. I did the extended spa erotic massage treatment.
  20. Another provider I should mention is Alec. He was so kind, sweet, and very very sexual. 😛
  21. He's only been a member on RM since Sept 6. So the odds someone on the forum has met him is probably low. If he were in my area I'd take one for the team, but alas he's hundreds of miles away.
  22. Although I think some people are better at emotional compartmentalization, on some level, long term client/provider relations develop some type of bond. On the rare occasion, I think it can happen in the short term too. Some people just click together. Although I know the op started this topic about clients becoming emotionally attached, it does swing the other way too… with providers getting attached as well. Can emotional attachment be a problem? Sure it can. However, I think it’s only when that bond is one sided or used to abuse, control, or manipulate either side. In my experience, I don’t necessarily seek attachment, friendship, etc., but it has happened a decent number of times. I’ve become friends with providers I used to hire and some I still do. Some have come and gone. Yet others, I’m certain, will be life long friends. We talk and see each other on and off the clock. Some have since retired, semi-retired or are still heavily involved in escorting. I love them platonically and it seems to be reciprocated. Hell, one of the ones who has retired has become a doctor. He and I travel together. We have 3 trips planned before the year comes to a close. The great thing about him is my kindness toward him (when he was doing porn and escorting) is being repaid in kind. He sometimes will pay for my portion of a trip because he says I helped him emotionally, academically (helped him study), and sometimes financially through medical school when he felt like giving up. I understand keeping the emotional side out of this business, but if the emotional attachment is respectful and mutual. I don’t see a problem. Now if there is stalking involved… that’s a horse of a different color.
  23. Well I sent him a message a couple days ago. No response. Two issues. First, his ad appears to be gone now. Secondly, when the ad was up, the last date it listed he was on was in May. Mintboys is notorious for having guys on the site that are no longer available. So either he got what he wanted me from the site. Possibly a quick buck. Or maybe he didn't like the responses or clientele he was getting. Who knows, but he had to have taken it down himself. Ads from that site rarely disappear. Sad because I always hoped he'd escort ever since I noticed him in porn a few years back. Now all I need is Nico Coopa to make an ad somewhere. LOL!
  24. Absolutely agree. Great all around. I didn't know about the crises he had but he was definitely hard to pin down. However, he was so good when we met. He is probably the only provider I overlooked the flakiness because he was just that damned good. He came back briefly a few years ago, but as before it was so hard to synch schedules then he vanished again. If he came back again... I'd definitely try to see him again no matter how hard it was to pin him down.
  25. Michael was awesome. My fav thing with him was he would get so turned on when you talked dirty to him. I mean he was already super sexual, but talking dirty to him made him go crazy.
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